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""What, what?"

The man from the Survey Corps obviously didn't react. He didn't expect Lin Quan to ask such a question, so he was stunned for a moment!

"Haha, maybe I didn't make myself clear. What I was asking was, what is the shortest record for this kind of training?"

Lin Quan had already changed his equipment, checked his gas tank and blade, and was ready to go!

""Humph, it’s useless to ask this. You may not even be able to reach three minutes, and you still want to covet Captain Levi’s record!"

This man had a look of disdain on his face, but seeing Lin Quan still staring at him, obviously waiting for his answer, he wanted to ignore it, but Lin Quan’s gaze made him very uncomfortable and a little scared, so he could only say:"Captain Levi took one minute and fifty-three seconds, but he cut off all ten giants’ targets!"

Although Levi’s position is not high, because of his strong combat effectiveness, his prestige in the Survey Corps is very high. At this time, when the soldiers talked about his record, his face was full of expressions as if the record was created by himself, and he couldn’t suppress his pride!

Lin Quan smiled slightly and said lightly:"Sure enough, he is very strong, worthy of being Captain Levi!"

After that, he disappeared from the spot. The onlookers around were stunned for a moment, and then someone shouted:"This kid is so fast, and he hasn’t used the three-dimensional maneuvering device yet!"

"I thought he turned on the gas and used the accelerator, but it turned out that he was running on foot. At this speed, is he still a human being?"

These onlookers were basically the ones who had been watching with Lin Quan when he was teaching those scumbags of the Military Police just now. When they saw Lin Quan and the others come in, they followed them to see if there was anything else to watch. Unexpectedly, there was something else to watch!

The soldier from the Survey Corps was stunned. What was going on with these guys? Why were they all watching?

And they heard them talking about the guy just now. Was that guy very powerful?

He glanced in the direction of Lin Quan, but at this time Lin Quan had already run into the woods as fast as lightning!

This forest is very dense, and the dense branches basically block the view in all directions. If you want to see clearly, you have to get close enough, and that will inevitably waste a lot of time and gas. With a distance of more than 1,000 meters, only by finding the shortest route and killing those targets at the fastest speed can you break Levi's record. To be honest, three minutes is a piece of cake for him, but his ambition is not three minutes, but to break Levi's record!

It was easy to find an opportunity to compare the difference in strength between him and Captain Li. How could Lin Quan miss such an opportunity?

So the moment he entered the tree, he began to concentrate and began to observe carefully!

The giant is very large. In order to imitate the giant's huge system as much as possible, the giant's target will be very high. Even if such a tall target cannot be seen in the woods, it can be felt. Whether it is wind or sound, there will always be a reaction when it hits this target!

And Lin Quan has to identify the location of each target based on these subtle clues in the air! He believes that Levi must not rely on his own eyesight, that would be too limited!

After calming down, everything around him became particularly clear in Lin Quan's mind!

One, two, three, four...

Soon, Lin Quan had found the location of ten targets, and almost in an instant, he had planned the driving route in his mind!

And now, the gas that Lin Quan saved before can come in handy.

In an instant, Lin Quan moved, so fast that it was difficult to distinguish. This speed was like a flash of lightning, flashing by. The wind he brought would not blow until several seconds after he left. His speed was so fast that even the wind could not catch up with him!

The commander on the high platform trembled slightly with his hands holding the telescope. The qualifications of this recruit seemed very good, at least this speed was very good. He had never seen such a fast speed before!

And the question he was wondering just now finally had an answer!

"This guy, the running start just now, turned out to be for this purpose!"

Levi on the side didn't use the telescope at all. His own vision was far beyond that of ordinary people. At this time, he could see very clearly without a telescope!

Just now, he thought in his mind that Lin Quan ran so fast to save gas, because the use of the three-dimensional mobile device on flat ground cannot rely on the power of inertia, so the cost is high, the price is high but the effect is very poor. As a result, this guy actually ran directly, and then opened the gas injection device to the maximum in the jungle, and skillfully used the care and the anchor piles of the three-dimensional mobile device to move!

This guy, this speed looks really terrifying, and it seems that he has a chance to keep this speed until he reaches the finish line, as long as he can accurately find the target of those giants!

"This guy seems to want to break your record!"

Erwin smiled and said to Levi beside him. Levi was indifferent. Such a record was meaningless to him. If such a record could save the lives of a few more soldiers, he would give it up without hesitation!

After the captain finished speaking, he fell into deep thought. Although he had not officially met this soldier, he was very interested in Lin Quan at this time.

This was not the first time he heard of this person's name. He had heard Levi mention it before, but this time, after seeing it with his own eyes, he finally believed Levi's original judgment: if this person is trained well, he will become the strongest fighting force of the next generation of the Survey Corps! _

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