"Haha, you don't have to look at me like that. The reason I could guess it is mainly because your worry is written on your face. It's too easy to guess, isn't it?"

Mikasa lowered her head. Did she really show that much worry?

"But I think your strategy may not work. I understand your idea. You want to work hard to perform better, and then get into the top ten, so that Eren can get into the top ten with you, and then let him choose the Military Police. Only the top ten students can choose the Military Police!"

Mikasa didn't nod or shake her head. It seemed that she was guessed!

"However, Eren is so determined in his own ideas and his will to kill all the Titans. How can you guarantee that he will choose the Military Police like you?"

Lin Quan smiled. Even if the accidents that followed did not happen, Eren would still choose the Survey Corps directly. He has always wanted to be a member of the Survey Corps. This is a dream for him!

Moreover, Eren is a human who has become a Titan. He is the key to the entire human race's victory over the Titans. Therefore, he will eventually become a member of the Survey Corps, whether he likes it or not!

Mikasa was silent. She had also thought about what Lin Quan said. It seemed that she really had no way to change Eren's decision!

"But there is more than one solution to everything. Since you can't change his decision, why not think about it from another angle and think about the problem in another way!"

Lin Quan smiled and said to Mikasa.

Mikasa looked at him puzzled, not knowing what he meant!

Thinking from another angle, what should be done?

"Since you can't change his decision, you can only improve your own strength, or find some very powerful and reliable people to protect him!"

Lin Quan smiled and looked at Mikasa.

She herself is very strong.

To protect Allen, it is enough for now, but in the long run, it is still a little insufficient.

The power of the giants is too strong, and there are many of them.

Some of the current means of human beings are still difficult to deal with them.

Whether it is the half-blade blade they use or other firearms, they are not so easy to use when dealing with giants.

The gas storage of the three-dimensional maneuvering device is limited, and it is actually impossible to support long-term combat.

Once the gas is exhausted, the mobility of humans will be greatly reduced, and the height of the giants is much higher than that of ordinary humans, so they can't attack the giants without the three-dimensional maneuvering device!

Therefore, no matter how strong Mikasa is, she can't play her strength 100% in the face of various unfavorable factors, and she can't protect Allen well!

"Do you mean to say that I need your help?"

Mikasa was very smart and immediately understood the hidden meaning of Lin Quan's words!

"Haha, that's right, I'm very strong, how about you form an alliance with me, please consider it!"

Lin Quan looked at Mikasa with a smile, the alliance would not cause any loss to her, and for Lin Quan, it would not cause any loss either, and he could also gain three friends, which would be very helpful for his three years of training life!

"We can form an alliance, but you have to prove your strength!"

Mikasa nodded, but put forward her own conditions. It seems that she is still not very confident in Lin Quan's strength!

"All right, let's use this competition as a start and see who reaches the finish line first!"

Lin Quan smiled slightly, and instantly increased his speed, immediately pulling away from Mikasa!

Then he turned around and smiled at Mikasa, and walked away!

Mikasa bit her teeth lightly, and was also secretly competing. She also began to work hard to increase her speed. This guy thought that he was someone he could defeat so easily, but he was wrong!


"What's wrong with the two guys in front? They are running so fast, and they can still speed up. Are they still human?"

Rang was very surprised. He just thought that the first place was in his pocket, but now he saw Lin Quan and Mikasa walking away, and he couldn't even compare to them. He was naturally frustrated!

Behind him, Ani also saw the speed of Lin Quan and Mikasa. Although she always looked down on those who only had brute force, she was also surprised to see these two guys still have such explosive power at the end of the race! I only knew that Mikasa was very strong before, but I didn't regard her as a threat. After all, there are many strong people, but none of them are her opponents.!

If she wanted to, she could turn into a female giant and kill a large number of such strong men in an instant!

But Lin Quan who appeared at this time aroused her vigilance!

This guy is too mysterious. It is completely unclear where he came from and what his plans are!

This guy's strength looks more terrifying than he shows. Ani can clearly feel that he is holding back!

Without knowing the opponent's upper limit, Ani can only put a big question mark about Lin Quan in her heart!

She even has a hunch that this guy may become a huge stumbling block to her actions in the future!


"These two guys are running so fast that I can hardly catch up with them on horseback!"

The instructor waved the whip in his hand desperately, trying to catch up with Lin Quan and Mikasa who were in the front!

He has taught so many classes of students, but he has never encountered such a situation!

There are people who run so fast the whole way, even faster than horses. These guys don't look like humans at all, they are no different from beasts!

���This discovery not only did not make him unhappy, but also made him very excited!

Instructor Keith felt that he had found a treasure this time. He had a hunch that among his 104th batch of students, there would definitely be some extraordinary guys. When these guys became famous and killed people everywhere, he could proudly brag to others that these were the students he brought up!

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