"Lin, Mikasa, do you want to try the rice balls I made?"

Sister Pei is a girl after all. Although she is a qualified soldier, she still has the abilities that girls are born with!

At this time, she walked to the branch where Lin Quan and Mikasa were, took out the rice balls she had prepared, and wanted to share them with them.

"How can I feel embarrassed about that? You prepared all these, Sister Pei. If we eat them, you will be left with nothing to eat, Sister Pei."

Lin Quan said no, but he had already reached out to take the rice ball handed over by Sister Pei. He said he hated it, but his body was honest. Hmm……

"Haha, kid, you are dishonest. Sister Pei still has a lot here. These are prepared for everyone. If you don’t eat them, they may go bad!"

Sister Pei looked around, as if she was looking for someone.

Seeing this, Lin Quan understood that Sister Pei was probably looking for the captain, but the captain had gone to find Captain Erwin before and hasn’t come back yet!

"In that case, we won't be polite, Mikasa, here, you try it too!"

Lin Quan had never tasted rice balls in the training corps.

This thing is a traditional Japanese food.

The main ingredient is rice, of course, there are many ingredients, the general ingredients are fish fillets and so on, but the place where the Eldians are located is inland, not surrounded by the sea, and there are a large number of giants besieging outside, making it unlikely for them to go out of the city to fish, so the fish fillets are gone, but Sister Pei added a lot of other things in it.

Although it is impossible to tell what it is, the rice ball is sweet and soft, and it tastes quite good!

""Mm, it's delicious, Arigato, Petra-senpai!"

Mikasa is from the East, and she may not know her identity, but this kind of rice ball makes her feel very familiar and tastes very good. In addition, she is also very grateful for Sister Petra's care, so she is very polite at this time!

"Haha, Mikasa, you are too polite. Don’t be so polite next time. Just call me Lin Quan like you do!"

Lin Quan rolled his eyes and shouted:"Aunt Petra, the rice balls are delicious, I want to eat more!"

Petra:"Get out of here!"……"

Everyone laughed. Lin Quan was such a funny guy. Petra was not even 20 years old yet. It was too mean for her to call someone"Auntie"!

Petra laughed too. She knew that Lin Quan was joking with him. Anyway, if that person didn't come back, the rice balls would not be finished. It wouldn't be wasted if he ate them. So, although she scolded Lin Quan, she still gave the rice balls to Lin Quan.

Everyone was chatting and laughing on the tree. The war horses under the tree were also chewing grass leisurely. However, after eating, they had to feed the war horses with water and some black beans.

The war horses were their only means of escaping on flat ground. If they didn't keep the war horses in good condition, once an unexpected situation occurred, they might not be able to run away in time!

Therefore, the care of the war horses was something that every soldier had to deal with personally. The Survey Corps did not have a special groom. Every soldier had to take care of his own war horse, even the captain and the captain were no exception!

In the Survey Corps, due to the reforms by the captain, all the traditional concepts of class status and other traditional corps were broken. All soldiers were only distinguished by their positions, and there was no other difference. Even if they were in different branches, they would not look down on each other. The support squad had its own value, and the vanguard squad was not cannon fodder. The search squad had the highest casualty rate, but there were always many applicants!

Captain Erwin had really put a lot of effort into keeping the morale of the Survey Corps so high!

"This is where we are now, only about 76 kilometers away from the Maria Wall. If we calculate the distance, we can reach the wall before dark, but the Maria Wall has fallen. We are not safe in the wild, so if we want to ensure our own safety, we must find a suitable place to camp!"

The leader sat on the ground, chewing on a dry pancake, and said to the command class while looking at the map.

"The giants can't move at night, which is a great help to us. Otherwise, we have to fight them at night, which is not good news!"

The team leader Sanmao was also here at this time. After hearing about the camping, he sighed.

"We still can't be careless.

Although we haven't found any evidence that giants are active at night, this doesn't prove that giants can't be active at night!

So the standard of our campsite should be set as high as possible!

" The captain glanced at the map and pointed to a place:"We have been to this place before.

There is an abandoned castle here, and the location is relatively high.

If we set up obstacles at the foot of the mountain, it should be able to block the giants for a while.

We can't ensure that giants can't be active at night, so we must be very careful!


The captain nodded, glanced at the location of the castle, and fell into deep thought. Many past events were evoked in this way.

"Perhaps, what we see is what the government wants us to see, and what we don’t see is perhaps what the government hides!"

That sentence changed his life. Almost 20 years have passed. Thinking about this incident again, he was actually a little shocked that he would be so persistent for such a small matter at the beginning, and it actually came to this point!

"Well, notify the vanguard squad to change the marching route and arrive here before dark. If you find a giant coming here, do your best to kill it and don't leave any trouble behind!"

Captain Erwin waved his hand and gave the order!

""Yes, Captain!"

Everyone stood up together, stood straight, put their hands on their chests, and gave their captain a standard Imperial Titan military salute!

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