Lin Quan knew that he was not facing an ordinary giant. This strange species itself had very good qualifications and outstanding strength, so it was normal for the other party to choose it for operation. After all, compared with other giants, this strange species had much greater potential!

If it weren't for Lin Quan's appearance, the Left Wing Survey Corps should have been defeated at this time, and the giants should have surrounded them!

Even if they hid in the huge forest, as long as the giants surrounded them but did not attack, their food supplies would be exhausted sooner or later! If the giants attacked again at that time, they would have no chance!

If it was just an ordinary giant, it would be impossible to do this, but if the other party was considered as the Beast Titan, then with the other party's wisdom, it would definitely be possible to do so!

Therefore, the Survey Corps was very dangerous at this time!

Lin Quan couldn't think so much at this time, he had to concentrate on dealing with this giant!

"You are blocking it with your hands, so that I won't chop your neck, right? Haha, do you think I will let your plan succeed so easily?"

Lin Quan moved quickly, and at this time he had already rushed to the giant's shoulder, and beside him, the giant's left hand was waving towards him. Obviously, the giant wanted to catch him while he was not yet stable!

Lin Quan smiled coldly, he was waiting for this opportunity!


He moved in an instant, so fast that he almost left an afterimage.

The giant's arm had just moved a little closer, but Lin Quan had already rushed towards the other arm!


Two sharp blades flashed with cold light!


The sound of the blade entering the flesh began to sound!


Lin Quan shouted, and started to chop vigorously while running!

Two sharp blades cut a long bloody wound on the giant's right arm, and steaming blood began to gush out, and the vision began to be blocked!

People in the distance watched all this with some concern, they couldn't understand what Lin Quan was doing!

"This kid, what is he going to do? Why not attack the giant's back directly?"

The distance was a bit far, so many people couldn't see the situation clearly, so at this time, many people couldn't guess Lin Quan's intention!

In their opinion, since the giant had freed one hand, Lin Quan should try to attack the weak point of its neck directly. In that case, as long as he successfully completed an attack, the giant would be killed!

"No, it won’t work. The giant’s strength has not been fully utilized. Moreover, this seems to be a trap!"

Although he was very interested in this giant, Captain Hanji was more concerned about Lin Quan’s life and death at this time. After all, he was a companion of their Survey Corps, and his value was not comparable to that of a giant!

The captain nodded slightly. It was indeed a trap! Fortunately, Lin Quan was not fooled. The giant’s left hand was pulled out, and the gap left seemed to have a few opportunities, but it was a complete trap, because the giant’s position at this time was very problematic. Don’t forget how he moved at the beginning!

Lin Quan’s choice cannot be said to be the best choice. Attacking the right hand is more difficult than attacking the left hand, because the opponent’s back-up move is hidden in the right hand!

And Lin Quan obviously saw this, so he He chose to actively attack the right hand!

This choice was a bit reckless. Either he did not see the situation clearly and made a rash choice, or he was very confident in his own strength and believed that he could achieve his goal, so he chose to do so!

In any case, no one was Lin Quan at this time, and no one knew what he was thinking, so they could only wait quietly!

The blood mist brought by the blood not only interfered with Lin Quan's actions, but also interfered with the Beast Titan who was controlling the giant in the distance. The giant's sensory system was far less developed than that of humans, so the information he obtained from this giant was not too much, and he wanted to control it as he pleased. It is very difficult to perfectly control this giant!

Lin Quan chopped with a knife all the way, and although they were minor injuries that were not fatal to the giant, the steam caused by the blood mist blocked part of the Beast Titan's vision. He was too far away and couldn't see clearly. At this time, Lin Quan happened to run into the blind spot of his vision, so he couldn't see even more. He could only accept the giant's sensory system and"feel"!

This was very difficult to use, because giants don't know pain!

Lin Quan chopped them with a knife, but they didn't feel anything, so the Beast Titan was helpless against Lin Quan all of a sudden!

He knew that Lin Quan probably wanted to abolish the joints of this hand to make This hand is useless, but how could he let such a thing happen!

Therefore, the Beast Titan could only launch the killing move he had prepared before!

That is to roll over immediately!

This giant crawls on the ground with both hands and feet. This way of movement is the most familiar to him. And there is also a good point in this way. That is, the position is very low, and it is not easy to provide leverage points for the three-dimensional maneuvering device of humans to let them fly around!

Without leverage points, the mobility of human soldiers will be greatly reduced, and the rolling speed of this giant will far exceed the movement speed of human soldiers, so even if it does not eat this human, it is enough to use its own weight to crush this guy to death!


Captain Levi was shocked. He had guessed that the giant might have such a plan, but when the giant really used this trick, he found that there was no good way to deal with this guy!

The size of this giant is about 13 meters, which is not too big, but compared to humans, it is still a little too big!

And when he rolls once, it takes at least 10 meters, which is a very short time, basically there is no time to move!

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