Aura Hunter

Chapter 308

On both sides of the fountain square, there are dozens holding elites and wearing armor, the holy light Knight. In the center of the fountain square, there is a dark twist, sometimes expanding, sometimes shrinking, and it is still buzzing continuously space fissures.

Different from the door of holy light, the inside of this deformed labyrinth hole does not show the other side that it is connected to, but is covered and blocked by a turbid light vortex.

It not only makes it difficult to see where the labyrinth hole will be connected to, but also diffuses a labyrinth madness in silence, causing the hunter Squad to approach it all the time. That is, I felt the familiar discomfort and depression in advance.

The holy light Knight who led the way stopped in front of the deformed labyrinth pothole, then turned around and announced to the Aura hunters.

"It's here."

Leviton observed the distorted space fissure in front of him, and then turned around and told Ye Chen, Shia, and Amanlo colleagues.

"The form of the murlocs' invasion of the Glass Pearl Harbor is similar to an organized action, which means that there are likely to be their remaining troops in the inner side of the labyrinth pothole, which may be less or more."

"After we enter the labyrinth later, we may have to fight those monster teams directly, so you'd better take the anti-infection potion in advance and prepare for the hard fight at the beginning."

"In addition, let me talk about the arrangement of the team battle, Ye Chen, you and I will attack in the front row together later, Amanlo, you should protect Shia in the back row, if you have any objection, now Just say it quickly."

Amanlo smiled slightly, and then put her arms around Shia's shoulder.

"No problem, young sister Shia will leave it to me~"

Leviton immediately turned his head and looked towards Ye Chen, and asked calmly: "So, what do you think? What?"

Ye Chen responded calmly: "I have no objection, so let's do it."

Leviton's eyes were nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good."

So, the four Aura hunters drank the anti-infection potions they had prepared in advance, thus greatly increasing their body's immunity to the mutation effect. resistance.

Afterwards, Ye Chen ran the Blood Collection Bracers, condensed 20 rounds of blood bullets for his box submachine gun magazine at one time, and then stretched out his hand to smear the blade of the meniscus arc knife with bright red The blood exudes a strong edge.

After the desperate battle with the abyss monster a few months ago, Ye Chen's current blood Aura has become stronger under the influence of his physical and mental growth, so even if Ye Chen is a With his breath casting blood blades and twenty small-caliber blood bullets, his mind was still awake and stable, without the slightest sense of dizziness.

A few minutes passed, and Leviton checked the ammunition in the pistol, and then confirmed to his companion:

"Are you all ready?"

Ye Chen, Shia, and Amanlo are nodded together.

"Then we'll set off now."

The voice fell, Leviton quickly walked towards the deformed labyrinth hole in front, and Ye Chen and the three followed closely from behind.

The holy light Knight who brought the hunter squad here, looked at the silhouette they were about to leave, and then said goodbye softly:

"Good luck to you."

Leviton glanced at him, then turned back.

"I hope so."

Then, the Blink Hunter stepped into the distorted space rift, and disappeared in the glass bead port along with the Bloodsmith Hunter, the Finger Hunter, and the Winged Hunter. In Fountain Square.

Holy light Knight saw this scene and did not stop in the square, that is, turned around and left, and quickly returned to his urban search and rescue work.


Entering the dark vortex of the labyrinth, a space tunnel filled with bright nebulae appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes, making him instantly fell into a state of weightlessness.

Ye Chen is not unfamiliar with this colorful, magnificent and splendid spectacle, because as early as when he left the Eternal Winter Hidden Domain and the Sand Grass Hidden Domain, what he used was something like this. Wonderful corridor.

No one knows the existence principle of this type of space tunnel, and no one knows what the nebula around the tunnel seems to be so far away, silently watching every space traveler.

since ancient times, everyone just regards it as a major feature of the Aura maze. It is just as unfathomable and weird as the ontology. All humans can do so far is to accept it, not to study it. it.

Not long after the four Aura hunters fell into a state of weightlessness, an unknown pulling force emerged from everyone's bodies, pushing the four Aura hunters to the other side of the space tunnel together.

"Get ready for battle, we must try our best to take the lead!"

Watching the white light at the end of the space tunnel getting closer and closer, Leviton side Maintaining the balance of his body, he turned his head to remind his colleagues behind him loudly.


The other three responded together, Ye Chen even put his finger on the trigger of the box submachine gun, ready to fire at any time.

Subsequently, under the traction of the space tunnel, the entire hunter squad finally rushed into the white light at the end.

Ye Chen closed his eyes tightly, and when the dazzling white light disappeared from the gap between his eyes, he immediately opened it again.

Then, a multi-colored whole New World appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

As soon as his eyes changed, he adjusted his body movements immediately, turned over and unloaded on the rocky ground, and then suddenly raised his head. In just a few tenths of a second, he took in the surrounding situation. the entire scene.

This is a rocky stone platform surrounded by the sea on both sides, with a variety of colorful corals growing.

In addition, among the undulating gray-white rock walls and colorful corals around the platform, there is a murloc monster with blue-blue scales, slender claws, and a physique comparable to a human.

They are densely packed, with a total number of more than a hundred heads, like one after another blue wave embedded in the rock formations, tightly surrounding the labyrinth pits below the coral mesa.

However, although these blue murlocs seem to be deliberately guarding the space rift that connects the holy light pure land, most of them are opening their eyes and fighting at this moment. Doze off.

Only a very small number of blue murlocs shook their heads as if waking up from a dream when they heard the landing sound of the hunter squad.

"gu lu?"

They turned their heads in surprise, then turned their heads and looked carefully at the center of the rocky ground where the pits of the deformed labyrinth were located.

Then, a pair of huge fish eyes mirrored with four silhouettes, bursting out the emotional color of shock and horror.

However, the hunter did not show the slightest panic after being teleported to this coral mesa filled with blue murlocs by the labyrinth.

For them, who have long been prepared for the battle, the next plot development is already very clear.

The battle between hunters and preys just kicked off at the beginning.

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