Aura Hunter

Chapter 310

Feeling the fierce claw wind rushing towards him from all directions at the same time, Ye Chen's eyes burst into a burst of bright red Aura's power color, which made his sensory acuity skyrocket to the limit at this moment.

With the boosting state of "spiritual eyes", Ye Chen immediately found the most obvious gap between the overlapping silhouettes of the blue fish people.

next moment, the blood blade in Ye Chen's left hand was decisively swung out by him, and the blade drew a straight line of blood in the air, and then wiped the gap neatly The head of a blue fish man next to him was chopped off without any suspense.


After decapitating the prey with the blood blade, Ye Chen's right hand followed closely from behind to raise the box submachine gun, aimed at the second blue murloc on the other side of the gap, and then snapped the trigger , fired a small-caliber blood bullet that pierced its skull cleanly.


Under the action of the lightning-fast "close-range sword and gun firefight" technique, Ye Chen successfully made a breakthrough in the dense school of fish in a flash.

Then, feeling the chilling claws coming from other directions, Ye Chen immediately lowered his body and rushed towards the breakthrough.

hua hua hua!

Through this calm response and operation, Ye Chen successfully avoided most of the claws of the fish, making them only cut through the air in front of him.

However, the remaining few blue murlocs still rely on their extremely fast speed to make their claws barely touch Ye Chen's figure.


Accompanied by a slight sound, Ye Chen's windbreaker was cracked several times. At the same time, a shallow bloodstain appeared from his cheek, making Ye Chen His brain immediately received a fiery pain feedback.


Ye Chen quickly glanced at the cracks in his windbreaker, frowned slightly, and immediately rushed out of the confinement of the fish in one breath. .

Even though his reaction and actions just now were almost impeccable, Ye Chen still couldn't completely avoid the collective offensive of these blue fish people.

It is also a situation where there are many enemies, but the group of fish in front of him is obviously more than twice as tough and difficult as the algae ball crocodiles and camouflaged beasts that Ye Chen has dealt with in the past.

It can be seen that although the individual threat of these monsters is only at the third-level medium level, once the number is superimposed, then each of them can still be transformed into a terrifying Assassin Organization.

However, Ye Chen did not show the slightest panic in the face of this situation.

He focused his gaze on the thirty or so blue murlocs chasing him, and then dodged sideways again to avoid another blue murloc's pounce. That is, through the fatal killing of the blood bullet, it penetrated its eyebrows in one fell swoop.


The third blue murloc was killed with one shot, Ye Chen then lowered his head to avoid the sharp bony fins swung by the fourth blue murloc, and then lifted the blood blade in his hand upwards, and that's it He neatly slit his scaly throat.


After completing this series of counterattacks between in a flash, Ye Chen did not stay in place, but chose to continue walking quickly, maintaining a distance of more than one meter between himself and the fish. distance.

In the blink of an eye, the four companions died violently one after another. Witnessing this situation, the face of the blue fish people suddenly became more furious and hideous.


Then, these humanoid monsters opened their mouths and roared, roaring out a series of languages that Ye Chen couldn't understand.

After the blue murlocs made these actions, more blue murlocs sprang up in the crevices of the rock formations all around the cave. Among Chen's ranks, the total number of his own soared directly to more than fifty.

Then, this small army of murlocs waved their claws frantically, moved their legs desperately, and kept chasing and killing Ye Chen, trying to drown him in the During their own heavy offensive.

However, Ye Chen, who is witty and witty, has implemented the strategy of avoiding its edge, fighting and retreating, and continues to deal with the fish continuously.

Through this flexible adaptability, Ye Chen did not let the blue murlocs surround and trap him, but dragged their team into a crowded long line.

In this way, in the process of chasing Ye Chen at a high speed, the blue fish in the middle and back row will inevitably bump into each other.

This behavior of the blood smith hunters not only hinders the movements of these monsters, but also greatly increases the probability of them rubbing and tripping each other, which eventually leads to the offensive of the blue fish people. , but because their sudden increase in number turned into chaos in an instant.

Ye Chen, on the other hand, seized this opportunity, stepped back quickly, kept dodging from the frenzied pursuit of the "head-to-head fish" at the forefront of the fish, while maintaining the combination of blood blades and blood bullets to counterattack , constantly beheading or killing these "early fish" one after another, thus continuously reducing the members and battle strength of the alien monster side...

Leviton on the other side of the battlefield , after ruthlessly pulling out the meniscus arc knife from the abdominal cavity of a blue fish man, he immediately seized the brief spare time and turned his head to observe the battle situation on Ye Chen's side.

Then, he discovered that Ye Chen, a new hunter, had already used strength of oneself to play around with the densely packed crimson fish, almost playing with applause, but There is absolutely no need for him, an elite hunter, to rush over to provide support.

Hey, this kid is really capable. It seems that this sealing mission, the hunting group really didn't bother me...

Looking at Ye Chen's smooth flow With his skill and calm expression, Leviton sighed involuntarily in his heart, and his naturally gloomy eyebrows could not help soothing a little at this moment.

The Blink Hunter looked away from Ye Chen's side, holding up the full-moon sickleblade covered in fish blood with one hand, and the whole body was once again enveloped by a dazzling light.


Seeing a flash of light, Leviton's whole body was suddenly disappeared, causing his head to fall from a height, and the blue fish man who tried to perform a fatal jump on Leviton swiped the air on the spot, Immediately, he fell down on the stone ground in a daze.


It climbed up with a lose one's head out of fear, turned to look around, and immediately saw that Leviton had actually appeared out of thin air on the fifth floor. In the middle of another group of fish ten meters away, a hoarse fish howl sounded again.

Seeing this, the blue murloc immediately became timid about Leviton's strange movement method, and immediately turned around to run away.

However, before it took a few steps, it felt weak and cold in the chest.


The blue fish looked down in astonishment, and then realized that its chest covered with fish scales was actually a I was stabbed in between myself unconsciously.

The blue fish man was sluggish for a moment, and then he reacted clearly to the situation.

It turned out that although its attack just now didn't touch Leviton, it didn't mean that Leviton didn't encounter it in turn at that moment.

After realizing this terrifying fact, the blue fish man finally bent over and fell on the hard stone ground, with an expression of disbelief, he stopped breathing.

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