Aura Hunter

Chapter 319

Ye Chen cautiously pinched the fish scale he chopped at his feet, and quickly analyzed the situation while scrutinizing the texture and wrinkles on its surface.

"These things that jumped out of the blue murloc corpses to attack us... are not real creatures, but mutated fish scales that have been given life forms."


At the same time, his mind was also repeatedly recalling the situation of the sharp-billed little fish that immediately returned to its original shape after being destroyed, and a certain sense of sight was quickly formed in his heart.

Ye Chen searched quickly in his memory, and then suddenly realized that these strange little fish transformed from fish scales were not exactly the same as his old friend Wei Meng's Aura technique. Is it engraved?

The two, one is a fish and the other is a mouse, are both mutated by the body medium and have biological characteristics, and after being attacked and destroyed, they will revert to their original forms by themselves. , the truth can be said to be extremely similar!

With this in mind, Ye Chen suddenly realized that he immediately threw away the dark blue fish scales that had returned to the ordinary in his hand, and instead issued a reminder to his companions.

"This is an Aura attack launched by someone."

Hearing this remark, Shia, Amanlo, and Leviton did not speak, but their faces were already pale. Full of vigilance, they have all seen similar summon-type Aura techniques, so naturally, Ye Chen and Ye Chen also quickly came up with this conjecture.

"That's the truth."

Leviton responded, and walked quickly to the shore of the deep water, his eyes quickly from this end of the clear deep water Sweeping to the other side, but no trace of other creatures were seen.

Amanlo quickly checked that the five blue fish people at her feet were completely dead, and then she seriously speculated:

"These fish scales are in this batch of blue fish. It was drilled out of their bodies after people died, that is to say, the caster of the Aura technique was someone else."

Sia carefully observed back and forth among the corpses of the five blue murlocs. , and then added a piece of information to his companions:

“These murloc corpses have different parts of serious injuries, but a small hole of similar size has been cracked in the stomach bag of the abdomen, which seems to be stored in advance. It's the place for those weird little fish."

Ye Chen listened, and nodded further elaborated his point:

"Perhaps the caster of the Aura technique let them swallow them in advance The scales of these mutations, and then made the setting that once the swallower dies, the strange little fish will drill out from the corpse to attack the enemy... Now, it may have sensed our arrival. ."

The Life Source Aura of each nightmare sensor will develop different characteristics according to its own spiritual nature, so the nightmare ability born in this world can be described as all kinds of strange things, so the other It is entirely possible to realize these inferences made by Ye Chen.

Amanlo tore off the shell-pointed hat of one of the blue murlocs, checked and played with it for a few laps, and then began to tease.

"These blue murlocs are different from the ethnic groups we encountered before. They not only wear strange clothes, but also ride strange mounts, and their status is obviously much more noble than the latter."

"It seems that most of their tribal groups already have a hierarchical system, and their civilization is not the lowest Primitive level. Perhaps it is their chief who put small fish in these guys' stomachs. What~"

"However, the effect of this Aura technique is insidious and insidious, but the lethality is not very big. I think the opponent should only be at the level of 2nd layer or 3rd-layer nightmare."

Leviton confirmed that there were no other bluefish groups in the rear, and then hurried back to Ye Chen and the three, and expressed his personal thoughts as the leader of the squad.

"At the very least, we can now confirm that the opponent's tribe has at least one Nightmare Sensor. Although the overall threat level of the opponent is temporarily unknown, since the situation has not developed to the point where we must retreat, we You should continue to explore and move forward cautiously."

Ye Chen, Shia, Amanlo nodded, and then bypassed the corpses of these blue fish people and shrimp-like creatures. Continue inward with the rocky ground of the cave.


After flying forward for dozens of kilometers along the tunnel, an open and bright stone hall stands here safely.

In the center of the stone hall, there is a towering stone platform.

In the center of the stone platform, there is a square stone table.

At the front of the stone table sits a silhouette covered with scales.

He placed his legs on the edge of the stone table in a domineering manner.

On both sides of the stone table, there are other silhouettes of different physiques sitting around.

They are leisurely playing the instruments in their hands, including violins and accordions, and the overflowing timbres are intertwined, which makes them unique.

Then, the silhouette at the front of the stone table suddenly raised her scaly arm to her chest, and then made a rubbing gesture to the sky.

Seeing this silhouette suddenly doing this cultivation act, other silhouettes stopped their movements at the same time.

One of the silhouettes holding the accordion asked in a low and gloomy tone:

"Have you met a hunter?"

Silhouette at the front of the stone table After listening, he lightly nodded his head, and then opened his mouth in a hoarse voice: "They appeared from the labyrinth hole at the southern end of the island, and are now coming towards us, about seventy kilometers away."

Another silhouette, holding a violin, exclaimed in an oddly slick tone:

"Oh? Putting it that way, all your guards have been killed!"

Silhouette at the front of the stone table sneered and responded in a disdainful tone: "Oh, those guards are just some unnecessary chores, not worth mentioning."

Afterwards, another petite and slender silhouette sitting at the end of the stone table asked a question in a sharp female voice:

"Have you figured out the opponent's lineup?"

The silhouette at the front of the stone table nodded again.

"Of course."

"After all, they shot my little fishy."

"There were four hunters in total, two One 3rd-layer nightmare realm, two 4th layer nightmare realm."

After listening to this narration, the rest of the silhouettes immediately applauded.

"haha, not bad, not bad!"

"This lineup is neither too weak nor too strong, which is just right for us!"

"Hey, after being bored for so many years, I can finally have fun with these hunters again!"

And the other silhouettes were so excited about this that chirp chirp twitter While the twitter chattering continued, the female silhouette sitting at the back of the stone table couldn't help but sneer in a low voice.

"hehe, it seems that the butcher didn't deceive us, this time, the theater can finally open again after many years, so that we can bid farewell to the boring time..."

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