Aura Hunter

Chapter 322

Seeing Ye Chen's attitude so firm, Shia hesitated for a while, and finally shyly accepted his gift.

"Then...thank you...after the task is completed, I will reimburse you for the cost of this potion..."

After Shia finished speaking softly, she raised her hand to bring the medicine bottle to her lips, and carefully drank the liquid inside, and her mental state began to recover at an incredible speed just like Ye Chen's.

Witnessing this situation, Amanlo immediately put her elbow on Ye Chen's shoulder, and sighed in a strange tone: "Hey, I don't see that you are still a warm man, young man has a future. Ya~"

Ye Chen smiled bitterly and answered frankly: "I just think this is the safest way."

Leviton returned the personal item on the ground to the hunter's black ring. , while reminding everyone: "Okay, stop chatting, hurry up and pack up our things, our task has not been completed, don't relax too much."

"Understood, Captain~ "

Amanlo pouted and answered, and then packed up the personal items at the scene with Ye Chen and Shia.

After everything was ready, the hunter Squad left the corner of the stone ground where he rested and continued to go deeper into the blue cave, moved towards the central intersection of the cross island.

"During our rest period, the blue fish group did not send more troops..."

In the process of going deep into the cave, Ye Chen said Noticing the movements in all directions, he expressed his concerns to his companions.

"In my opinion, they should have sensed our approach, and even our intentions. If they did not choose to retreat and escape in groups, they would most likely choose to set up ambush and traps in the center of the island. Waiting for our side to show up..."

After listening to Ye Chen's conjecture about the behavior of the blue fish group, Leviton responded calmly.

"Well, in my opinion, the other party is most likely to set up an ambush near the abnormal point, so after you arrive near the destination, you will temporarily stand by in the back, and I will go ahead and explore alone. ”

Ye Chen hearing this, his expression suddenly froze.

"You go in first alone? Wouldn't it be too risky? If the other side sets a weird trap that can block the movement, wouldn't the situation be...

" "

However, in the face of Ye Chen's doubts and worries, Leviton replied calmly: "You don't have to worry about this, I have my own countermeasures, and there is no problem."

Seeing that the senior in front of him was so confident, Ye Chen didn't say anything more.

After all, the other party has the title of an elite hunter, and he will never act recklessly. He must have his own unique ideas and methods, so Ye Chen naturally has no need to continue to doubt and agrees instead. Leviton's plan.

After finishing speaking, Leviton glanced at Shia and Amanlo again, and then, as the Captain of the squad, issued a new order.

"After I enter the destination, if the situation inside is judged to be a level that everyone can handle, then I will shoot to signal, and then you can rush in when you hear the sound of gunfire. "

"However, if I encounter some accidents inside, or observe an extremely dangerous situation, then I will withdraw immediately. Once the situation develops to that point, don't ask more questions, Just follow my instructions wholeheartedly, I tell you to wait, you wait, I tell you to run, and you run."

"Do you understand?"

Amello He stretched his waist and replied leisurely: "I see, it's all up to you~"

Ye Chen and Shia also nodded their heads and obeyed Leviton's arrangement.

Seeing his companions, he had no objection. Leviton immediately ended the topic with a flat expression, and then led the hunter squid, continuing to move towards the depths of the blue cave.


After about three hours of travel, the dark road that appeared in front of the hunter's Squad suddenly widened, and it had been accompanying the hunter. The deep blue deep water of , also came to an end at this moment, and was replaced by a piece of hard stone.

At the end of the tunnel, there was a huge crack in the rock formation, silently emitting a strange light.

Seeing such a scene, Leviton turned his head and glanced at the stone wall gap at the top, and then instructed Amanlo: "Amanlo, you fly out to confirm, are we going to enter soon? The center of the island."

Amanlo quickly spread the wings on her back, and immediately followed the gap in the stone wall indicated by Leviton, and the whole person flew to the outside world in one fell swoop.

She stayed in the air for a few seconds, then turned back to everyone's side, and then told her companions: "Yes, we have now reached the entrance to the center of the island."

Leviton then announced to the crowd:

"Okay, then we will act according to the original plan now."

Leviton After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out a tiny item from his arms. Ye Chen looked carefully and found that it was something similar to a necklace pendant, and then handed it over to Amanlo.

"Then, you should go to the surrounding area to find a hidden location on standby. I will go ahead."

The voice fell, and Leviton immediately took out his full-moon sickleblade, Without looking back, he walked quickly towards the crack in the rock formation at the end of the tunnel, exuding a strange light.

Ye Chen watched Leviton's fearless back shrink step by step in the tunnel, and then turned around and asked Amanlo: "senior, Mr. Leviton, he just gave it to you. What?"

Faced with this question, Amanlo's expression suddenly became hesitant, and then she put away the mirror-like object and replied to Ye Chen: "This is his labyrinth relic, However, he wouldn't allow me to say anything about the specific effect..."

Ye Chen nodded his head knowingly, and didn't ask any more questions.

Therefore, the three remaining hunters then came to the edge of a few stone pillars nearby and quietly stood by in place, ready to wait for news from Leviton.


Leviton walked along the rocky ground, and soon reached the front of the huge rock crevice, and then radiated along it. of light, striding into it.

Afterwards, a stone road that was neat and tidy piled up by countless bricks and a stone wall with countless burning torches on both sides appeared in front of Leviton.

Obviously, this is an artificially constructed civilized scene, and the various murloc patterns and marks carved on the stone walls on both sides further prove that the creator of this area is the From the hands of the blue fish tribe.

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