Aura Hunter

Chapter 328

And in the process of receiving treatment, Leviton looked towards Amaro again, and then told the truth that he had learned.

"We've been plotted against."

"The murloc king of the bluefish tribe, actually a member of the Pleasure Theater."

"In addition to him, there are five other clowns in the center of the island. They seem to have long expected the formation of the deformed labyrinth, and they expected that the Aura hunters would send people here to destroy the abnormal point, so they planned to ambush us. ."

Hearing Leviton's this remark, Amanlo's facial expression instantly condensed.


After a brief sluggishness, the Winged Hunter's face was immediately covered with a thick terrified look.

"You're talking about... Joy Theater..."

"What you mean is it possible that is..."

"That madman organization that disappeared in the depths of the labyrinth as early as 173 years ago under the large-scale siege by the hunting group?"

Leviton's face solemnly nodded.

"Well, it seems that the clown remnants who survived back then have regrouped and returned."

Hearing this, the corner of Amanlo's eyes couldn't help it. After twitching for a few moments, he murmured.

"How could this be..."

"It's a coincidence that we're meeting these lunatics here..."

“Could it be that...the large-scale occurrence of the deformed labyrinth and potholes in the holy light pure land area this morning has something to do with the Joyous Theater?”

Leviton Looked the head gloomily.

"I don't know that, but according to the current situation, the probability is very large."

Amanlo paused for a moment and asked again:

"So, what kind of lineup is the opponent who can hurt you like this?"

Leviton was deeply sighed, and then replied in a calm tone:

" The other party has a total of six people, three in the 3rd-layer nightmare realm, and three in the 4th layer nightmare realm. In addition, there are nearly a thousand blue fish lurking in the grotto in the center of the island."

" Obviously, the opponent is not at the level we can handle."

"So, this mission can only end in failure; uh."

Then, the person in charge of assisting his injuries Shia, immediately withdrew her slender hands, raised her head and reminded Leviton: "Mr. Leviton, your injury has been cured."

"Well, thank you."


Leviton gave a short answer, waved his scabbed arm lightly, and after confirming that his wound was almost healed, he turned to the other three companions again, with a serious tone made a declaration.

"The other party may come after him at any time, so we must turn back at full speed now, without further ado, let's go!"

After giving the decision to retreat as the squad Captain, Blink Hunter Li Widun immediately turned around and quickly ran towards the starting point of the cave tunnel.

Seeing this situation, the other three Aura hunters also followed closely from behind and chose to leave this land of right and wrong with Leviton.

In the process of turning back at full speed, Ye Chen recalled the words "Happy Theater" and "Crazy Clown" repeatedly in his mind.

Actually, Ye Chen, who took the course of holy history at Hunter Academy, once read and understood these two words in a certain section of the history textbook.

The Theater of Pleasure is a heretic organization that existed in the labyrinth of Aura as early as a thousand years ago, and the mad clowns followed the legacy of the original founder of this organization A member of an organization that dresses up as a clown in traditional culture.

According to the book, most of the crazy clowns come from the different Human Races in the hidden areas of the labyrinth. In addition, these members either lost their ego in the nightmare, or they stepped under the pollution of the labyrinth's madness for many years. into madness.

In a nutshell, this is a group of veritable lunatic fanatics assembled.

It's just that, unlike ordinary forces, this organization formed by crazy people naturally does not have a clear order.

Just like its name "Pleasure Theater", this group of "crazy clowns" who are confused, psychopathic, and dehumanized only believe in one principle, which is "entertainment first".

As long as they can watch or participate in dramatic events, and savor the unique sense of novelty, excitement, and achievement, this group of crazy people can be happy, fulfilled, and satisfied.

So, for the so-called "drama", these crazy clowns from the Pleasure Theater, who have no sympathy and empathy, can do almost anything.

And their most common entertainment is to take a group of captured victims and stage a bloody inhuman script on the stage they prepared, so as to appreciate the shock and struggle of the performers. , the expression of despair, in order to fully satisfy his curiosity and realize the so-called "dramatic joy".

Therefore, since ancient times, whether it is a hidden area dweller living in the labyrinth, innocent people who stray into the labyrinth hole in the holy light pure land, or Aura hunters who go to Aura labyrinth to perform commissions, All of them have been poisoned by this crazy organization, and they have become toys under their hands, and their victims are even more numerous...

And it is precisely in view of these heinous For thousands of years, the Aura Hunting Group has carried out several large-scale clown hunts at the Pleasure Theater.

One of the most effective battles of the hunting regiment was a comprehensive siege that took place in the shallow layer of the labyrinth 173 years ago.

In that battle, although the hunting regiment suffered a lot of casualties, most of the theater was slaughtered.

A total of tens of thousands of clown groups, in the end, only less than a hundred of a fish that escaped the net fled, drag out an ignoble existence.

Under the hunter's wrathful revenge, the clown finally became the performer of this tragic script, and in the next hundred years, the notoriety of the Joyous Theater disappeared in the labyrinth.

So, for holy light pure land side, this can already be said to be a great victory.

About the historical records of the Pleasure Theater, as of this writing, there is no more record in the Holy History textbook of the Hunter Academy.

Therefore, Ye Chen, who was still a student at the time, after reading the contents of these books, in addition to regard the crazy clowns as a group of hateful scum drowned in the torrent of history, namely Is not generating more ideas.

However, he did not expect that today, he would be able to hear the name of this sensational organization once again from the mouths of his fellow seniors.

Pleasure Theater, back from the ashes.

The crazy clown, returns in a swirl of dust.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen clenched his fists, and complex colors emerged from the depths of his eyes.

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