Aura Hunter

Chapter 340

While spattering the fish blood from his own blade, Ulopati responded to Xiaomu with a face doesn't change: "hmph, that's of course, after all, the guys who are 'bad at teaching' have already been taken by me. All 'cleaned up' thoroughly... Okay, stop talking nonsense and bring the hunters here!"


Xiaomu responded in a loose tone, waved his hand again, and the next second, two arrow-shaped stickers exuding purple fluorescence appeared in his hand.

Seeing this, Kou Ling couldn't help but ask curiously: "Xiaomu, after so many years, you haven't used up this consumable labyrinth relic, how much is left?"

Xiaomu pressed the two stickers on the backs of the two dead blue murlocs, and replied to Kou Ling: "Except for this time, I only have the last ten left in my pocket. The sticker has been posted, which means that it can only be 'changed' five times, and then I have to find new relics!"

After listening to this, Barney couldn't help but muttered: "Haha. , you still have the use of it, it is not like me, the relic was damaged as early as a few years ago, so now I am the only one in our team who has no relic to use!"

Zhiluka Ka said with a smile: "hehe, those hunters should have some relics in their hands, so you can grab them from them later."

Banibe heard this, without saying a word, However, he also sneered along with it.

"Okay, back up, I'm going to activate the relic effect."

Xiaomu reminded the other five crazy clowns to step back, while he was standing on the blue In front of the murloc corpse, he folded his hands together, and then secretly chanted in his mind:

"'Transposition sticker', open!"

Under the manipulation of his mind Then, the two purple arrow stickers posted on the backs of the blue murlocs suddenly lit up, and then countless purple lights appeared, quickly covering the torso and limbs of the two blue murlocs, and their bodies instantly became empty. transformed.

A few seconds later, when the purple light completely wrapped the two blue fish corpses, a dazzling purple light finally burst out.

Wow ——————!

Faced with this scene, the crazy clowns around them laughed and said nothing, and the murlocs in the audience raised their hands to cover their eyes.

Then, when the purple light dimmed again, the two blue murloc corpses disappeared out of thin air.

It was replaced by two female human beings wearing pure black hunter uniforms with extremely surprised faces.

The more pointed hunter Shia and the winged hunter Amaro were teleported to the mad clowns.

"Haha! Both of them are great beauties! Xiaomu, you really know how to pick someone--!"

After seeing the beautiful face of the teleporter, Gai said Ji is unable to help but laugh excitedly.

"hmph's just a coincidence."

Xiaomu breathed a little tiredly, and then responded with a cold laughter .

"Ulopati, as the owner of this place, you should be the first to send greetings at this time, right?"

Kou Ling licked her red lips, He swept his gaze back and forth on Shia and Amaro several times, and then reminded Uropati.

"Of course."

Uropati laughed proudly, then cleared his throat, then walked quickly to the silent Shia and In front of Amanlo, he waved his hand and announced:

"hmph hmph hmph...Two dear hunter ladies, welcome to one of my territories: 'Shanhai Death Arena'."

"I'm the king of murlocs here, and a clown at the Pleasure Theater, Ulopati."

"Okay, now that I'm done introducing myself , now it's your turn."

"Can you tell me...your names?"

Uropati greeted him politely .

Looking at this bright hall, which is completely different from the previous deep water cave and full of tribal civilization, and then looking at Ulopati, who looks like a murloc, but is proficient in human language, and behind him. The five weird clowns in different costumes, the more they pointed at the hunter Shia, suddenly fell into a dazed silence.

For her new hunter, the situation turned so suddenly that Shia didn't fully understand what had happened to her, and the pair of unfamiliar sights around her had become so sudden. The eyes that looked back and forth for a while, also revealed her nervousness and fear in silence at this time.

However, as an elite hunter, Amaro is much calmer than Shia at the moment.

Her gaze just swept across the auditorium filled with blue murlocs, and then locked onto the most threatening entire group of clowns in front of her.

Before being teleported to this arena, Amanlo had some clues about the mutation on her body. Now it seems that Amanlo's conjecture is really good.

She and Shia were secretly activated by the clown's side to activate the relic effect of the space transformation effect, which was directly transmitted to the other party's base camp, while Ye Chen and Leviton were still in the digital space. In a tunnel ten kilometers away.

In this way, the hunter squad, which was already in a weak lineup, was divided into half of the battle strength by the clowns. The unexpected situation changed, and Amanlo and Shia were forced to directly enter. into a dangerous situation.


Seeing that neither Shia nor Amanlo responded to him, they just stood still, Uropatimi He squinted his eyes, so he raised his hand and clapped a few times, and loudly instructed to the group of blue fish civilians who filled the auditorium in all directions:

"Look, it seems that our dear guests haven't gotten over yet. Sober up from the surprise!"

"I think, is this because you are all too rude?"

"Everyone has been dressed up, but there is no one Raise your arms and cheer, are there any of you in the audience who do this—!?"

After Ulopati said these remarks loudly, the blue fish clansman in all directions was sluggish for a short time, and then he They jumped up from their seats one by one, pretending to be excited to the two Aura hunters on the stone platform in the center of the arena, raising their arms and cheering like baring fangs and brandishing claws.

"Goo Li Ji Li! Go Li Ji Li! Gu Li Ji Li!"

After all, on this occasion, no blue murloc dared not to give Uluo Patty face.

In front of their unsympathetic tyrant, ignoring the other party's good will mean their own death, so even if they are called as slaves or toys, these blue-eyed blues are eager to live. The murlocs had to do their best to pose and make the scene as lively as possible.

As a result, the hysterical cheers of nearly a thousand blue murlocs reverberated in the huge Shanhai Arena for so long, which seemed extremely noisy and harsh for a while.

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