Aura Hunter

Chapter 342

Because, the surface of this crystal blade is covered with colorful luster like oil stains, and just looking at it, it brings different degrees of stickiness and turbidity to the minds of Shia and Amanlo.

At the same time, after the strange dagger came into view, the two of them could vaguely hear a humming sound like a whisper of something, as if the dagger itself was in the air. Try to have a conversation with them.

"Is this..."

Amanlo stared at the strange dagger in Kou Ling's hand, and then murmured in disbelief.

"A dagger made of dirty crystal?"

Kou Ling explained proudly:

"Accurately, this is a A dagger made of high-purity dirty crystal."

"At the same time, it is also the 'key' to open the door of our joyful theater."

"So, although you are now There may be some resistance, but as long as you are lightly scratched by this dagger, you will be able to gradually enter the world on our side and gradually understand our thoughts, right?"

After finishing speaking, Kou The corners of Ling's mouth rose to a twisted angle, and the look she cast towards Shia and Amanlo was filled with anticipation.

Gage shook his head and sighed with emotion:

"It was more than ten years ago, when you hunters fell into our hands, they were basically played to death. But now that we have just had a revival of the Joyous Theatre and need manpower, you have one more choice, so you're lucky—!"

Barney added frivolously:

"Yes, yes, in addition, as someone who has come here, I have to persuade you, although this 'dirty crystal dagger' will make you feel very uncomfortable now, but as long as you get used to its 'taste', then the The entire world will be different!"

"I promise, you will definitely feel good at that time, but the price of this kind of happiness is that you have to use more than 100 bottles of tranquilizers every day. Otherwise, the brain will not be able to think normally!"

"Of course, in such a world, the brain might be better thrown away, hahahahaha—!"

The voice fell, and the clowns immediately began to hiss and laugh together, their words and deeds were all weird and crazy.

However, with regard to the question of "what is in their minds and how twisted their minds are", Amanlo has no intention of trying to understand and think.

Just as crazy clowns are laughing at the unfathomable mystery.

The instant these enemies looked away from themselves and Shia.

Amanlo's arm suddenly wrapped around Shia's waist again.

And the pair of snow-white wings behind her suddenly opened again at this moment.

Hula ——————!

The next moment, the strong wind burst out.

Hearing such a sudden movement, the mad clowns immediately stopped their laughter.

They turned their heads and found that the silhouette of the two Aura hunters was nowhere to be seen. When they looked up again, they saw that Amanlo took Shia off vertically and moved towards Shanhai. The top of the cave in the arena rushed at full speed.

And at the end of the top, waiting for the two of them, is a crack in the rock formations that penetrates the moonlight and leads directly to the outside world.

Seeing this, Uropati was stunned for a while, and turned pale in fright on the spot.

"Damn, forgot about this!"

He immediately yelled at Kou Ling and the others: "Hey! They're going to escape along that rock crevice! Ah! What are you doing still standing there, start the air train to chase after him—!"

However, unlike Uropati, who was afraid that the cooked duck would fly, he looked at the two Aura hunters. The silhouette who quickly left, but the rest of the crazy clowns looked as calm as ever.


Amanlo, who was bathed in the moonlight, ignored her messy hair, mustered up her whole body's energy and strength, and desperately fanned her hair. For the snow-white and huge wings, he led Shia to fly away from the crevice of the cave top of the Sea Death Arena, trying to rush into the night sky outside.

Amanlo knew that even if she did, the clowns would still be able to chase after them in the sky train.

However, after some silent observation before, she could vaguely feel that the two clowns, Kou Ling and Zhi Lu, were not breathing smoothly, presumably because of the control of the sky train. Small physical and mental loss.

It can be seen that this group of people is not able to drive the sky train unscrupulously all the time and fly freely in the sky.

Therefore, as long as Amanlo takes Shia out of the world, she still has the capital to start a tug-of-war with the Joker.

At this moment, the situation is not completely checkmate for the two of them, and they still have hope of escaping from this group of lunatics!

"What are you doing in such a daze—!?"

Watching the hunter go away quickly, and watching the indifference of several accomplices, Uropati suddenly became anxious. Stomp.

However, Zhi Lu just gave him a slight glance, and then responded in a plain tone.

"Don't be so loud, have you forgotten what I said just now?"

"All the exits in this area have already been placed in the labyrinth by me in advance. A relic!"

"So, do you think I'll get past the crevice at the top of the cave?"

As his voice fell, Amanlo happened to be bringing Shia along with him. It flew under the rock crevice on the top floor, and was about to shuttle out, thus rushing into the outside night sky.

Immediately after, Zhilu, who witnessed such a situation, clenched his palm into a fist under Uropati's somewhat dazed gaze, and sang in his heart at the same time. :

Let's play..."Crazy Thunder Net"!

Then, a bright yellow thorn bush, which was dazzling to the extreme, condensed and intertwined by dense thunder and lightning, instantly filled all the gaps in the gaps in the rock formations, and thus covered Amanlo's vision.

Boom ——————!

Accompanied by this deafening thunder, Amanlo's eyes that were originally full of hope also solidified at this moment.


However, the Winged Hunter was too late to slow down.

Because she flew too fast, the contact between the hunter and the thunder net was now a foregone conclusion.

And when she saw that she didn't have time to dodge, she was about to take Shia into the dense wall of lightning grids. At this moment, the only thing Amanlo could do was The only thing left to do is to fold up his wings at full speed and wrap himself and Shia inside as his last barrier.


After the huge wings covered the two silhouettes inside, the thunder and lightning poured out, fiercely slapped between its snow-white feathers.

Whoosh ——————!

After the mad thunder fell mercilessly, a pain mixed with burning and convulsions suddenly followed the nerve endings under the feathers and ferociously penetrated into Amanlo's brain, making her eyebrows instantly Grimly formed a group.

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