Aura Hunter

Chapter 344

For Ulopati's dissatisfaction, Kou Ling just replied with a casual smile: "If you think I'm wrong, just prove yourself with actions, when the time comes I'll give it to you. seriously said apologies~"

Uropati heard this, coldly snorted, and then turned to Gage and Banibe and questioned:

"To be underestimated like this , can you bear it?"

"Of course I can't bear it—!"

Gage and Barneybe answered in unison, and immediately took out a pair from their respective space bracelets. The curved hook blade of similar style also shows a bloodthirsty and aggressive look.

"It's fine for one-on-one, but I don't believe it. The three of us can't do anything against each other!" Barnibe said in a fiercely tone, holding out his protruding belly.

"Hey, I'm not only going to crush that Amanlo, but I'm going to tear off her wings and fiercely dangle in front of you!" Gage twisted his neck and let out a crackle. The crisp sound, and then declared so confidently.

"Okay, then come with me!"

Uropati's fighting spirit fell, and he tightened his strange machete with a dark blue luster. He held it between his own fish's paws, and then quickly ran to the edge of the stone platform, leaping to a height of fifty meters below.

The grey clown Geji and the orange clown Banipei also followed closely from behind, and then followed Uropati and landed on the rocky ground in an extremely rough way, and instantly Countless cracks were trampled on the ground.


Hearing this movement, Shia, who was burying herself in the treatment of Amanlo's injury, immediately stopped what she was doing, looked back, and then found that the three crazy clowns on the side of the theater were wail like Ghosts and howl laughed like wolves, rushing towards him and Amanlo.

Seeing this, Shia's brows sank, and she immediately took out her jade green rifle from the hunter's black ring, intending to pour her hot gunpowder out on these lunatics who wanted to approach.

However, Amanlo then suppressed Shia's arm, and at the same time instructed her with a very serious expression:

"Sia, you just treat me now. And it's enough to hold me tight, you don't care about anything else—!"

Sia was hearing this, her expression instantly hesitant, but after seeing Amanlo's extremely firm eyes, she still He immediately chose to trust the senior in front of him, and when he put away the rifle, he grasped Amanlo's waist while continuing to treat Amanlo.

When Yuzhi hunter did this, the three clowns, Geji, Banibe, and Ulopati, chose to divide their troops into three paths, occupying the center, right, and left respectively. direction, and then holding a sharp weapon, at the same time leaned towards the winged hunter.

Faced with this situation, although Amanlo was injured, her expression had completely recovered the calmness that an elite hunter should have, without the slightest panic and impatience.

She didn't take immediate action, just slightly raised her arm with the hunter's black ring, widened her "spiritual eyes" that shone with Aura luster, and calmly waited for the opportunity to counterattack. .

da da da!

Then, when the three crazy clowns rushed to her five meter away positions in the three directions of the left, center and right, and couldn't wait to start a close-range killing, Amello was originally calm. The eyes like water finally burst out with a surging killing intent.

I saw her snow-white wings that were originally smooth and supple, stood up impressively with sharp thorns exuding the power of Aura, and then they were like two huge white thorns covered with countless thorns. The silk, aiming at Banibe and Ulopati on the left and right sides of Amanlo, was scraping with all his strength.


At the same time, a black shine, a sharp iron whip covered with countless sword thorns was even more in the hands of Amanluo Summon, who then ripped it apart. The air in front of her was split open, and it was directly drawn towards Gage who was in front of Amanlo.


Seeing the snow-white wings swept towards them with an extremely turbulent killing intent, Banipey and Ulopati immediately chose to lean over to dodge, trying to bypass the wings and approach Amanlo himself.

However, although Snow White Wing failed to counterattack for the first time, it was able to change its direction in time, thus chasing Banibe and Uropati, forcing them to continue to dodge and fight. On defense, Shia and Amaro, who were unable to get closer to the center for a while, were forced to retreat to a distance of ten meters.

On the other side, Gage looked at the sharp iron whip that was swept towards him, but he had no idea of stopping and dodging. rush away.


However, just before the thorns on the iron whip were about to ruthlessly smash the neck of the gray clown, Gage's waist The spine had a mutation one step earlier, and it actually made a 90-degree turn directly to the rear.

Afterwards, Gage's upper body immediately leaned back, and the whole person avoided the whiplash from Amanlo in an extremely twisted posture, and then rushed to the position three meters in front of Amanlo in one fell swoop.

This guy can freely twist his skeleton?

Facing Gage's extremely bizarre evasion method, Amello thought in surprise, and then put her pair of stand In great numbers, the feathered wings were retracted and crossed in front of him at full speed, and then they ran hard towards Gage who was approaching.

Gage saw Amanlo's wings turn towards him, and immediately moved sideways, and at the same time swung out the sharp hook blade in his hand.

The two collided, and there was a sound of metal collision, and two dazzling rays of Aura's power giving tit for tat erupted.


It's just that, compared to the hunter's wings, the clown's hook blade is very small, so it can only help Gage resist a small part of the thorns of Amello's wings, and the rest. Most of the feather thorns swooped towards other parts of Gage immediately afterward.

However, Gage still didn't seem to be in a hurry. Seeing that he was about to be engulfed by the wings, he turned around and kicked out a swift kick, and then Fiercely hit him. Amello's wing surface.


Then, Gage's figure was shaken back by Amello's powerful force.

However, Gage quickly took two steps backwards, and immediately regained his balance, as if he had not suffered any serious injuries.

On the other hand, on Amanlo's side, even though the defense was successful, a blood hole suddenly appeared on her snow-white wings, and a bright red blood suddenly appeared.

Amanlo's brows also wrinkled because of the pain of the newborn.

This clown in grey...what did you just do?

She thought in surprise, her eyes quickly swept to Gage's leg, and then she was stunned to find that the other party only had a few large gaps in the trouser legs and boots, and the clothes were under the clothes. There were no obvious scars on the skin.

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