Aura Hunter

Chapter 347

Amanlo was born in Maple Leaf City in the Holy Light Pure Land Northern Region. However, she was just born and was abandoned by her parents at the door of the Maple Leaf Orphanage. After that, Amanlo was trained in the orphanage. With teaching, I grew up step by step.

Although she has never seen her relatives, Amanlo is born optimistic and open-minded, so she does not complain about the injustice of fate, but spends her time happily with other friends in the orphanage. childhood.

In her youth at the Maple Leaf Orphanage, since the orphanage was often understaffed, the older Amanlo often helped the teachers take care of the younger orphans. I can't just sit back and watch. Over time, I develop an instinct of caring for the young and protecting the shortcoming, and gradually become the elder sister of the child group, leading everyone to grow up healthily together.

And one night a few years later, Amanlo felt the summon of the labyrinth, and kept her sanity in the sudden nightmare, thus awakening her ability and possessing a pair of white and beautiful wings, In the end, I said goodbye to everyone in the Maple Leaf Orphanage. Following the guidance of the recruiting staff of the hunting group, I became a student of the Hunter Academy in one fell swoop.

Then, after studying the content of the waiting class and the graduating class in turn, and successfully passing the final graduation assessment, Amanlo received the title of "Winged Hunter", and then became the 2013 Hunter. , officially opened his own "hunter career".

Compared to most of her colleagues in the same period, Amaro's innate talent in nightmare induction can be described as outstanding, so the hunter level rises very quickly.

However, this does not mean that Amanlo's life as a hunter will be smooth sailing. On the contrary, Aura's hunter's labyrinth entrustment with many variables has brought countless risks and crises to Amanlo. .

And the hunter mission that impressed Amanlo the most, and still has lingering fears in retrospect, happened when she was a new hunter for the time being.

At that time, the hunter Squad where Amanlo was in was exploring the way home in a vast glacial landform, but unexpectedly the snow under his feet suddenly collapsed, and all the members of the Squad scattered and fell on the ground. in the fractured ice cracks.

At that time, Amanlo stumbled and fell to the bottom of one of the ice cliffs, with multiple fractures all over her body, not to mention spreading her wings and flying out of the ice valley, even walking does not raise.

Looking up at the sharp-edged, icy and frosty rock that exudes a chilling aura, and the dim light on the top floor that is blurred to the extreme, Amanlo bowed her head and looked towards the canned food in her hand, and the burning in front of her. The dry firewood was gone, and his face finally showed a deep sense of despair.

At that moment, Amanlo thought that she was going to die, that she was about to starve or freeze to death under this isolated ice valley.

However, more than a dozen hours later, when she took up the gun in shiver coldly hands, hesitating whether or not to directly raise the gun to kill herself, so as to save herself from unnecessary pain.

one silhouette, but suddenly covered the faint spot of light above the ice valley, and then under the gaze of Amaro's shocked gaze, she staggered all the way to the bottom of the valley where she was.

The person who appeared was Amanlo's colleague, the veteran hunter who was responsible for leading her and other newcomers to carry out the hunter commission.

When the glacier natural disaster struck, the veteran hunter was the only one not involved.

However, he did not choose to escape alone, but chose to concentrate on searching for the whereabouts of his younger generation in the past few days, and finally put all the new hunters such as Amanlo out of the most desperate situation one after another came to the rescue.

As a result, due to the high-intensity rescue work maintained for a long time, the veteran hunter suffered severe frostbite on his limbs, and when he returned to the top of the hunter, he was completely unconscious, and he had no idea about his daily life. It will have a significant impact, and it is obvious that it is no longer possible to continue to work as a hunter.

However, this senior has no regrets, because in his opinion, it is completely worthwhile to exchange his career prospects for the precious lives of newcomers such as Amanlo.

After hearing the senior's words, Amanluo burst into tears and made up her mind secretly.

One day in the future, if she becomes a veteran of leading the younger generation to carry out tasks, and then encounters a crisis situation such as this one, then at that time, she must be like a senior and do her best to meet those Desperate juniors reach out, just like senior did for her at the time.


Then, after many years, Amanlo met two juniors, Shia and Ye Chen, and fell into a far more dangerous situation than she imagined. more desperate situation.

She met the mad clown of the Happy Theater, and then she was teleported to the opponent's base camp together with Shia, and she fell into a situation where she had to fight with one enemy.

In addition, Amanlo understands in her heart that her colleague who is also an elite hunter, Leviton the Blink Hunter, although her nature is not bad, her rationality overwhelms her sensibility. Take Ye Chen to turn around to rescue her and Shia.

So, at this point, Amanlo can only rely on herself.

If she wants to protect the younger generation on the side of body protection from being poisoned, she can only choose to come forward!

At this moment, only my elite hunter can help Shia!

apart from this, no one else can do it!

Thinking at this point, Amanlo's eyes, which were tightly closed because of the stab wounds all over her body, finally suddenly opened again.

Then, she saw that the three crazy clowns in the field of vision were already holding elite soldiers, besieging herself and Shia with crazy laughter, as if showing a pair of killing intent. Pentium look.

Seeing this, Amanlo bit her teeth and finally raised her black shine sword and thorn whip.

Amanlo wanted to use this as a secret killing move to deal with the remaining three 4th layer nightmare realm clowns who were still watching on the stone platform, rather than wasting these three 3rd- layer on the clown of the nightmare realm.

However, she has no other choice.

Once the three people on the opposite side approached at the same time, even if Amanlo could use her wings to temporarily block the opponent's attack, the opponent would definitely stick to her and keep increasing the size of Amanlo's wings. The trauma, eventually completely wiped out the escape probability that she led Shia to the outside world.

So, at this moment, Amanlo can only spare no effort, give everything, and try to destroy these three chattering lunatics in one fell swoop!

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