Aura Hunter

Chapter 349

Then, a spiral sonic entity strong enough to shatter the air into countless ripples, the whole body glowing with a dazzling light of scarlet, and the sound quality sharp enough to stun Amanlo's mind, from Kou Ling's red lips It erupted suddenly.

Ah ————————————!

At such a close distance, she felt this terrifying sound that seemed to be able to roughly tear apart the nerves in her skull, and Amanlo's face suddenly tightened in pain.

However, before the scarlet sound wave was about to engulf her, Amanlo, with her little remaining consciousness and rationality, gathered up her charred wings in time to cover her own. body shape.

Then, scarlet to the extreme sharp sound waves, mercilessly strikes the surface of half black and half white wings.


The next second, on the other side of the dust that permeated the Shanhai Death Arena, one silhouette was shot back with bright red blood, and in a flash, it leaped over a distance of hundreds of meters. Immediately fiercely smashed into the rear wall of the death battle arena.


When the dense dust slowly dissipated, a woman with bruises and bruises slowly escaped from the human-shaped potholes on the surface of the wall, and then fell powerless. on the hard rocky ground below.

The pair of huge wings that were born on her back were also broken and perforated at this moment, and the charred surface was once again covered with a layer of bright red blood, which had lost its original whiteness.

Seeing that the winged hunter Amanlo finally collapsed in a pool of blood, the red-clothed clown Kolling cleared her throat with a satisfied look, and then spoke happily. Speaking to himself.

"Wow, the long-lost 100% sonic output, and it still hits the opponent at close range, it's really refreshing~"

After she finished speaking frivolously, she glanced at the bloody broken wings on Amanlo's body again, and then whispered: "Hey, I thought this shot would completely smash your wings, but I still can't think of it. They can still hold their shape, but they're really strong..."

With this comment, Kou Ling then looked to the other side of the Shanhai Death Arena.

I saw one of her accomplices, the purple clothed clown Xiaomu, who has now taken the more finger hunter Shia from the ear owl claw, and turned her to the ground with one hand.


Sia, who was grabbed by Xiaomu's wrists with one hand and the back of her neck with the other, immediately began to struggle desperately to get up on the ground, however, She of the 3rd-layer nightmare realm simply cannot match the powerful power of the opponent's 4th layer nightmare realm, so all resistance will only be in vain.

Seeing this scene, Kou Ling immediately reminded Xiaomu loudly: "Xiaomu, you have to pay attention to the size of your hands, this little girl is an extremely rare treasure for our theater. , so try to be gentle with her~"

After listening to Xiaomu, he answered with a mystifying laugh: "hehe, what are you talking about, I'm already super gentle here, alright, even just now Treat Shia with care, and don't let your mother-in-law's!"

Kou Ling reassured herself when she saw this, and said no more.

However, just when she began to think about how to deal with Amaro, and turned her head to look at the other side of the Shanhai Death Arena, Kou Ling's face changed instantly. stunned.


Because, wherever she could see, there was blood on the ground, and the silhouette was gone.

At this moment, Kou Ling's mind hesitated for a short while, and then she felt a fierce wind from the back of her head.


Hearing this sudden movement, she turned around suddenly, and then she was surprised to find that even though the huge pair of wings were riddled with holes, even though the body and face were covered with blood. It was dyed red, but the winged hunter Amaro was able to stand up again and sprinted behind Kou Ling again.

This Amanlo is still able to move, how is this possible! ?

Looking at the silhouette coming in front of her, Kou Ling thought in shock.

Then, the "Rapid Wind Whip" held by Amanlo tightly in the palm of the blood-stained palm erupted with a fierce and extremely black light, and then directed towards Kou Ling. Side slammed.

Not good—!

Gazing at Amanlo's blood-red eyes, feeling the terrifying wind that asserts the senses, Kou Ling's face changed drastically.

She had a keen mind and was able to react in an instant. The power of Aura contained in this "Rapid Wind Whip" was obviously an integral multiple stronger than the last time, which was undoubtedly the reason why Amanlo was desperate. The final blow.

So, if you face this move, even if your physical strength is in the 4th layer nightmare realm, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Thinking of this, Kou Ling, who had no time to avoid it completely, had to step back and protect her vital points with her limbs as much as possible, so as to minimize the damage she was about to suffer.

However, just when the "Rapid Whip" that contained Amanlo's last strength was about to release an extremely powerful black front, fiercely hit Kou Ling's torso.

A tall and burly silhouette fell from the sky at this moment, and then raised his giant fist, which swelled several times and was piled with countless spikes, from top to bottom, fiercely Hit Amanlo's back.

Boom ——————!

Accompanied by an extremely heavy, extremely terrifying, and even a muffled thunderous sound of a little bone cracking, Amanlo's whole body was punched under the stone ground by the burly silhouette, black in her hand. The whip's attack was instantly dissipated as a result.


The clown in green landed steadily on the ground, looked down at his blood-stained spiky giant fist, and glanced at the blood-colored silhouette in the deep pit under his feet, and then he felt a lot more. He smiled comfortably.

"hehe...this fist is really fun!"

Seeing her accomplices help out, Kou Ling immediately stopped her step back, and then Quickly walked to Zhilu's side, and looked down at Amaro at the bottom of the pit with him.

I saw the winged hunter at this moment, the entire back has been smashed into a terrifying depression together with the pair of broken wings, and the shape of the torso has become distorted. The corners of his red mouth kept coughing up blood.


However, even if the injury on the body is so serious, even if the mind should have fallen into a shock coma due to the severe pain , but Amanlo is still firming up her mind, but she is still putting up her arms, trying to get up from the ground again, trying to cast her sight on the enemy silhouette above again...

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