Aura Hunter

Chapter 354

"You're such a complete fool, doing all the senseless acts and forcing me to use violence!"

Xia Mu angrily scolded Shia's behavior.

However, Shia ignored his insults and the nosebleed on her face. She just opened her wet eyes and watched the crazy Gage pick up the short again. blade , once again raised Amanlo's head.

Then, the color of despair flashed in Shia's eyes along with tears.

If Amanlo didn't care about herself from the very beginning and chose to run away alone...

Then she might have escaped now... .

Not like now, under the face of the joker, to suffer the bloody punishment of skinning...

Thinking of this, Shia is helpless in the end sobbed.

However, no matter how much she slanders her weakness and complains about her incompetence now, what effect can it have on reality?

powerhouse do as one pleases.

The weak are slaughtered.

The rules of the Aura Labyrinth have always been the same.

The lights of the Shanhai Death Arena were so bright that they shone on the surrounding stone walls.

But Shia's eyes were full of dead ashes, and she couldn't see any light called hope.

Leviton, the sensible Blink Hunter, would never return here with Ye Chen, the Bloodsmith Hunter, to rescue them, because that would undoubtedly be tantamount to death.

Shia understands this.

That's why she felt that both herself and the senior were finished as a hunter.

What awaits them after this, in addition to becoming a member of this group of bloodthirsty lunatics who have lost their humanity and stepped into madness, may only be left as a toy in the hands of the clown. After a long period of time, I will finally die miserably...

Thinking of this, Shia's eyes immediately lost the brilliance, and the whole person also unloaded all the strength of the body and gave up the slightest Pointless struggle.

She stared blankly at Gage's dagger hanging in the air, slowly piercing Amanlo's scalp, and then closed her eyes in despair, letting the warm cold water on her cheeks flow.

However, even though reason tells Shia that there is no hope, but sensibility is still praying for Shia...

Praying, Shanhai Death Arena At the open stone gate, there will be a sound of footsteps, and then interrupt the atrocities of the clowns in time, lighting up her life with Amello once again.

Sia's subconscious began to pray like this.

So much so that she immediately had auditory hallucinations.

Da, da, da...

Shia didn't respond to this sound, she knew it was her hallucination.

However, at this very moment.

The purple clothed clown, Xiaomu, who pinched the Yuzhi hunter tightly to the ground, those eyes whose anger had just dissipated, suddenly burst into consternation.

The next second, he immediately raised his head and shouted:

"Someone is coming towards us---------!"

Hearing Xiaomu's sudden shout, the rest of the crazy clowns present were all startled, and then cast an incredible look at Xiaomu in turn.

"Then the other two male hunters are here?"

Kou Ling asked in surprise, feeling that the situation suddenly became dramatic, her heart suddenly felt Beating wildly, like a machine filled with fuel, unleashing a heat wave of excitement.

"No, my Erxiao only detected one of them. He is not the Leviton before, but another younger man!"

Xiaomu put his palms Released from the back of Shia's neck, and then pressed it against the original position of his ears, stood up and explained to his accomplices:

"My ear owl has just been released not long ago, So when the existence of this young hunter was detected, he walked to our position 500 meters away!"

Hearing Xiaomu's answer, Shia's originally completely stiffened brows changed. It was at this moment that it suddenly jumped a few times.


He just...

What did he say?

Sia thought with a dull expression, still not fully awake.

After listening to Xiaomu's description, Zhilu subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the shadow in the depths of the stone gate at the back, and immediately reminded Xiaomu: "Hurry up and call your Er Xiao secretly. Fly further back and see where the remaining Leviton is!"

Xiaomu responded without the slightest hesitation.

"I'm already doing this, and I'll let you know immediately if I find anything new!"

Uropati murmured in disbelief: "It's amazing Surprised, I thought the rest of the Aura hunters had already run away, but didn't expect they came to the door..."

Banibe was also shocked and laughed , and then nodded echoed: "Yeah, if the other side is specially running back to save people, then they can be said to have no brains, this is simply walking right into a trap to us!"

Zhi Lu scratched his head unimaginably, and then said to Kou Ling, whose eyes were already glowing with excitement: "It seems that your idea has really come true, I really have to accept... ..."

Kou Ling pursed her red lips, and responded to Zhilu overjoyed:

"Hahaha, I just said nothing serious just now, but didn't 't expect that the situation has really become like this, and this way, the dramatic moment is full! Today is really a surprise!"

Gage is holding a sharp short blade in one hand and Amanlo's in the other. Hair, hearing the news that another hunter took the initiative to send to the door, also couldn't help showing a distorted smile at this time.

"hmph hmph hmph, it looks like I can hear more vivid screams later..."

He muttered in a low voice, turning his head looked towards Amanlo, who was in a coma, and then widened her only remaining one eye.

"However, what effect does he have on what I'm going to do now? Dear Amanlo, are you right? Come on, let's continue~"

Gage grinned with a smile, revealing a pair of mutilated gray-yellow dog teeth, and then moved the tip of the knife to the surface of Amanlo's scalp again, intending to make a complete incision.

However, after that, Kou Ling took a step to block Gage, and then reached out and grabbed the sharp short blade in his hand.

"Kou Ling, what are you doing—!?"

Seeing this, Gage was both shocked and angry, and the whole person almost jumped to the sky with anger.

"You promised me just now that I could tear her face off, is it possible that now you're going to go back on it—!?"

However, looking at Gage who was furious, Kou Ling had a relaxed face and responded calmly: "No, I don't have any regrets, I just want your skinning ceremony to go back a little bit, so that more viewers can come."

Gaiji hearing this, the anger on the ugly face suddenly turned into confusion, he thought for a moment, and then asked Kou Ling: "The audience you are talking about... Do you mean the remaining two male hunters? ?"

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