Aura Hunter

Chapter 372

As soon as Ye Chen said these words, the audience was silent.

The Blue Fish Human Race people in the audience could not understand his language, but they were shocked by Ye Chen's calm killing intent, while the crazy clown on the central stone platform, Looking at the corpse that fell at the bottom of the Iron Pond Forest of Death and was horribly devastated by countless iron thorns and warheads, he fell into a state of silence for a while.

And Shia, who was standing between the clowns, saw what was happening right now, her face didn't change, but she was involuntarily relieved.

Previously, after seeing Ye Chen being chased by Gage, and suffering from the special effect of the third rank labyrinth relic, Shia's heart was always uneasy. Jumping back and forth, for fear of seeing Ye Chen defeated, and then reduced to a miserable situation where life is worse than death in the hands of the clown.

However, it now seems that the advantage of trifling's high-level relics is not enough to defeat the Aura hunter code-named "Bloodsmith".

In the Hunter Academy in the past, as Ye Chen's former classmate, Shia is very aware of Ye Chen's strength and knows that he has skills and skills that far exceed those of the peers. Ya Cai was able to understand that the real strength of Ye Chen was his extraordinary courage and calm mind.

Even if he is surrounded by a group of bloodthirsty, cruel and powerful lunatics, this man will not show the slightest timidity and wavering. On the contrary, he will use all his strengths, study all the weaknesses of his prey, and then Then move the situation towards your own plan and guide it step by step.

Not just the negotiation just now.

Even in the current matchup.

At any time, he will not lose his composure, will not lose his temper.

As if in this man's deep in one's heart...simply there is no fear of death. where the bloodsmith hunters are truly terrifying. the source of Ye Chen's true power!

Thinking of this, Shia couldn't help feeling awe of Ye Chen in her heart.

If it's this man...


It can really make this desperate situation completely clear. Overturn it!

However, after having hoped in her heart, Shia now began to worry about another thing.

That is, after seeing Gage's bloody death, will these guys fly into a rage out of humiliation and instead choose to besiege Ye Chen together for revenge.

And once the situation develops like that, then all Ye Chen's efforts will turn into a bubble.

Because, no matter how calm and rational he is, facing the siege of five crazy clowns alone, he has absolutely no chance of winning.

Sia thought so, bit her lip, and then swept her gaze to the crazy clowns around.

However, the gestures that these people showed next made Deshia stunned.

At this moment, the crazy clowns are laughing.

My accomplice, Gage the clown in grey, died so miserably.

As a result, these people were dancing with laughter, letting their hoarse laughter full of joy and admiration pour out from the corners of their twisted mouths, looking so happy, So crazy.

"Hee hahahaha ——————!"

"That's right, wonderful-!"

"It actually killed Gage , Bloodsmith kid, you really can-!"

"Aiya, the incredible face he had before he died is still replaying in my mind! It's so funny, It's so funny—!"

"It's a good show, Ye Chen, thank you for your performance—!"

Several clowns clapped their hands in ecstasy and applauded.

Seeing that these people did not show the slightest sadness because of the death of their companions, Shia suddenly became surprised, and it was really difficult to understand their strange brain circuits.

"Hey, I've long been disliked by this scumbag Gage, kid, thank you for sending him back to the West!"

Uropati reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes Tears came out of laughter, and then turned his head and swept his eyes to all directions of Shanhai Death Arena, and swept to the blue fish people who were still in a state of confusion.

"What are you beasts doing in a daze! Since the result of the death battle has already come out, why don't you hurry up and applaud this king for the victor--!?"

I heard the fish The stern urging of the King of Humans, nearly a thousand blue fish people were sluggish for a short time, and then they all sat up in shock, driven by the strong desire to survive, moved towards the silhouette of the hunter in the center of the death iron pool forest, raised his arms and cheered, let The huge Shanhai Death Arena was filled with hundreds of hoarse murloc shouts and murloc applause, making the scene suddenly noisy.

Wow ——————!

Ye Chen turned his head to look at the crowd of spectators that were surging like waves, and then looked up at the smiling clown silhouettes above the central stone platform, and then endured it. He couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Is there no basic empathy and sympathy even for the people on my side...

Pleasure Theater, crazy clown... ....

It's really a bunch of hopeless scum...

Ye Chen condensed three brand new pieces while thinking silently. Blood bullets, along with the brand new Aura bullets, filled his hand cannon revolver and box submachine gun respectively.

At the same time, at the central stone platform, the remaining two clowns of the 3rd-layer nightmare realm, the orange clown Barneybe and the king of fish-men Ulopati, then fell into into a heated quarrel.

"It's my turn to be next! I'm the king here! Don't turn your back on this guy!"

Uropati pointed at Banibei's chest, his tone Fiercely scolded, obviously worried that Barney Bay will solve Ye Chen directly, and make him lose a lot of fun.

"Roll me obediently and honestly--!"

However, in the face of Ulopati's harsh words and persecution, Banipey is mystifying With a tone of voice, he replied with such a smile:

"Hey, Ulopati, don't be so excited!"

"Come on, think about a question first!"

"You and I, who is stronger?"

Uropati subconsciously replied without thinking about it after hearing this: "It's still a question, of course it's the king!"

Banibe then looked towards Kou Ling and the others, and then asked, "Do you think so too?"

Kou Ling, Zhilu, Xiaomu three The man looked thoughtful and nodded his head.

"Hehe, I actually feel the same way!"

Banibe laughed nonchalantly for a while, then changed the subject and turned to Ulopati to explain stand up.

"But, because of this, I should be the one to play first!"

"After all, in this form of the wheel battle showdown script, the strength of the players must be It’s not common sense to increase according to the upward trend!”

“Otherwise, if you lose, and then it’s my turn, the suspense of the result of the fight will be reduced a lot. Don't you understand such a simple truth? My dear king of murlocs—!"

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