Aura Hunter

Chapter 377

Banibe laughed without hesitation, still showing no signs of being provoked, and Ye Chen's expression looked casual, but in fact his brain was already starting to work frantically.

What is the Life Source Aura of this clown in orange?

The bloodsmith hunter subconsciously looked up at the central stone platform while making various conjectures in his mind. However, the colleagues there pointed out that the hunter had been deliberately placed in a position that he could not see by the crazy clown. , making Ye Chen unable to find the slightest clue from his companions.

These crazy clowns probably stunned Shia or silenced her. They did this on purpose, probably because she didn't want Shia to tell me this directly...

Ye Chen turned to look at Barney and thought quickly in his heart.

It's strange to say that Mr. Leviton had been attacked by the other five crazy clowns with the Aura technique before, but he didn't see the means of this Barney...


If he is not deliberately keeping his hand, then it means that his Life Source Aura technique should need to be activated...

According to this line of thinking, plus Against this deliberate formation on the opposite side, the effect of this Aura technique will definitely not be simple. Once you are attacked, there is a high probability that you will suffer some serious consequences, which will lead to the loss of all the battles that follow... ...

While Ye Chen was silently reasoning about the status quo, Barnibe spoke in a leisurely tone and urged: "Hey, why are you suddenly standing still, go ahead, I'm still thinking about getting warmer for a while!"

Ye Chen looked up at Barnibe, and then corrected in a plain tone: "No, you're right, between us The distance between them is too far, so continuing to shoot in this way will only be a waste of each other's weapon reserves, meaningless."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen took a step towards Banipei. Footsteps, obviously looking to shorten the distance.

"Oh? Looks like you're going to have a close fight with me like Gage did next? Haha, come on, I'll be happy to accompany me, Banibe--!"

Seeing this, Banipei responded at a moderate pace on the surface, but his heart was actually overjoyed by Ye Chen's initiative to approach, the whole person just stood there, leaning on the long-handled axe leisurely Do not move.

However, Ye Chen just stepped over another stone platform, and his pace stopped abruptly.


Because, he found that Barney had no sign of moving towards his side at all, just simply waiting in place.

"Although you say you are willing to accompany you, but your body shows no sign of coming towards me at all..."

Ye Chen who stopped Immediately said to Barney Bay slowly.

"It looks like you're trying to lure me into your 'that side', don't you?"

Banibe listened, his face startled, and he was about to He made some quibbles about Ye Chen, but unexpectedly Ye Chen actually went back on one's word on the spot, raised the box submachine gun that had been put down again, and then aimed at him to launch a new round of strafing.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ bang-!

Facing the sudden rain of bullets, the clown in orange was stunned for a brief moment, and immediately raised the long-handled axe subconsciously, preparing to resist the attack head-on as before.

However, Barney was shocked to find that the second round shot by Ye Chen was very different from the first round shot, half of which were normal. Aura bullets, and the other half turned out to be blood-made bullets from blood light!

Banibe originally thought that Ye Chen's blood bullets could only be shot by the giant revolver, but he didn't expect that when Ye Chen was reloading the box submachine gun in his hand, he had already secretly given the bullets to Ye Chen. The new magazine is filled with fifteen small-caliber blood bullets!

Seeing this scene, Barney Betty suddenly panicked. Originally motionless, he planned to wait for the rabbit, and immediately began to act quickly at this moment.

Not long ago, I saw how Gage was forced to death by Ye Chen's blood-made ammunition, so he naturally did not dare to underestimate Ye Chen's method, and immediately took a step forward. Dodge sideways to try to get out of the bullet rain's coverage.

However, even though Barnibe's actions were already fast, under Ye Chen's unexpected offensive, he still couldn't avoid the five Aura bullets and ten blood bullets. Under the situation, he can only control the long-handled axe in his hand and the diving spear in his body at full speed, and use it as his life shield.

Then, the ferocious warheads slammed between the swinging axe face and the spearhead in turn, causing a deafening sound of metal clashing.


The five Aura bullets were chopped or deflected as soon as they collided with Barnebe's weapon, so it had no effect on Barneybee.

However, the remaining ten blood bullets were different.

The moment of contact with hard objects is enough to cause them to produce ten small-scale explosions, causing ten small-scale blood waves, from Barnebe's long-handled axe and diving tip. The face of the spear sputtered away, then moved towards Barnebe swooping all over his body.

pēng pēng pēng pēng bang!

As a result, in a series of fierce explosions, Banipei's body was blown into the air, and at the same time he let out a hoarse scream, it swayed from the cracks in his body. The blood of the clown.

"Uh ah!"

Seeing this situation, Ye Chen's heart can be determined immediately, the Aura ability of this Banibe really can't be used to help him resist This offensive can obviously be excluded from the "offensive" and "defensive" categories.

However, since Barnibe is now injured, the facts are not so important to Ye Chen.

Because, he will not miss any opportunity in front of him!

So, at the moment of shooting the empty box submachine gun, Ye Chen decisively threw it on the lanyard around his waist, and turned to hold his own with both hands, which was filled with three Aura bullets and three blood. The revolver of the bullet's hand cannon aimed its thick muzzle directly at the figure of Barney, who was still flying upside down in the air.

Bloodsmith hunters want to seize the moment when the clown in orange lands, seize the moment when the clown in orange is full of weak spots, and then directly fill the opponent's body with the powerful killing of three large-caliber blood bullets .

Banibe was originally far less flexible than Gage, so Ye Chen now as long as he repeats his old tricks and pursues the victory, obviously it is possible to win this second round deathmatch directly in one go. !

Thinking of this, Ye Chen immediately held his breath and used his "spiritual eyes" to keep an eye on Barnibe's aerial movements.

Then, I saw Barnibe struggling tossing and turning for a few times, and immediately adjusted his body center of gravity, trying to move towards one of the stone platforms below and fall.

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