Aura Hunter

Chapter 398

All means are ready, Ye Chen clenched his left hand into a fist without the slightest hesitation.

Then, the one that emerged from his palm, lurking under the stone platform, tightened the sharp bloodshot tied to the end of the javelin, and then jumped up, turning into several blood rings, grabbing Before Uropati landed, aiming at Uropati's body suddenly asked.

And this control method, which uses the pre-arranged weapon as the fulcrum of the bloodshot, and uses the bloodshot to instantly bind the enemy when he is not prepared, is exactly the control method he used to severely damage the orange clown Barney. Imprisonment move.

At the same time, Ye Chen's right hand firmly grasped the revolver of the hand cannon, ready to target Ulopati for fixed-point shooting at the moment when he was trapped, thus passing the large-caliber gun. The blood bullet's close-range extreme damage is to kill it in one hit.

However, in the face of Ye Chen's fierce pursuit one after another, and the sharp bloodshots that were about to restrain him, Uropati's face still did not waver. He also showed a more arrogant smile.

Next, I saw that Uropati's entire body suddenly burst into the dazzling light of densely packed.

Then, nearly one hundred blue fish scales transformed into nearly one hundred small sharp-mouthed fish, and then turned into a fully armed and moist and smooth fish armor, just like this grabbed the bloodshot. Before closing, Ulopati's limbs and body were completely wrapped inside.

The next moment, the sharp blood ring manipulated by Ye Chen came into contact with the slippery fish carapace from Uropati summon, and the sharp bloodshot immediately seemed to be bound in a lubricating fluid. Above the object, it slipped and fell without any suspense, and it was simply unable to bind the Uropati within the school of fish.

Facing this situation, Ye Chen pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation, and directly aimed the penultimate large-caliber blood bullet in the bullet nest at the silhouette hiding in the school of sharp-mouthed fish Shot out.

However, Uropati, who shared the vision with the fish, after sensing the signal of the imminent blood bomb, manipulated the fish behind without delay, driving them to take the initiative like a zipper. He opened an exit for himself, and the whole person immediately jumped out of it like diving, thus completely avoiding the blood bullet fired by Ye Chen.

Then, the dense school of fish that Uropati summon came out of, took the frontal bombardment of blood bullets in place of Uropati, and then burst into countless flesh and bone chips, followed by It changed back to the shape of countless shattered fish scales.

Faced with this situation, Ye Chen's eyes couldn't help sinking in an instant.

He really didn't expect that, whether it was the "predictive shooting at the foothold" tactic he used just now, or the "bloodshot binding shooting" tactic he used now, he would not be able to get the slightest bit of cheapness from Uropati. .

Although these two tactics are mentioned, Ye Chen has already used them against Geji and Banibe before, so Ulopati will have some anticipation and beware of these two tactics, but it is completely insufficient Surprising.

However, Ye Chen is now more decisive, quicker, and neater than before in the process of repeating this old trick.

even more how, it was the first time that he tried to fuse these two tactics together and used them to attack Uropati one after another in the form of a smooth combo, so according to common sense, Uropati is not even considered. It will be heavily wounded, and no matter what, it should have suffered some injuries.

As a result, what is now in front of Ye Chen's eyes is...

Not only did Uropati not suffer serious injuries, but his body surface was not even affected by it. The slightest scar appeared!

Under the action of his labyrinth relic, which can be freely transformed into waves and flowing water, and can be attacked and defended...

In his way, he can summon out anytime, anywhere. A large school of fish, under the influence of the Life Source Aura technique, which has both offense and defense...

The method that could have been used to defeat Geji and Banibe was now simply used against Ulopati. Can't get any effect!

This time is troublesome...

The moment Uropati jumped out of the school of fish and escaped the bombardment range of blood bullets, Ye Chen was already in the I thought so secretly in my heart.

"Wave Waterjet" is a third rank quality labyrinth relic after all, so Ye Chen is not surprised by its strong effect.

However, the Life Source Aura technique that Ulopati owns is a different matter...

At first, Ye Chen thought that Uropati had a different life. Ropati's ability to "turn his scales into a school of fish" should be the most unremarkable ability in a team of six crazy clowns. his face.

This shoal of scales, although small in size and no longer than a slap, has sharp teeth, a large number, and is continuous. It only takes a short time of more than ten seconds. Uropati's body surface is re-added. It can be attacked and defended. It has a wide range of uses. It was mastered by Uropati himself to the point of perfection. In terms of the degree of annoyance, it can be said that Ye Chen has so far. The toughest Aura feature I've ever seen!

Not to mention, at this moment, Uropati is still using it together with the relic effect of "Wave Waterjet". The degree of difficulty caused by the combination of the two is already far It's beyond Ye Chen's imagination!

Up to now, even if Ye Chen didn't say it, he had to admit that this Ulopati did not brag in the initial conversation.

His own strength is indeed not at the same level as the previous Gage and Barnibe, and indeed not the first two losers who lost their lives to be qualified to compare!

At this moment, the murloc king standing in front of the bloodsmith hunter is really strong!

If you want to defeat it, you must pay a big price!

Thinking about so many information points in a short moment, Ye Chen then stepped back, intending to distance himself from Uropati again, so that while continuing the tug-of-war with him, Yu Chen took a step back. Create a new winning strategy in your mind on the spot.

However, after getting rid of Ye Chen's series of onslaughts with the fish, and then falling to the surface of the adjacent stone platform, Uropati slammed his left hand without any hesitation, as if using A giant shotgun immediately shot more than 500 fine fish scales on the skin of the entire arm at Ye Chen.

ka ka ka ——————!

Then, under the bursts of flashes, half a thousand fangtooth fishes flooded into Ye Chen's field of vision again, and then aiming at Ye Chen's whole body is hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Seeing that Uropati suddenly summed up the limit number of fangtooth fish, Ye Chen's eyes were startled. The meniscus arc knife has been strengthened again into a "blood-blooded long-blade" mode with a sharp increase in sharpness and a sharp increase in range.

Then, the huge fish shoaling with a strong fishy smell and sharp teeth, immediately engulfed Ye Chen and the stone platform under his feet violently and ferociously.

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