Aura Hunter

Chapter 73

【In addition, there are four main forces in the holy light pure land, which you must keep in mind. ]

[They are: Order Defender, Truth Academy, Holy Light Knight, Aura Hunter. ]

[First of all, the Order Defense Army is a large-scale corps formed by a large number of ordinary person sergeants. Peace and stability, equal to the collective of guardians of holy light law. ]

[Secondly, the truth Academy is an academy organization built by high-level intellectuals. It is funded by the Holy Light Center and is responsible for researching and developing various new technologies. It is at the forefront of science and continues to Promote the production and development of holy light society. ]

[Then, the holy light Knight religion is the Knight Church built by the believers who fanatically believe in the Lord Angelo Ander, and thus obtain the Holy Light Power. It is the pure land of holy light. The inner power is second only to the first administrative body of the Lord himself. ]

[The Order Defender and the Academy of Truth are all under the jurisdiction of the Holy Light Knight sect, responsible for customizing the laws of the Holy Light Pure Land, guarding the gates of the Aura Labyrinth, and eradicating any heretics that infiltrated the Pure Land from the labyrinth, As well as monitoring the movements of Aura hunters. ]

[Finally, the Aura hunter group is a hunter organization established by a group of sensers who have been subjected to the Aura labyrinth summon, experienced nightmares, and have since mastered the power of Aura. The indirect rule of Noand is at the same time a special force that can not be directly governed by the Holy Light Knight Cult, and the power and its mutual restraint. ]

[The job of the Aura hunter is to go deep into the Aura maze to explore the terrain, complete the commissions and tasks of the maze in the pure land, and hunt any infiltrating maze with the help of the center of the holy light. The abyss. ]

[In summary, Aura hunters are experts in labyrinths, and all events related to labyrinths in holy light pure land must be left to the hunters to complete. After all, the power of the Aura hunter is derived from the maze, and it is naturally sensitive to changes in the maze itself, so its work efficiency is naturally much higher than that of Holy Light Knight. And it is precisely because of this that Aura Hunter is needed to stop Harvey Jordan from infiltrating the labyrinth. ]

Ye Chen sat on a rock on the edge of the cliff, chewing dry and tasteless dry food, while continuing to flip through the papers on the log, his mind constantly consolidating the memory of the forces in the holy light pure land.

However, his peripheral vision suddenly caught a change in the distant scene, causing Ye Chen's face to freeze suddenly.


He couldn’t help but murmured, suddenly looking away from the log, looking towards the source of the change.

I saw the end of the broad and open road between the forest and the mountains. At this moment, there was a sparse black shadow that appeared in Ye Chen's field of vision.

What is that?

Ye Chen quickly took out the telescope from the handkerchief with a puzzled expression, peeped at the true face of the dark shadow in the distance, and then found dozens of silhouettes sitting in a dozen or two filled with goods. On the carriage, what seems to be a caravan carrying goods is now heading to the other end of the broad and open road in an orderly manner.

The opportunity came to me on my own initiative!

Ye Chen saw the scene in front of him, and his face was filled with surprise. He quickly deduced the speed and direction of the caravan at the moment, and observed the closest point to the broad and open road. distance.

After a brief estimation, the teenager immediately put the dry food and drinking water in the handkerchief, and with a step on his hind legs, under the burst of an abundant Aura power, he headed towards the bottom of the cliff. A wide bend in the broad and open road, go fast.


On the spacious and flat road, the Boss of the cargo caravan, Tang Bo was sitting in a carriage in the middle of the line, watching through the car window. Looking at the surrounding lush green woods, savoring the unique fragrance of nature in this primordial jungle.

A few minutes later, a man in the caravan who was in charge of exploring the road rode to Tang Bo's window and announced to him, "Mr. Tang Bo, the road ahead is smooth, and there are no robbers in ambush. The situation is all right.”

Tang Bo nodded through the window, but still responded cautiously: “Don’t let your guard down, even if there are no robbers in this deep mountain and forest, there may be some Ferocious wild beast, we are still in danger of being attacked, tell those bodyguards to be ready to be attacked at all times!"

"Yes." Convey Tang Bo's words to others one after another.

Tang Bo sat alone in the carriage, rubbed his worried brows, and lowered his head to think.

This transaction is a big deal...

But on the hunter side, there is no manpower to escort our caravan, so I have to rely on These... Muggles who don't have superpowers to act as bodyguards.

What should I do if I encounter a monster that emerges from the maze on the way?

Thinking of this, Tang Bo involuntarily sighed and launched a prayer to God.

"Don't make any trouble..."

However, just after he finished saying this, the carriage, which was going on, stopped abruptly. Tang Bo jerked forward, and his glowing bald head almost hit the wall inside the car.

"What's the matter—!?"

He stuck his head out of the car window in horror, and shouted at the people in front of the team, for fear that he had just finished praying, and his heart sank. Anxiety has come true.

A moment later, a caravan man hurried to his window on horseback.

"What happened? Someone robbed? Or was there a wild beast attack?" Tang Bo hurriedly questioned the man.

"No...not at all."

The guy shook his head, sorted out his thoughts a little, and then replied with a very weird face: "Yes A teenager suddenly walked from the forest to the avenue and blocked our way, as if he wanted us to take him for a ride..."

"Huh? Boy?"

Tang Bo listened, started, and asked with a blue face: "In such a desolate mountain and old forest? How is it possible? Are you sure that he is not a gang of robbers used to stop our convoy?"

The guy continues to hook the head with a weird look.

"The bodyguards have quickly checked the surrounding situation. There are no traps, no ambushes. The only person who stopped the caravan was the unarmed young man. Now he is being watched by several of our bodyguards."

Tang Bo was silent for a while, then immediately pushed open the door of the carriage, jumped to the ground, and planned to go to the front to find out.

Soon, he reached the forefront of the caravan.

Then, a young man in a thin cotton shirt appeared in Tang Bo's eyes.

At this moment, several Muggle bodyguards hired by Tang Bo were holding their shotguns and aimed at the young man with their pitch-black muzzles, while the latter stood there obediently. , raised his hands, motionless, showing a look of fear.

Tang Bo looked at it and saw that a child really ran out of this wilderness and forest, his expression stiffened for a while, and then he hurried forward, standing behind the bodyguard, in an unbelievable tone questioned the opponent.

"How can a little child like you appear in such a place?"

The boy raised his hands, with a timid expression, replied with a trembling voice: "My father and I drove to Hunter Town together a few days ago, but we encountered a mountain disaster in the middle. The father unfortunately fell into the cliff, and I was the only one who survived, waiting for rescue in this sea of trees..."

Listening to the words of the boy's trembling with fear, observing the boy's unarmed body and the countless wounds on his skin, Tang Bo fell into silence immediately, and unconsciously remembered that he was far away from his hometown, almost the same age as the boy. 's daughter.

The face of the caravan boss changed for a while, and finally calmed down.

"So that's what it is... What's your name?"

Tang Bo continued to ask the boy several times in a gentle tone.

" name is Leitch..."

The teenager responded in a suffocated tone, exuding a harmless to The weak temperament of humans and animals.

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