Aura Hunter

Chapter 832

"Ha, ha, ha..."

Between the blue sky and the sea, Filona held up a petrified face with only one intact right eye. Holding his pale throat that was constantly splashing blood, he flew out of the bay world at the fastest speed in his life, and then moved towards a specific direction and sprinted desperately.

She has weak breathing and lack of oxygen to her brain. Even though her fingers have been clenching the incision at the throat and trachea, bright red blood can't stop flowing from her fingers.

At the same time, a murderous silhouette followed closely behind Ferona at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

I saw the pursuer wearing a blood-stained long dress, with a beautiful face and flowing hair. However, he exuded overflowing heaven murderous aura that could distort the surrounding air. Lorna cornered theater veteran, Petrified Joker Jupetz.

(little girl, I will never let you escape...)

(I dare to hurt my beautiful face...this A big can't pay for it just by dying...)

(I, Jupetz, swear... )

(Your delicate face, afterwards, as a dessert, as a mask...)

(In short, I must keep it whole and fresh It was peeled off from your face alive ——————!)

At this point, the feelings of resentment and greed suddenly turned into a turbid light in Jupez’s eyes and flickered wildly. It is to accompany her to continue to reduce the distance between him and Ferona.

However, even though the cruel Banshee was always chasing after him, Ferona still opened her sparkling single eye, and her inner will to survive and win was still burning like a raging fire. !


Amid the yellow desert and dust waves, Errigatyan With a steel face covered with broken lines on the skin, he dragged his twisted and scrapped steel right arm, and flew away from the desert world with the little physical strength left in the body, thus aiming at a clear direction and speeding at full speed.

His organs are damaged and his body is swaying. Even though most of his muscles and skeletons can move under the defense of Iron Body, the most powerful right hand has been unable to continue to swing due to joint fractures. .

At the same time, an angry silhouette was chasing after Errigat at an altitude of a thousand meters away.

I saw this pursuer with bald hair, shirtless upper body, and weird grotesquely shaped tattoos all over his skin. His sly facial features were as ferocious as a wild beast. The battered theater veteran, the reflex clown Noblek.

(You arrogant and stinky little brat who can be disgusting...)

(If I let you go today, I will be able to do it for the rest of my life. It's a waste of life.)

(I must let you know how miserable it is to play with me like a fool...)

( It just so happened that you gave birth to such a large and strong body...)

(In this case, I will dismember them all and make them into sturdy furniture for my future new home———— —!)

Thinking at this point, the corners of Nobolik’s mouth immediately rose to the height of his cheekbones with anger and anticipation, and the whole person kept getting closer with a bloodthirsty and sadistic distorted face. the position between himself and Errigat.

However, even though the mad cunning man was chasing after him, Errigat, who was seriously injured, remained calm as before, just like the steel he represented, indomitable, press forward, and unswerving!

At this moment, Firona and Errigat are both rushing away with serious injuries, while Jupez and Noblek are also chasing after them with cruel desires. put.

Peak Clown, who has an absolutely overwhelming ability advantage in ability characteristics, vowed to chop up these two young hunters up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, Dismemberment by Five Horses, and then he was able to vent. hatred for each other!

However, apart from the hopeless commonalities of injuries and natural enemies, Ferona's shoulders and Errigat's palms also fit the same thing as another Dao Idol.. ....

His identity is the little fellow who arrived at the side of the two not long ago, two small, gray-haired mice with glowing pupils.

It was the light that Ferona saw in the darkness.

It was the beacon that Errigat had found amid the waves.

It is the distress signal that its owner Wei Meng moved towards the two of them in a desperate situation in the distance.

At the same time, it is also the key to help Ferona and Errigat reverse each other's desperation together!

This is a member of Waymon's "Scout Rat".

Although it does not have any attack power in the single state, its existence can bring Firona and Errigat the strongest weapon that can overturn the whole situation.

That is -- intelligence.

5th layer Nightmare realm brings Waymon's reconnaissance ability to a whole new level.

In the situation where the communication equipment fails to work, a scout mouse can help the contact person share vision and information with the other scout mouse in the distance through the spiritual unity of the contact person. Use extraordinary power as a transmission medium to achieve information exchange between different regions.

So, with the help of the squirrel, Ferona and Errigat understood each other's situation one after another.

Firona saw the scene where Errigat was subjected to Noboric's force through the rat pupils she observed secretly, and intuitively understood Noboric's reflex Aura technique and " Aurora Agate''s offensive relic characteristic.

Erigat saw the situation of Ferona being imprisoned by Jupez's petrification through the mouse pupil, and indirectly understood Jupez's petrification Aura technique and the defense of "protecting the conch" through Ferona's behavior type relic characteristics.

apart from this, the two also clearly sensed each other's spatial orientation through the spiritual connection between different squirrels.

In the eyes of Ferona and Errigat, the conditions for their own survival and comeback have been put together.

So, after throwing away Jupez and Noblek by different means, Firona and Errigat immediately moved towards the opposite direction and approached at full speed.

Firona took Jupez all the way through valleys and hills, and finally came to a swamp world filled with mist.

Erigat took Nobolik all the way through the Gobi and wilderness areas, and finally came to a swamp world filled with mist.

The two of them appeared from Formation at the east and west ends of the swamp world, and then followed the spiritual guidance of the squirrel and continued to rush into the dense water forest in the middle of the swamp without stopping.

As for Jupez and Nobolik, who followed all the way here, they didn't realize the seriousness of the situation.

Two pairs of bloodshot clown eyes just stared at the fugitive hunter's back, and then, as the distance between the two sides got closer, a fierce and fierce light of excitement and fanaticism emerged.

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