Aura Hunter

Chapter 878

However, while rushing towards the source of the purple light, Ou Ke also understood that since the enemy dared to erode the entire space in such a high-profile manner, he either set up a defensive trap around him, or he A strong guard was arranged beside him.

So Ou Ke entered the fully armed preparation posture early.

The seven-handled round sun long sword closely fits her long hair and limbs along with the "slender sword body", and the "scarlet silk feet" wrapped around her fair legs even more. It is the crimson light that is faintly condensing, and then leaves a budding crimson illusory shadow all the way in the air.

apart from this, Ou Ke himself also opened his eyes wide, held his breath, lowered his center of gravity, condensed his breath to the extreme, and concentrated his spirit to the apex, thus ensuring that he could respond and respond in the next period. The parry comes from any attack from any direction, from any angle.

With such a ready-to-fight state, Ou Ke continued to approach the source of the purple light along the low altitude of the plateau.

It didn't take long before the two sides only had a distance of less than five kilometers left.

However, before Ou Ke himself fully arrived at the scene, a blurry silhouette suddenly flew out from the purple light in the distance, and then moved towards Ou Ke's side flew straight and violently. Now, it is obvious that Oke's whereabouts have been secretly detected by some means.

Seeing this situation, Ou Ke took a deep breath with his face doesn't change, and immediately made preparations to quickly obliterate the opponent with all his strength.

As a result, an extremely sharp shout resounded through Heaven and Earth, instantly stimulating Oke's eardrum and mind.


Hearing this sudden call, hearing this long-standing name, hearing this familiar voice, Ou Ke's expression instantly changed. A change, and then the heart began to beat faster.

dong! dong! dong!

And the owner of the voice moved towards Ou Ke galloping all the way, and immediately showed his Old Lady attitude completely. in front of Ou Ke.

She was wearing a long fluffy dress full of strings and a lob hood. , tearful old face.

Although she looks more wrinkled than Ou Ke remembers, Ou still impossible to admit this face wrong.

This is the face of Ou Keda who has been with her since she was young.

This is the face that taught her to raise her since she was a child, gave her knowledge and sword techniques, and once watched Ou Ke grow up from a little girl.

However, at the same time, this is the face that once made Ou Ke feel countless sorrows and fears, and endured thousands of pressures that her age should not endure.

This moment.

A person who was once called "mother" by Ou Ke.

A person who was once regarded as "family" by Ou Ke.

Once was identified by Ou Ke as the "most correct", "smart" and "most inviolable" person in the world.

Patriarch of Sweet Home, Fente.

After many years, he finally appeared in front of Ou Ke again in person.

Although Ou Ke was already mentally prepared for the scene in front of him, when it really changed from imagination to reality, Ou Ke's mood still couldn't help but show ripples of shock. with splashes.

Then, Oke's flight speed slowed down immediately.


"I'm your mother, Fente!"

"Do you remember me?"

Moreover, unlike the previous three, Betasha, Foyle, and Parry Hame...she recognized Oko's identity from a distance.

Even if I was mentally prepared for this scene early.

Sainsai heard it, and suddenly recalled in his mind that Fente had really talked about this incident at the Pleasure Theater before.

And the reason why Fente hated the Aura hunter so much to the extreme, 90% of the reasons have to be attributed to this abducted girl.

So, after thoroughly understanding the unexpected situation Fente is facing now, the surprise that filled Saiin Saiai's heart instantly rose to a whole new level.

"What? The hunter who appears now is the child you used to talk about? Isn't this too coincidental?"

Fente looked ecstatic Dikka said with a smile:

"A coincidence?"


"Dear Saiin Saiai, this is not a coincidence, and It's fate!"

"Sure enough, a trifling bastard has the ability to cut off the blood ties between child and mother!"

"No matter how tortuous the process is , after so many years, we mother and daughter will be able to meet again soon! This is the fate of our destiny! Hahahahaha!"

Saiin Saiai questioned in a surprised tone:

"But, based on appearance alone, can you really be sure that it's her?"

Fente's tone couldn't wait to replied:

"hmph! Understood. If a person can't even recognize her own child's appearance, then she simply doesn't have the qualification to call herself mother!"

"Anyway, I'll go find her now!"

"Sainsai, you stay here and guard Dunker well!"

Sainsai hesitated for a while, then quickly reminded:

"Wait! Fente! Even if she's really your daughter, she's still wearing a hunter's uniform now!"

"Since she's appeared on this occasion, you How can you be sure that she won't kill you?"

"Is it possible that she has already experienced the brainwashing of the hunting group and has completely forgotten your existence!"

However, Fente answered coldly without caring:

"hmph, I can solve all these problems by myself, it's not your turn to worry about it here, just wait here obediently That's it!"

The voice fell, and Fente immediately stepped on the ground and rose into the air, the whole person turned into a deep blue streamer, moved towards the distant sky and ran fast.


Watching Fente's back leaving, Saiin Saiai worried about what would happen next, and involuntarily sighed softly, Immediately, he stayed silently beside Dunke and continued his guarding work.


Experienced the slaughter with Betasha, Foyle, Parry Hame and other old friends, after that, Oke followed his intuition and traveled through it one after another. Five different Rubik's Cube worlds, the result on the way can be said to be nothing, and half of the shadows of friends and enemies are not seen.

However, just after Ou Ke crossed the edge Formation of the fifth Rubik's Cube world and arrived at this new and unfamiliar plateau area in front of her, she immediately realized that she had finally found the right one this time. place.

I saw that the sky of the plateau was completely eroded and occupied by a strange purple light.

At the same time, thousands of shattered huge cracks spread across the entire space like fixed lightning.

Oke once learned about Dunke's "Reflection Box" relic information from Kadaisy, so naturally he immediately understood these purple lights and cracks, which was Dunke's ability to activate the relic. best show.

So she immediately flew over the rushing river, up the steep cliff, into the flat plateau, and then turned to look around the scenery in all directions.

Then, Ou Ke was in the center of the distant plateau without difficulty, and saw a purple beam of light rising into the sky, like the stem of a giant tree, now entrenched in this world In between, grow and thrive all the way.

Obviously, this is the source of energy that causes the entire space to move.

(The location of Dunker is likely to be there!)

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