Lin Chen ignored Yu Ling'er and looked at the maid and said, "Are there any requirements for registering as a bounty hunter?"

The maid hurriedly said respectfully, "This guest, you need to pass the assessment before you can register as a bounty hunter."

It is not that simple to become a bounty hunter. You need to pass the layers of assessments given by the Hunter Guild. Only when the final score meets the standard can you become a bounty hunter.

Moreover, there are on-site ratings by assessors during the assessment. The higher the score, the higher the title you get.

You should know that the tasks issued by the Hunter Guild are all divided into levels and restricted. The higher the title of the bounty hunter, the higher the level of the task you can take, and the higher the reward you get.

"Then take me to participate in the assessment."

Lin Chen said calmly. Becoming a bounty hunter also has his own considerations...

"Please follow me, guest."

The maid said respectfully. She has worked in the Hunter Guild for several years. What kind of strong people has she not seen? But the one in front of her gave her an extremely extraordinary feeling, so she was more respectful in her heart.

After the maid took Lin Chen away, Yu Ling'er sneered: "Want to become a bounty hunter? You offended me, do you think it's possible?"

Originally, she was still planning how to retaliate against the other party, but now she has a very good idea.

Thinking of this, the depression in her heart suddenly disappeared.

Yu Ling'er looked at a guard and said, "Where is my master?"

The guard said respectfully: "Miss Ling'er, Senior Zhou is receiving a distinguished guest and will not see anyone for the time being."

Yu Ling'er frowned slightly and said, "I know, you go down."

But she was a little strange in her heart, what kind of distinguished guest was it that her master personally received.


Lin Chen was taken to a wide courtyard by the maid.

The courtyard was connected to a huge five-story classical attic, and the assessment was conducted in the attic.

In front of the attic, there was a table guarded by a white-haired old man. Although he was old, he was definitely not simple, and was a figure similar to the sweeping monk.

Of course, in front of Lin Chen, that's all.

At this moment, about 20 people have gathered in the courtyard, and most of them are here to participate in the assessment.

Everyone is ready to fight, with a strong fighting spirit in their eyes, but they are also a little solemn in their hearts, because the assessment method of the Hunter Guild is different every time, and they don't know what will be tested this time, and they can't be sure.

However, being flexible is also a kind of assessment.

"Okay, come and get your number now." The old man said indifferently.

Everyone was shocked and walked forward immediately.

The maid said to Lin Chen: "Guest, come on!"

Lin Chen nodded gently: "Okay!"

Soon, Lin Chen took a number, No. 20.

Before the assessment is completely completed, this is his code name. After the assessment is completed, he will register his identity, and then he can take a unique name.

"Numbers one to five are now entering the assessment area." The old man said.


The door of the attic opened automatically.

The attic was as dark as ink, like the ferocious mouth of a beast that could swallow the dawn, giving people an extremely weird feeling.

The five people who were about to take the test were in a solemn and even a little panicked mood. They took a deep breath and then strode into the attic.


At this time, the door of the attic suddenly closed, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Fifteen minutes later.

It was the turn of No. 16 to No. 20 to participate in the test.

Lin Chen and the other five entered the attic.

It was pitch black in front of the eyes, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.


Suddenly, a dazzling light came on.

What appeared in front of the five people was a mobile shooting range, and the five people were located fifty meters away from the shooting range.

There were five examiners sitting on the side.

There were also some expressionless staff.

"The first level tests eyesight!"

"Rules: Each examinee has ten throwing knives. The target is a moving target. The target has ten rings. Hitting one ring gets one point. Ten rings equal ten points. The total score is one hundred. Sixty points is a pass. If you don't hit the target, no points will be awarded!"

"The test time is 60 seconds!"

After an examiner finished speaking, a staff member distributed throwing knives to the examinees.

When the ten throwing knives came into Lin Chen's hands, he found that all the ten throwing knives were made of plastic. They were light and fluttery. Could they be toys for the children of the neighboring Wang family?

But Lin Chen didn't think much about it. Plastic is plastic. Anyway, for him, the effect is the same.

"This is a bit difficult!"

One of the examiners smiled bitterly. It is not too difficult for a Tianxing to shoot a target to death with a throwing knife at 50 meters, but it is a bit difficult to shoot a moving target. What's more, there is a time limit.

The others looked solemn, but didn't say much. It is not that easy to become a bounty hunter.

If anyone can become a bounty hunter, then the value of the bounty hunter identity is too low, so it is understandable.

Everything depends on strength!

(ps: The assessment of bounty hunters is to lay an important foreshadowing, and it is also the key to the later opening of the big account of the pig's feet. Please read it patiently.)

Chapter 29 Convinced

"The assessment is in order, one by one!"

"No. 16, get ready!"

The assessor said calmly, and took out a timer at the same time.

No. 16 is a fat man. He took a deep breath, holding a flying knife in his hand, and his expression was extremely serious.

Lin Chen saw this scene, which was very similar to the year of the college entrance examination, when the test papers were just handed out. The deep breathing and psychological hints that the teacher had told him in advance were indeed useful. When he saw the test paper, he was not panicked at all, but when he really started writing, he found that he could not answer any of the questions. Damn it!

So, the so-called poor performance was partly due to nervousness, but more of it was due to lack of ability.

If you are very capable, then even if you are very nervous, those questions are not very difficult for you at all. Instead, you will get more and more excited as you do them, like a chicken blood injection.

If you are not very capable, no matter how calm you are, you will still only get that score in the end.


The staff ordered.


No. 16 immediately shot the flying knife.


Soon, 60 seconds were up.

No. 16 happened to throw the last flying knife.

The staff next to the shooting range immediately recorded No. 16's score.

In the end, No. 16's total score was 60 seconds and 45 points.

The examiners shook their heads and announced that he failed.

Then, No. 16 was taken to a safe passage, and he had no chance to take the next test.

The other people who saw this scene also understood that the Hunter Guild's test was very strict.

Soon, No. 17 came on stage.

Unfortunately, he was even worse than No. 16. After 60 seconds, he only had two throwing knives left in his hand, with a total score of 40 points.

No. 18 barely passed the test, with 65 points in 52 seconds.

"No. 18 passed!"

As the examiner announced the results, No. 18 breathed a sigh of relief.

Next was No. 19.

He was wearing a silver-white mask, and outsiders could not see his appearance at all.

He was just holding a dart.


Lin Chen's eyes fell on the other person, and he was a little surprised. This person's method of holding the dart was very unique, and it was obviously practiced.

With a start.

The dart in No. 19's hand turned into a cold light, and flew out with a swoosh.


The first dart accurately shot into the tenth ring of a moving bull's eye.

Swish, swish, swish!

Then, with No. 19's unique technique, each flying knife hit the moving bull's eye accurately.

Moreover, all of them were ten rings!

The staff and examiners present were all shocked when they saw this, and looked at No. 19 with shock.

The staff reacted quickly and hurriedly recorded the results.

"No. 19, 10 seconds, full marks!"

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