After leaving the gold shop, Lu Zhe went to the 4S shop to get a car.

As he kept going back and forth between the worlds, he needed to buy more and more things.

It's impossible to have the goods delivered to your door every time, right?

Therefore, buying a car is imperative.

Looking at the time, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

He wasted too much time in the gold shop, so when buying a car, Lu Zhe just picked a Land Rover off-road vehicle worth more than one million yuan. The standard was that it had a large space and could be driven in the wild.

The appearance looked very good and was very in line with his aesthetics. There was enough space and the performance could also be driven in harsh terrain.

After spending a little more money, he quickly registered the license plate in less than an hour.

Lu Zhe, who was still worrying about how to save money a few days ago, sat in a million-dollar luxury car!

"I won't go back tonight, let's have a good meal first!"

What do you do with money?

If you have money, you naturally have to enjoy it!

Then why make money?

There are only a few ginsengs at home, and nothing to eat. Lu Zhe drove to a famous small restaurant in Dongzhou City.

Huayu Xiaoju, a very famous small restaurant in Dongzhou City. Located in the middle of the suburbs and the city, it is not large in area, but the environment is very good. I heard that the dishes are not only delicious, but also very diverse!

It includes specialties from all over Xiaguo!

The price is not too expensive, it is at the level of small luxury, and it is the first choice for many men and women to date.

Of course, Lu Zhe has never been this poor before.

In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, he changed his clothes when passing by the clothing store.

Not to mention, after walking out of the specialty store, Lu Zhe suddenly felt a lot more comfortable,

Then he went to the barber shop next door to get a hairstyle, and with his originally handsome face, he instantly had that taste!

Standing on the roadside, seeing two girls passing by peeking at him, Lu Zhe smiled triumphantly, smeared some hair oil,

Took out the car key, unlocked it with a beep, got on the Land Rover and drove away.

This wave of handsomeness is numb!

"Huanhuan, that guy just now was really stupid!" One of the two girls who were stunned on the spot took out the Ferrari car key and unlocked it silently.

"Well, if you don't look at the shoes, it's a Rolls-Royce, just look at the shoes, it's a diesel tractor..."


Speeding all the way to Huayu Xiaoju. Lu Zhe got out of the car with a dark face.

Just when he stepped on the accelerator, he realized that he was still wearing old and faded tennis shoes on his feet!

Forget it, no one should notice it!

Lu Zhe lowered his head and looked helplessly. Then he walked into Huayu Xiaoju.

The layout of the store adopts the style of green plants to simulate the natural environment.

"Hello sir! Do you have an appointment?" The waiter came forward with a smile.


Lu Zhe shook his head, looked around, and found a seat by the window to sit down.

The waiter took out the menu. After Lu Zhe took a look, he ordered all the top ten dishes.

"Please wait!"

It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening. Huayu Xiaoju mainly served lunch and dinner, and there were not many people in the store.

In addition to Lu Zhe, there was another table of five people.

Very young, looking like a fresh graduate.

However, the more Lu Zhe looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

It seemed like a college classmate?

Some of the five people at that table also recognized Lu Zhe and said in surprise:

"Hey! Isn't that Lu Zhe?" A little fat man recognized Lu Zhe.

"Lu Zhe?"

"Yes, he is the orphan who grew up in our class!" The little fat man confirmed after taking a look.

When he was in college, he was the class monitor and had a certain understanding of everyone in the class. Lu Zhe's identity as an orphan was also in his impression.

"Oh, it's him!" The others suddenly understood.

They all greeted each other.

Lu Zhe did not remain silent, but smiled and called out their positions one by one,

"Class monitor, league secretary, ..."

It was a gathering of the management!

"Haha, Lu Zhe, you are coming to eat too, join us? We just ordered more dishes!" The fat guy was called Wu Qi. As a class monitor, he had good communication skills. Seeing that Lu Zhe was alone, he wanted Lu Zhe to come and join them.

"No, you guys eat, I've already ordered the dishes!" Lu Zhe smiled and refused Wu Qi.

There was not much communication between the two, but Wu Qi was a good class monitor in college and helped Lu Zhe.

Except for the class monitor, the fat guy Wu Qi, the other four had no intersection with Lu Zhe.

"Come on, it's okay! We are all classmates!"

Finally, under Wu Qi's enthusiastic invitation, Lu Zhe stopped being pretentious and shamelessly approached.


It was not a bargain. I ordered ten dishes and asked the waiter to come here to eat together.

Except Wu Qi,

Lin Chule, the student committee member, did not have much impression. She was not bad looking, almost half as good as him!

Nan Xin, the secretary of the Youth League, was also a big campus beauty pursued by countless people in college. She was very beautiful. I don’t know if she has been succeeded now.

The relationship was not very good, and neither side was too enthusiastic.

After chatting with Wu Qi symbolically for a few words, Lu Zhe did not move his chopsticks. He played with his mobile phone while waiting for the dishes he ordered.

He browsed the shops about retro crafts, especially the shops of cold weapons such as swords and armor.

The people in Hutou Village still used ordinary spears, only the spearhead was made of iron, and the spear body was made of wood.

Although the wood in the Sky Realm was hard, it was not as hard as the alloy, and the lethality was not enough.

Dasha was swinging a wooden stick all day long, making him look like a barbarian.

Lu Zhe thought that their strength far exceeded that of ordinary people. If they were equipped with the titanium alloy armor of Blue Star, wouldn't their combat power explode?

While Lu Zhe was daydreaming, the dishes he ordered were ready and the waiter began to serve them one by one.

"Sir, the dishes you ordered have been served. Please enjoy!"

The ten popular dishes of Huayu Xiaoju are both beautiful and generous. They filled up the table that was originally served with many dishes!

"Oh my god! Lu Zhe, are you rich?" Wu Qi was a little uneasy after seeing Lu Zhe ordered so many dishes.

You know, each of these dishes costs thousands of yuan! Lu Zhe spent tens of thousands of yuan on this meal!

It's not something they students can afford!

Or, in other words, except Nan Xin, no one can afford it here.

Nan Xin, who was eating quietly and just glanced at Lu Zhe when he first appeared, looked up in surprise.

"Oh, did you pick up money?" Lin Chule was upset when he saw Nan Xin looking over.

Lu Zhe didn't expect that serving dishes would attract their attention.

Ten dishes cost tens of thousands, and it was true that they couldn't finish them, but there was nothing he could do, because his money was picked up.

He looked at Lin Chule strangely and said:

"Yes, I picked up gold on the way to wash my feet yesterday, and I made a small profit of several million. Isn't it time to spend it!"


Wu Qi and the others smiled, thinking that Lu Zhe was joking.

Nan Xin sat with her nose loose and frowned as if thinking.

Lin Chule didn't know whether he didn't understand what Lu Zhe meant, or just wanted to find some sense of existence:

"So, you picked up everything on this?"

"Haha, you can say that, not only the clothes, but also the hair is cut, of course, the shoes are not!"

The shoes are not? After hearing what Lu Zhe said, they noticed the old pair of tennis shoes.

"Puchi, so you rent it here?" Thinking he had caught Lu Zhe's funny point, Lin Chule burst out laughing.

Except for Nan Xin, the other people also looked at Lu Zhe with a strange look.

Unfortunately, Lu Zhe ignored them.

"Haha, I won't eat, so you won't ask me to share the bill later!"

Seeing that Lu Zhe didn't say anything, he suddenly thought of the meal money and looked at Lu Zhe with disdain.

"Haha, grandpa will definitely not let his grandson pay for the meal, waiter, settle the bill first!" Lu Zhe sneered,

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