The town of Yong'an is a place where the people live in seclusion and the people are in trouble.

Yong'an Town.

Yong'an Town is hundreds of kilometers away from Bianchang Town and is also under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou City.

Suffering the impact of the fleeing families, Yong'an Town was not peaceful during this period. In the past, the families above them were destroyed one after another.

Some of them provoked foreign forces, and some were annexed by local forces.

In short, the city has been very chaotic during this period, and the residents in the city have not had a good time.

"When will this day end!"

On the streets of several retail households outside Yong'an Town, Chen Ping'an had just closed his shop and ran into the old man next door who came out, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Who knows? It will probably take some time for things to calm down!" Brother Luo looked distressed.

His shop was well opened in the city and his business was very good, but because of the chaos during this period, he was forced to move out of the city.

There were many people like him, including outsiders and native residents of the city. The influx of a large number of people led to the overcrowding of the residential area in Yong'an Town.

Now there are circles of individual households outside the city. They build their own houses and gather together to form streets.

The location of the house was good, just in the gathering center, so he reopened his original shop.

"As Zeng Ying said, if the people above fart, we, the mud legs below, have to tremble!"

Chen Ping'an looked like he was crying. Although his house was in a good location and happened to be close to Brother Luo, his business just couldn't get going and his family was almost unable to make ends meet.

"By the way, kid Chen, have you broken through to become a warrior?"

Brother Luo asked when he suddenly saw something.

"Almost done, I will definitely break through in half a month!"

Hearing his words, Brother Luo couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth. He remembered that this kid said the same thing half a month ago.

"If you break through to the level of a warrior, you can go there to work!"

Brother Luo pointed to a mountain not far away, where a group of people were building a strange thing.

"Wanli Caravan?" Following his gaze, Chen Pingan looked at the mountain.

Those people came to Yong'an Town half a month ago, mainly from a caravan in a nearby town.

After buying the only small hill near Yong'an Town, they started to build a strange thing on it,

It looks like an iron tower, but the tower is hollow and surrounded by iron blocks.

Since they bought that mountain, there have been many people patrolling nearby, and their strength is not weak, and there are several great warriors!

Some big families in Yong'an Town wanted to go and find out, but without exception, they either left in disgrace and went to apologize with gifts the next day, or they were stubborn and were directly exterminated!

In the past few days, the residents around knew the existence of this force, and many people wanted to join it.

After all, in troubled times, it is easier to survive with a big force.

"Forget it, how can a force of that level look down on a small person like me!"

Chen Pingan shook his head and went back to his shop to continue to take care of things.

At this moment, on the hill they were talking about, the barbarian was holding a tablet, watching the teaching video on it and thinking constantly.

The people who were building the signal towers around were all residents of Hutou Village. After nearly half a month of hard work, the signal towers along the way had been almost completed by them. What was left was to connect the circuits and start testing.

This place is nearly 500 kilometers away from Bianchang Town, and the signal range of a signal tower is a radius of 300 kilometers.

When they built this signal tower, another signal tower in the center of the road between Yong'an Town and Bianchang Town was also built at the same time.

When the signal is turned on, the news in Yong'an Town can be directly transmitted to Bianchang Town without any delay!

"Captain, the signal tower has been installed and it can be powered on tomorrow!"

Xiaojiu, who was doing the finishing work of the signal tower installation, reported.

"Okay, I know. We will start the circuit test tomorrow. Send someone to tell them. We will conduct the signal test in five days!"

Manzi nodded to show that he understood.

Wait until the next day when they installed the diesel generator, and turned on the circuit after the diesel was loaded!

With the circuit connected, the operation of the signal tower showed that everything was normal, which also meant that the signal tower was officially completed, and the next step was just waiting for the signal test.

Five days later, Manzi sat in a guest room in Yong'an Town.

He held a brick in his hand and looked at the time. After twelve o'clock noon

After that, he immediately called the village chief in Bianchang Town.

On the other side, the village chief sitting in Lu Zhe's office answered the phone as soon as he received it.

"Hello, hello, this is Manzi! Can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, this is Bianchang Town!"

Hearing the voice from the other end of the phone, the village chief smiled,

Success, from now on they can pass on the news in Yong'an Town in an instant!

As long as the signal tower is not destroyed.

Regarding the protection of the signal tower. Lu Zhe's arrangement is that each signal tower is guarded by five great warriors and twenty warriors,

Each person carries modern equipment, and there is a helicopter stored in each signal tower.

After so much study, Liu Yiyi is not the only one who can fly a helicopter in Hutou Village.

It is necessary to build a signal tower on the way to Bianchang Town from the outside world.

These towns generally do not have martial artists. Five great warriors guard them, which is not very dangerous, and they have modern equipment in their hands.

Those big families will not attack the signal tower rashly. After all, it is a base established in the name of Wanli Caravan.

Wanli Caravan is a caravan formed by Lu Zhe for foreign trade. The place where it travels is within the coverage of Jingzhou City. It often does business with big families in the town and maintains good relations.

There will be no conflicts without special circumstances.

As for those who are stubborn and believe that there are treasures in the signal tower, they can only be destroyed.

The connection of signals within the scope of Yong'an Town and Bianchang Town is not only the first step, but also a process of accumulating experience.

With this experience, the next process of building a signal tower will be easy.

Send people to buy land and build signal towers one by one.

These matters were arranged by the village chief, and Lu Zhe went to Qingzhou City again with Wang Hu after successfully downgrading the two kinds of elixirs in his hands.

There were more than ten people going with him. This time, they wanted to open a shop in Qingzhou City to sell elixirs and exercises.

"Hahaha, it's been more than a month since we last saw Brother Lu. We miss him very much!" Wu Xu looked at Lu Zhe expectantly.

Yu Xiaoqian and others beside him, plus Lu Zhe, happened to be the people who attended the last gathering.

The other people also asked about Lu Zhe's well-being and asked about his experiences during this period, and they just talked about everything.

Of course, he knew what these people were looking forward to, and immediately took out bottles of elixirs from the bag behind him.

There were second-level and first-level elixirs. The second-level ones were warrior-type elixirs contributed by the Zhang and Mo families, and the first-level elixirs were made by downgrading the two elixir recipes in his hands.

Lu Zhe casually took out a bottle and threw it to Wu Xu.

After Wu Xu received the pill, he immediately opened it and sniffed it, then his face lit up with joy.

"Brother Lu is extraordinary, it really is the pill used by great warriors!"

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