The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next two days.

Nan Xin did not stop Zhong Lingling this time. Seriously speaking, she and Lu Zhe had nothing to do with each other. Helping her best friend find high-aged ginseng was her mission.

The phone beeped twice and was quickly connected.

"Hello, Lingling, what's the matter?" The voice of a middle-aged man came from the other end of the phone.

"Dad, I found ginseng that may be of the right age! But I'm not sure yet, so I need to send someone to identify it!"

Zhong Lingling didn't say it too firmly. Sometimes the despair after seeing hope is even more difficult to accept!

"Really? I'll send someone right away... I'll go there myself!" The middle-aged man on the other end of the phone was very excited and spoke incoherently.

The family spent a long time treating Mr. Zhong's injury, and now there is only one old ginseng left!

In the eyes of the Zhong family, as long as there is news, they can buy it. If they can't buy it, it means they don't have enough money! Besides, the Zhong family plays with power!

Lu Zhe thought that there were two thieves outside who were peeping at his things, so he ran out in a hurry after putting the spirit wine away.

He glanced at the two beauties standing next to the car and wondered:

"You guys are still not leaving, are you very idle? Or am I too handsome?"

"Hmph, it's none of your business!"

Zhong Lingling rolled her eyes disdainfully, still brooding over the fact that Lu Zhe had just stared at her.

Compared with her, Nan Xin had a better personality. She pulled Zhong Lingling's sleeve, looked at Lu Zhe apologetically, and said:

"She has such a personality. By the way, Lu Zhe, we really want to buy the ginseng in your car. You can name a price!"

After speaking, she looked at Zhong Lingling again, and added a little embarrassedly:

"Can you sell us some of that wine just now? The price is negotiable!"

Lu Zhe was about to open the car door, and his body paused on the door handle.

His mind recalled the wrong points after meeting Nan Xin.

Thoughts were surging, and he tried:

"I'm curious how you know I have ginseng, and you can judge that it is very old. If you tell me, it's not a bad idea to sell the ginseng to you!"

Hearing Lu Zhe's request, Zhong Lingling and Nan Xin looked at each other.

However, Nan Xin hesitated for a moment and shook her head:

"I'm sorry, Lu Zhe, I can't answer this question for you!"

The Nan family's secret method involves many things, which are related to that aspect, and it is impossible to tell an ordinary person.

In her opinion, knowing this may not be a good thing for Lu Zhe.

Of course, this is just her personal opinion.

The fact is that Lu Zhe's curiosity about this matter has not diminished, and he is a little disappointed.

He came to buy things here, but he didn't answer some questions. Isn't it too disrespectful to him, Mr. Lu?

Not getting the answer he wanted, Lu Zhe's heart moved, and the moment he opened the car door, he took the basket of gold nuggets in the car back to the transfer space.

Most of the ginseng was also taken in, leaving six.

Lu Zhe took out the bamboo basket in front of the two people without hesitation, and did not hide the big ginseng inside.

He even raised the bamboo basket in front of the two people.

With just one glance, Zhong Lingling recognized what was in the basket.

Ginseng, the roots almost covered the main branches, and the age definitely met the requirements!

Finally seeing the ginseng that could make her grandfather recover, Zhong Lingling opened her eyes wide, covered her mouth with her little hands, and trembled uncontrollably!

I was a little worried before I actually saw them, but now everything is gone!

"Oh my God!" Nan Xin also covered her mouth and pointed at the ginseng that was thrown into the bamboo basket with mud on it.

How many roots would be damaged if it was thrown in there casually!

It's a pity that Lu Zhe couldn't empathize with them. He even took out the ginseng, shook it in front of the two of them, and threw it into the basket casually.

After showing off, Lu Zhe didn't look at the two of them again, and staggered back to the villa. He started to make breakfast.

The villa has its own kitchen, and everything inside is very complete. It is a rental delivery benefit, all new.

Lu Zhe was almost starving after moving early in the morning, so he just made a ginseng egg noodles to try!

His cooking skills are not very good, he just simply sliced ​​the ginseng and boiled it in water, then added noodles and eggs, and a bowl of fragrant ginseng egg noodles was ready!

Lu Zhe sat on the balcony of the villa with noodles in his hand, eating while looking at Nan Xin and the others below.

They just stood there, and looked up at him when Lu Zhe walked to the balcony.

"Let's talk after dinner!" He shook his head.

Anyway, he was not short of money for the time being, so it didn't matter whether he sold the ginseng or not.

What I want to know is that Nan Xin learned about ginseng. Just by touching it, she can sense the smell of ginseng.

This treasure-hunting rat-like ability surprised Lu Zhe. If it weren't on Blue Star, it would definitely be...

Wait, if...

Lu Zhe had a guess in his mind, but then shook his head. There shouldn't be any extraordinary people on Blue Star.

Putting aside his guess, Lu Zhe thought about his future again.

To make his reselling business bigger and stronger, he still needs to make more money.

It's not impossible to find a stable sales channel to sell ginseng. It's just that the attitude of that stinky woman made him unhappy, so he deliberately didn't sell it!

He slurped two mouthfuls of noodles. Not to mention, this noodle is so fragrant. After one bite, my whole body is warm and I feel full of strength!

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

A convoy of five official cars appeared in front of the villa, and dozens of people came down from it.

The two middle-aged men were in the lead, and the others were wearing black clothes and sunglasses. They surrounded the two men, and their positions were vaguely meant to protect them completely.

There was a faint bulge around the waist, and I don't know what was hidden!

Lu Zhe put down his bowl and chopsticks immediately when he saw that something was wrong. He was in doubt.

Five cars, especially the one in front, were specially equipped for Xia government staff. Dozens of people surrounding them had a discipline that ordinary people did not have, and they were obviously soldiers.

"Something happened?" He frowned, and even had the idea of ​​running away to another world immediately.

At this time, Lu Zhe didn't know that he had been involved in the affairs of the old man of the Zhong family. He thought that there was a problem on his side.

Let's go down and see!

When he walked down the first floor, the other party directly stated the purpose of his visit as soon as they met, which made Lu Zhe relieved.

"So, you want to buy ginseng?"

"Yes, little brother, you can name a price!" Because of the special nature of the Zhong family, the transaction was negotiated by Nan Xin's father, Nan Qinghua.

Zhong Lingling's father, Zhong Qingtian, sat aside and listened silently, very low-key, without the appearance of a big boss in the southern province.

"Well, that's easy!"

Anyway, there are plenty of ginseng in the Sky World, so it doesn't matter if I sell some. It's just right to replenish my funds!

Besides, judging from the convoy just now, it's probably not up to him whether to sell it now or not.

The situation is stronger than the person. Even if Lu Zhe has the ability to cross the two worlds, he has just started. He has only made one trip and has not learned the practice method of the Sky Continent.

In order not to expose his secret, Lu Zhe didn't care whether they believed it or not, and made up a lie about the origin of ginseng.

"It's all here, just give me a price!"

Bring the basket of ginseng to him. He just cut half of it, and there are still five and a half in it.

"There are still half a root?" Nan Qinghua was surprised.

"I just cut half of it for making noodles!" Lu Zhe said calmly, not caring about their strange looks at all.

"Prodigal son!" Nan Qinghua cursed in his heart.

As a thousand-year-old medicine family, he could tell at a glance that the one that was cut off was the oldest one, estimated to be seven hundred years old!

Seven hundred years of wild ginseng!

Just cut it up by this kid to cook noodles? !

In the end, five and a half ginsengs were bought for 50 million!

Nan Qinghua did not let go of the half ginseng.

The price was fair and he did not bully others, which made Lu Zhe feel relieved.

"By the way, I bought the wine too!" At this time, Zhong Lingling suddenly remembered the jar of wine she had just opened and interrupted.

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