The new plan is to make a new potion.

Cynthia needs to transfer machines to make extraordinary potions. It takes a lot of time to transfer machines from her mother in Xiongguo, so it is still in the preparation stage.

And this is the machine he needs. In addition to the extraordinary first and second levels, he also needs a machine that can make extraordinary third-level potions.

It was very difficult for even Cynthia's mother to get it before, but now it has broken through to the extraordinary third level at the time of the monster chaos.

According to him, her mother took the opportunity to seize a lot of territory during this period,

The power in her hands has been greatly improved.

However, even if it is like this, it will take a lot of time to get the machine to make the third-level extraordinary potion.

As for the reward, he asked Cynthia to promise 3 second-level extraordinary potions.

At this time, Lu Zhe has returned to Bianchang Town in Tianqiong World.

"Village Chief!"

In the City Lord's Mansion of Bianchang Town, Lu Zhe met the village chief who was handling government affairs.

"Young Master is back!"

Seeing Village Chief Lu Zhe, put down the things in his hands.

After Lu Zhe sat down, he didn't say anything gossiping, and directly stated his intentions.

Of course, he didn't talk about the extraordinary potion, but asked the village chief to find some villagers in Hutou Village who were not very talented but very loyal.

If the extraordinary potion is confirmed to be effective for humans in the Sky World, then he will start with this group of people and quickly establish a group of extraordinary forces!

Then use these people as a base to obtain more resources, thereby driving the development of other systems!

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away!"

Even though there are a lot of resources supplied to Hutou Village now, due to the limitation of talent, although the overall strength has been greatly improved compared with the past, there are still many people who have not been able to become warriors.

After all, with more than 10,000 people, it is impossible for everyone to have the talent for cultivation.

When several villages were annexed or the population of the village had reached more than 10,000 people, after coming to Bianchang Town, after Lu Zhe's strong promotion,

The young people in the village, as long as they reached the right age, were forced to go to the city to find wives.

For this reason, he also specially organized a city-wide blind date meeting, gathering all the women of the right age who had the intention to get married in the city.

Whether they were girls in their teens or twenties, or divorced and still young widows,

When they heard that the blind date object was from Hutou Village, they were very enthusiastic!

As for the men on the blind date, there were only men from Hutou Village.

In order to increase the population of the village, Lu Zhe was worried to death.

And with his series of actions, the effect is still very significant.

During this period, people in the village held weddings almost every day, and more than one wedding a day.

The customs here are different, and the weddings are not big, so the cost is not much.

Along with the endless weddings, there are endless artillery fire and young wives who are constantly pregnant.

Wait another year, a large number of tiger cubs will be born in Hutou Village, and the village kindergarten he planned in advance will also play a role.

It takes time for the village chief to arrange people. Lu Zhe asked him to arrange a small number of people, 300, but it also takes more than a day.

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Zhe came to his exclusive practice room and took out many high-level practice resources.

His cultivation has been stuck in the second stage of the extraordinary, the late stage and the late stage of the great warrior for a while, and the immortal system is stuck in the bottleneck of the great perfection of Qi training and breaking through the foundation-building period.

In the ancient immortal cultivation period, the foundation-building pill was needed to assist the breakthrough, but now Lu Zhe does not have a method to refine the foundation-building pill, and the Blue Star has not simplified it. After all, the current extraordinary system does not require foundation building.

He could only catch a glimmer of opportunity in the dark, and now was the time to break through!

Lu Zhe sat cross-legged in the training room, with all kinds of spiritual objects placed around him, including third-level spiritual wine, third-level spiritual medicine, a large number of nourishing essence pills, and blood-strengthening pills.

He practiced three systems, so he had to break through one by one.

Lu Zhe first focused on the extraordinary system. Compared with the other two systems, the extraordinary system was easier to break through.

He swallowed the third-level spiritual wine in his hand, and then did not stop, but stuffed pills into his mouth frantically.

The power of the spiritual wine evaporated in his abdomen, and a large amount of spiritual energy filled his body, with a faint tearing phenomenon. After taking the two pills, they turned into power to consolidate his body, constantly repairing the body torn by spiritual energy.

In this way, with one attack and one defense, his body became stronger and stronger, and the spirit

The power was also constantly improving under the impact of the spirit wine.

Outside the training room, as Lu Zhe continued to practice, the surrounding spiritual energy also surged wildly in this direction. Other people working in the city lord's mansion felt the abnormality in the air and looked towards the training room.

"It's the master's training room!"

After calculating the location that triggered the image, they put their minds at ease and quietly did their own things, but they still paid attention from time to time.

It takes a lot of energy to break through from the second level of extraordinary to the third level of extraordinary. Lu Zhe spent more than two hours to reach the barrier of breakthrough.

"Break it for me!"

After drinking another pot of spirit wine, Lu Zhe opened his eyes angrily and roared. Then the spiritual power around him surged, tearing his body madly, and blood gushed out for a while!

Normally, it takes more than one day to break through from the second level to the third level. If Lu Zhe wants to break through quickly, he must rely on powerful spiritual energy to impact, so it is inevitable to tear the body.

In order to deal with it, he prepared a lot of body-refining pills early. He was not panicked when the blood gushed out. He stuffed a lot of pills into his mouth to repair the damaged body.

With the effect of the pills, the body is recovering quickly. Not only that, it becomes more perfect under the effect of the pills.

The muscles of the body are sharp and angular, the body skeleton is more coordinated, the thickest parts are thicker, and the long parts are longer.

Under the effect of a large number of pills, it has almost undergone earth-shaking changes!

If you say he was a little handsome before, now he is very handsome!


Third level of transcendence!

Lu Zhe suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and two holes appeared on the wall of the cultivation tree in an instant.

This is the manifestation of his spiritual power.

At the third level of the extraordinary, the lethality that can be exerted is far greater than before.

The types of spiritual skills that can be used are more diverse, more powerful, and the degree of weirdness is greatly improved!

After becoming the third level of the extraordinary, he has a preliminary self-protection ability on Blue Star.

After clenching his fists and feeling and adapting to the changes in his body, Lu Zhe used the hidden breath technique to suppress his own fluctuations.

Controlled to the level of the early stage of the extraordinary second level, not strong, but able to walk in the world.

After breaking through the third level of the extraordinary, Lu Zhe did not start to break through immediately, but rested for a while,

After adjusting himself to the best state, he began to break through the martial artist.

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