The new plan was made.

"Okay, find the village chief and inform him to start the extraordinary potion plan immediately!"

Now that the potion problem has been solved, the plan to mass-produce extraordinary people can be started. Lu Zhe slapped the table, and the expression on his face couldn't wait!

This matter is related to whether their Bianchang Town can quickly improve its strength. As long as the extraordinary people can be mass-produced, at least it means that their foundation will explode in a period of time, and the benefits will be extremely terrifying!

Regarding the selection of personnel, it was determined as early as this month, and the number increased from the original to 500.

All of them are villagers of Hutou Village, and they are affirmed in terms of loyalty. These people are people who have poor martial arts training talents and extraordinary training talents. There is no way to reach a high level through self-training, but they have a heart loyal to Hutou Village.

And the target of the extraordinary potion is exactly these people!

Outside Bianchang Town, a newly built top-secret base,

Lu Zhe, Wang Hu, the village chief, and the other two stood on a high platform. In front of them were 500 villagers who had obtained the village. These people were old and young, male and female.

They looked at Lu Zhe and the other two on the stage with warm eyes.

They had already been told what they needed to do. They knew that after today, they would gain powerful strength!

"Are you all ready!"

There was no tedious opening speech. Everything had been made clear before. Now asking again was just to confirm.

Even though the extraordinary potion had been improved, due to the high production cost, only a few dozen people were experimented.

It was hard to say whether there would be any accidents when 500 people took it in batches, but there was no such thing as smooth sailing in the pursuit of strength!

"Serve the young master and fight for Hutou Village!"

500 people, whether male or female, old or young, shouted in unison, venting their determination!

Now their lives are much better than before. After occupying Changsha, they have enough food, clothing and shelter. But they know that all this is based on strength. Therefore, for the long-term prosperity of Hutou Village, they are willing to give everything they have! "Let's start!" After standing silently and watching for a long time, Lu Zhe nodded his head, and Wang Hu said. "Yes!" The people of Wang's generation settled these 500 people in 5 different areas, 100 people in each area, and the distance between them was very far. They will take the first-level extraordinary potion in order, one area at a time. During this month, in addition to selecting people to experiment with extraordinary potions, Lu Zhe also continued to collect materials from first-level monsters to make first-level extraordinary potions. Second-level extraordinary potions may be more difficult to collect, and the sky coins required are expensive, but the materials of first-level monsters are very cheap for him. More than 800 potions have been made in one month. After the extraordinary evolution began, Lu Zhe the businessman did not leave, but stood not far away and silently watched the people who broke through.

After the breakthrough in the first zone went smoothly, the extraordinary potion in the second zone was immediately delivered, and the breakthrough began.

In this way, when the breakthrough in the first zone was halfway through, the people in the fifth zone also began to take the extraordinary potion. 500 people broke through at the same time!

In front of the 500 people, there was a small bowl of spirit wine.

All of them were second-level spirit wine, which could provide them with sufficient spiritual energy during the breakthrough.

Unlike the breakthrough of a few people alone, the amount of spiritual energy required for 500 people to break through at the same time was very large. When they broke through, this area absorbed spiritual energy from the surrounding area crazily, and it was almost drained out in a period of time!

In order to stabilize the breakthrough process, spiritual energy must be replenished from the outside.

When it came to the critical moment of the breakthrough, many people in the first zone of Cobra felt that their spiritual power was insufficient. They took the spirit wine in front of them and drank it down to replenish the spiritual energy they needed in their bodies.

Many people also began to feel the pain of the breakthrough and screamed in a low voice.

"I hope they can hold on."

The village chief who watched all this silently looked reluctant. After Lu Zhe's arrival, he promoted the continuous development of Hutou Village. Since conquering Bianchang Town, no one has been lost.

And they have lived a stable life, but this time, they need to take risks to break through.

Of course, the village chief who had experienced the difficult period in the past knew that this was inevitable. Despite this, he was still very worried.

"Don't worry, village chief, if it really

If there is a danger to their lives, we will rescue them immediately! "

In addition to the three people of Village Chief Lu Zhe, there are some people responsible for rescue around each district. They are all people who have become extraordinary people and warriors.

They have healing pills and medicinal materials in their hands. Once someone breaks through and is in danger of life, they will immediately interrupt according to the method taught by Lu Zhe, break through and pull the person back from danger.

"I hope so!" The village chief shook his head and did his best.

As time passed, more and more people began to enter the critical moment of breakthrough, and screams continued in their ears!

Even if they have undergone improvements, they need to feel a lot of pain. In addition, they have had a comfortable time during this period. After experiencing such hardships, it is inevitable that some people can't hold on.

Fortunately, the successful breakthrough of the first person gave them confidence!

"Finally broke through..."

The first person to break through was a girl in her teens, with short hair like a tomboy, and she stayed in Hutou Village to practice 's muscles,

The whole person looks very healthy.

She was the first person to complete the breakthrough. After her breakthrough, she subconsciously wanted to cheer, but was stopped by the rescuer. If she made a noise at this time, it would disturb the breakthrough of others. In addition, her body had not fully adapted to the breakthrough, which could easily cause accidents.

The rescuer pulled her aside and helped her down with a bowl of first-level spiritual wine. While resting her body, she also let her sit on the ground to rest.

After resting, she needed to get up and do a set of radio gymnastics to adjust her suddenly strengthened body.

"Here we go!"

With the breakthrough of the first person, the number of people who broke through increased sharply!

Lu Zhe and others gradually smiled, because there had been no accidents so far.

Because it was carried out simultaneously in different areas, the breakthrough of 500 people lasted only one afternoon.

After everyone had rested and gradually adapted to their bodies, Lu Zhe gathered them together again, smiling and congratulating them:

"Next, you need to enter the Transcendent Academy to study. You can only come out again after learning the basic spiritual skills. By then, you will be real Transcendents! "

Take the extraordinary potion to break through and become the lowest level first-level extraordinary person, and there is no possibility of continuing to break through in the first stage. The next time you take the extraordinary potion, you will directly break through to the second level of extraordinary.

However, the extraordinary potion can only allow them to reach the extraordinary realm, but cannot give them spiritual skills. Therefore, if they want to form combat effectiveness, they must enter the Extraordinary Academy to learn various types of spiritual skills.

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