The attack was a big success, and the situation was very complicated.

When the Thousand Islands Country was panicking about the failure of this operation and the discovery of the potential huge power of Shanhai Company,

At the company's headquarters, Cynthia summoned several team leaders responsible for guarding the company.

This attack can be confirmed to have been launched by the capital of the Thousand Islands Country.

When the surveillance camera captured an abnormality in the afternoon, she sent people to the capital of the Thousand Islands in advance to prepare for the response.

When the battle on their side ended, the person in charge of squatting in the office of the capital of the Thousand Islands Country found a member of parliament who had fled away,

and captured the member of parliament back.

After interrogation, it was confirmed that it was the current Speaker of the Parliament of the Thousand Islands Country, Bit, who launched this operation with the purpose of obtaining the spiritual objects in their hands,

and the monster materials accumulated during this period.

After all, during the Monster Rebellion, monsters in the ocean frequently attacked the company. The noise and number of the battles were monitored by the officials of the Thousand Islands. It can be inferred that they have a large amount of monster materials in their hands.

But they don’t know that the monster materials have been made into extraordinary potions.

"Let’s put this matter here first and make a decision after Lu Zhe comes."

Cynthia thought again and again and decided not to retaliate against the Thousand Islands for the time being. After Lu Zhe comes, she will listen to his arrangements.

Of course, they are not doing nothing.

Cynthia has contacted her mother to put pressure on the Thousand Islands.

A few days later, Lu Zhe studied the Hundred Arts of Immortal Cultivation in the Sky, and returned to Blue Star after he could not get any results.

When he learned that the company was attacked by the officials of the Thousand Islands, he was furious!

"How dare these white dogs?"

On the balcony of the high-rise building, Lu Zhe and Cynthia were lying on chairs. After listening to the process of the attack, although he was angry inside, he gradually calmed down after learning that there were no casualties.

Playing with the cup in his hand,

"After the attack failed, did the high-level officials of the Thousand Islands Country run away?"

"Of course there were, but they were all caught back by our people." Cynthia replied.

During this period, the place was like a prison, usually guarded by their people. Once a high-level figure wanted to run away, he would be caught back.

Internationally, the Thousand Islands Country also sought help from neighboring countries, but was suppressed by her mother.

With the power of the third-level extraordinary, no country in this small sea area would take such a risk to rescue the Thousand Islands Country.

And the Thousand Islands Country does not have a good reputation in normal times. Although its relations with the surrounding countries are not hostile, they are not particularly close.

It can be said that this small country is now in their pocket.

If you want to steam it, you can steam it. If you want to braise it, you can also put two slices of pepper.

"Then what are you waiting for to kill those people and then support people to control the Thousand Islands Country!"

Since you have the strength and can do this, then naturally you have to go back for revenge!

After the decision was made, Lu Zhe transferred more extraordinary people from the sky and launched an attack on the entire Thousand Islands Country!

The targets of the attack included senior officials of the Thousand Islands Country, generals who controlled the army, and extraordinary people.

All the second-level extraordinary people either fled to other countries in advance or were killed in this attack.

In just three days, this small island country was controlled by Lu Zhe.

The government of the country is still carried out in the form of a parliament, but the members of the parliament and the speaker of the parliament have been replaced by puppets in Lu Zhe's hands!

Now the monster rebellion has come to an end. Only the two dead places of Antarctica and the Arctic still have a large number of monsters. Some deep-sea areas also have terrifying monsters.

Except for these places, monsters in other places can only be hunted down.

At this time, the attention of various countries has also turned to the surrounding neighboring countries and hostile countries.

Some countries that took advantage of the chaos before launched wars, and local wars broke out in many areas.

Although Lu Zhe and his people's control of the Thousand Islands will not be noticed by ordinary people, it is a piece of information on the table for the top leaders of various countries.

A country with more than ten second-level extraordinary people was destroyed within three days, and the entire country became a puppet of others!

Even Xia, the world's most powerful supernatural country, took this news very seriously!

They immediately sent people to the Thousand Islands to make contact.

The object of contact was naturally not the parliament of the Thousand Islands, but the person in control behind the scenes.

The supernatural world in the West, led by Ugly, issued a severe international


The Thousand Islands Country is an important node of their NATO in South Asia, but they didn't expect that someone would steal the venue!

When this news spread, the Chaofan Forum was flooded with discussions about this matter.

Some people thought that Xia Guo suddenly took action and pulled out a nail of NATO, while others thought that it was a terrorist organization that rose in this monster chaos.

Anyway, there are many different opinions.

As the man behind the scenes, Lu Zhe is living in the most famous hot spring in the Thousand Islands Country without any hurry.

"Although the hot springs in the Thousand Islands Country are not as good as those in the East, they also have a unique flavor. They are much better than those in Xia Country!"

The hot springs in the Thousand Islands Country are not famous, but in fact, the internal operation is also very good.

Lu Zhe leaned on a big rock, naked, soaking in the hot spring except for his head.

The hot spring pool was sprinkled with rose petals, and Cynthia's bright figure swam in it, like a mermaid with a basin of dazzling eyes.

In addition to the two of them, there were also serving women next to the hot spring, all of whom were pretty and slim.

"The discussion on the forum is in full swing now, why don't you respond? It's a good time to show off!"

The mermaid swam for a long time and seemed to feel tired, so she slowly stopped and leaned against Lu Zhe.

"Haha, let them discuss as they please. What we need most now is to deal with the Thousand Islands Country."

Lu Zhe closed his eyes, and a woman behind him was massaging his head.

He didn't expect to take over a country on Blue Star so suddenly.

After the company's strength increased, the area and size of the company were enough to support its trade, so there was also a plan to capture a country on Blue Star,

It's just that this is still an idea and has not been implemented,

But I think God also knows how handsome he is, and he picked a way to share his worries and directly sent a stupid donkey country over.

Now it's good, the Thousand Islands Country was taken over without any effort.

Although they have basically controlled the country now, there are still some small aspects that need to be dealt with.

In addition to public opinion, there is the threat from the Western supernatural world.

"Is the Ugly Country still clamoring internationally?"

"Yes, I guess they want to find out our strength." Cynthia nodded.

"Well, don't be afraid of them, just hurry up and make supernatural potions."

The plan for supernatural potions is already in rapid progress. After the 500 people had a preliminary contact with spiritual skills and adapted to their physical conditions,

Lu Zhe planned to arrange for them to be injected with the second-level supernatural potion in three days.

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