Seeing Lu Zhe repeatedly shirking his responsibility, Wu Xu was disappointed. It seems that borrowing the power behind Lu Zhe is not feasible. Or is there no strong force behind him? Suddenly Wu Xu thought of this possibility, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes. He looked up at the decoration of the store and the several kinds of elixirs on the counter. The store has been operating very well during this period, bringing it a good profit, but compared to the total profit, it only accounts for 15%. Now Qingzhou City is facing a disaster, and it is unknown whether it can be preserved. It is a pity to leave this store here. After looking at the shop for a while, Wu Xu suddenly spoke again:

"Brother Lu, this shop has been in business for such a long time. The several kinds of elixirs brought before have reached saturation. Now that the city is facing war, it is a good time to sell elixirs.

Why don't we launch new elixirs at this time and harvest a wave of leeks?"

"Oh, what does Brother Wu Xu mean?" Lu Zhe's heart moved, but his face remained unchanged.

"Brother Lu, let's not beat around the bush. Many people in the city buy your two kinds of elixirs, but there are still too few types. If you can come up with a few more elixir recipes at this time, we can sell them together.

We will definitely make a lot of money. At that time, we will split the profits 30% and 70%, I will take 30% and you will take 70%. How do you think?"

After speaking, Wu Xu looked at Lu Zhe with a smile on his face, his voice was high and low, very tempting.

Who doesn't love money? Money is the most important thing.

Besides, what he said was right. Selling elixirs at this time will definitely make a lot of money. Of course, the premise is...

The premise is to block those who are secretly watching.

Lu Zhe sneered in his heart.

Of course he knew all these things. There are only eternal interests, but no eternal friends.

If he took out a new pill formula at this time, even if he made money, he would be working for Wu Xubai.

Under normal circumstances, Qingzhou City is blocked, and money cannot be transported out. If Qingzhou City is breached, then the City Lord's Mansion is likely to take away the resources in the city and run away.

Even if it is not breached, there will be people who fish in troubled waters in this chaos, just like him.

At that time, the store will have to face countless troubles.

How could Lu Zhe do such a stupid thing, but he spread his hands and said that he had no stock.

Not to mention the new pill formula, there is not even a pill left. All the stocks are on the counter!

Don't ask why, just ask that there is no raw material and it can't be transported in!

Seeing this, Wu Xu smiled awkwardly, unhappy in his heart, but did not show it.

"In that case, I'll take my leave first. There's still a task for me to do at the City Lord's Mansion."

Watching Wu Xu leave, Lu Zhe chuckled and returned to the room.

"Tsk, this guy has a good plan." Liu Yiyi walked out of the compartment holding the picture. She heard the conversation between Lu Zhe and the others just now.

"Don't worry about him. The City Lord's Mansion is in trouble now. We just need to act according to the situation."

The situation in the city became more and more serious in the next few days. The pedestrians on the street were in a hurry with panic on their faces.

Many people transported a large amount of soil from their homes and dumped it outside the city.

I don't know which genius came up with the idea of ​​digging tunnels at home to avoid war.

Not to mention, when Lu Zhe heard the news, he really thought it was feasible!

He wouldn't dig, but some weak people could survive.

In the past few days, Yu Xiaoqian came once and expressed her longing for Lu Zhehao when she saw him, and bought a few bottles of pills from him.

The main purpose was to buy pills, and I didn't know whether the longing was true or not.

Liu Yiyi was more interested in this girl who suddenly appeared, and took Yu Xiaoqian to go shopping for an afternoon.

The Yu family is also one of the shareholders of the store, holding 10% of the shares.

After learning that Lu Zhe was going to temporarily close the store without inventory,

Yu Xiaoqian agreed, and also wanted to invite Lu Zhe to take shelter in her family, so that he could escape with the family at a critical moment.

Lu Zhe declined her kindness.

"Why didn't Xiaoqian come to see you today?"

In the morning,

Liu Yiyi came out of the room in a modern pajamas, looking at Lu Zhe who was brushing his teeth and asked in confusion.

"Are you going to take her shopping again?"

Lu Zhe muttered without even turning his head, blocking his toothbrush.

With Yu Xiaoqian, a local, leading the team, Liu Yiyi had a good time in Qingzhou City these days,

People were panicking.

Zhang's stockpiling of goods, preparing to avoid the war, she, on the other hand, dragged others to play happily.

"Humph." Seeing that her thoughts were exposed, Liu Yiyi was not embarrassed. She took the toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste on it, moved to Lu Zhe's side, squeezed him aside, and brushed their teeth together.

After brushing their teeth, they just walked to the shop on the first floor, and Wang Laoer, who managed the shop, ran in in a panic:

"Young Master! Something bad has happened!"

He panted, rushed into the shop in three steps, and held the counter.

"Just now, the City Lord's Mansion issued a call for conscription. All town families within the scope of Qingzhou City need to send great warriors to support!"

"We also need to send people from Bianchang Town!"

Call for conscription?

Lu Zhe was stunned, and understood in his heart.

It seems that the final war is not far away.

However, if the call for conscription is issued at this time, it is hard to say whether people from other towns can arrive smoothly.

Even on the remote road from Bianchang Town to Qingzhou City, there are people blocking the road and robbing people. It is conceivable that other places will be like this. The family alliance will not let Qingzhou City gather strength at this time.

"Young Master, what should we do now? Should we notify the village chief in advance?"

Wang Laoer asked worriedly after catching his breath.

Before Lu Zhe spoke, Liu Yiyi, who was sitting on the side, curled her lips:

"Don't panic, uncle. The road from here to Bianchang Town is long. It will take days for the news to be passed.

Even if someone is sent, they will not send people from our Hutou Village. Isn't it enough for the families in the city to send people?"

Bianchang Town is not like before. After Lu Zhe's investment, there were only a few families left in Bianchang Town, and there was no great warrior.

However, with the development of this period of time, a large number of Central Plains families came here, and many entered Bianchang Town. Except for the Zhang family who wanted to challenge Hutou Village and the well-behaved families who were killed,

others who were obedient were settled in the city.

The City Lord's Mansion's call for 30 great warriors from each town, and Bianchang Town can definitely gather them.

"This matter is not a big deal, but we still need to notify the village chiefs in advance so that they can be prepared."

In Lu Zhe's opinion, the City Lord's Mansion's call for this time is unlikely to be effective. Even if someone can break through the blockade of the family alliance and come to Qingzhou City, they are only great warriors, and it is unknown how many there are.

It's just a drop in the bucket.

Of course, we must also prevent the family alliance from launching attacks on various towns in advance after receiving the news.

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