The new road is changing, and the new environment is changing.

Of course, in addition to the merchants, the lives of other people are also changing.

The most obvious is the workers recruited from the city. In the past, the cost of recruiting them was very low.

But now the wages of the workers responsible for road construction are uniformly determined by Bianchang Town, and all other towns need to pay workers according to this wage.

All workers' wages have been greatly increased. When they heard the news, their thoughts can be imagined.

In order to publicize this matter, Lu Zhe even took out the mass line and asked Bianchang Town to print a large number of books and notices,

and spread them in other cities to make public a series of policies of Bianchang Town.

A reporting method was also set up. Once a family that manages a town does not govern according to the policies stipulated by Bianchang Town, it can go to Bianchang Town to report,

and can get a lot of rewards!

These are all for the construction of Qingzhou's economy. In addition,

The Warrior Academy established in Bianchang Town also officially enrolled students in the entire Qingzhou area with this wave.

"Dad, I have decided to take the test and register for the Warrior Academy tomorrow!"

In a grocery store in the south of Qingzhou City,

Zhang Xiaofan, the son of the shop owner, looked at his father stubbornly,

He wants to apply for the Warrior Academy, practice in it, and become a powerful warrior, so that he can protect his family, guard his property, and create a better life in the future!

"No, if something happens to you after you leave, who will inherit this family property?"

Zhang Dakuai waved his hand to deny his decision, and said in a serious tone.

He only has one son, Zhang Xiaofan. If something happens to him outside, won't there be no one to inherit the family property and the incense will be cut off from then on?

His own cultivation talent is not outstanding. In his opinion, his son's cultivation talent will not be much better. Even if he happens to enter the Warrior Academy, it is hard to say whether he can cultivate to a great warrior.

Although the enrollment notice of the Warrior Academy has been spread to Qingzhou City, and many people are eager to try,

But in Zhang Dakuai's opinion, who would be stupid enough to take out their own skills and provide resources for strangers to practice?

The Warrior Academy might be a scam, deceiving them to come and work as coolies. In the end, there is no hope for cultivation, and they have to work for nothing.

It is better to stay in the store obediently, help him, inherit the store in a few years, and live a stable life.

His idea was very safe and old-fashioned.

But Zhang Xiaofan didn't think so. He was young and had a future. He was full of passion and wanted to make a difference!

That night, he packed his luggage, left a note at home, and quietly left home under the moonlight.

Walking on the street late at night, he headed towards the recruitment point set up by the Warrior Academy in the city.

Surprisingly, on the street late at night, there were many people dressed similarly to him, carrying bags and sneaking towards the recruitment point.

They must have had the same experience as Zhang Xiaofan.

This time, the Warrior Academy recruited people from the entire Qingzhou region, and the number of people was far greater than before.

Therefore, the selection conditions were much stricter than before.

To enter the Warrior Academy, not only did you need a strong talent for cultivation, but you also needed to be tested in terms of character and personality.

Even so, it couldn't stop the passionate hearts of the teenagers.

And all this was within Lu Zhe's expectations.

With a developed economy, it is possible to create huge profits. Naturally, it is necessary to have a strong force to protect all of this. Therefore, the expansion of the Warrior Academy is inevitable.

It is now temporarily established in Bianchang Town. Later, it will expand to Wanli Forest, and even set up a training point directly in Wanli Forest to accompany the monsters.

Use the monsters inside to hone the students.

Of course, all this is still a later story.

At this time, Lu Zhe, who has been stable for a while, is also ready to return to Blue Star.

This time he will bring a large number of monster pills and make them all into extraordinary potions.

With a flash of light, Lu Zhe returned to Blue Star again, but surprisingly did not find Cynthia in the company.

"Not in the company?"

Although the company now controls the Thousand Islands Country, it is controlled by puppets, and usually stays in the company for remote control.

No one answered the phone, so he could only wander around the company.

On the way, he met the villagers of Hutou Village who were changing guards, and asked about their life in the company during this period.

Coming from Bianchang Town to this strange world, exposed to various technological products, can I adapt to it for a while?

It's hard to say.

But what surprised Lu Zhe was that most of these people enjoyed it.

Although the cultivation here is a little worse than that in Bianchang Town, there are all kinds of entertainment products,

TV series, animation, novels, movies,

and intoxicating music,

The culture of the Blue Star civilization surged towards them like a tide, washing them to pieces, and they enjoyed it!

When they saw the useless novel "30 years in the east, 30 years in the west, don't bully the poor young man",

Even if they were squatting in the toilet to take a shit, they could jump up and roar like in the novel!

The big and strong girl from Hutou Village, since she came into contact with the idol drama, her whole personality has been distorted.

Obviously a chivalrous girl, but now she has become so delicate,

A coquettish one after another, Lu Zhe's scalp tingles!

Knowing that these people live well in the company, he was relieved and put his mind at ease.

But this reminded him that in the other world, in addition to reforming and growing the economy, culture is also an indispensable part!

"Do you want to shoot some TV series in the other world?"

Thinking of the monsters and giant trees that are 180 meters high in Wanlilin,

If you shoot a movie in that environment, wouldn't it be much better than special effects?

But this kind of thing can only be thought about, there is no need to do it,

He is not short of money, what is the use of making movies besides creating some stars?

The main thing is to promote Blue Star's novels, dramas, comics, etc. to Qingzhou Domain,

I think it will sell well!

Movies and dramas can also be shot to earn ticket money, drive employment, and drive the economy.

Especially when the network is built later, a set of live broadcast systems are set up, and a group of Internet celebrities are created, won't they be able to cut leeks?

The more Lu Zhe thought about it, the more he saw the sky coins piled up like a mountain waving at him!

Just when she was about to stop drooling, Cynthia finally came back. She found out that Lu Zhe was waiting for him and came to his office immediately.

As soon as they met, she couldn't help but hit him on the chest. She pounded him,

She frowned and complained:

"You are finally back. It's so good to be a hands-off boss!"

Lu Zhe touched his head awkwardly, laughed, and patted her shoulder to comfort her.

"If you don't come back, someone will come to the company!"

After sitting down, Cynthia rolled her eyes and said angrily.


Lu Zhe put the teacup he had just picked up back on the table.

Someone dared to touch them?

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