After a while of darkness, the sky brightened.

The dazzling light made Lu Zhe raise his hand to cover his eyes.

The sudden change of environment made him unable to react. There was no smell of chemical pollution in the air, which was better than any place on the blue planet!

The mysterious substance around made Lu Zhe excited, and his body inexplicably felt a force!

Looking around carefully, he was now standing in a magical forest. The trees around him were extremely tall, and the weeds under his feet were thick and long, reaching his knees.

Not far away, the smallest tree trunk within sight required two people to hug it.

"My goodness, if this were on Blue Star, I don't know how many years I would have to sew with one axe!"

When he came to a big tree, Lu Zhe smacked his lips.

Looking up at the sky, the lush leaves did not completely cover the sun, and Lu Zhe could see a small part,

But this small part made him very sure that this was no longer Blue Star!

This is not the sun of Blue Star!

In the sky, a huge milky white sun was hanging high, and its appearance was far larger than a disk!

But the strange thing was that Lu Zhe did not feel hot, and the airtight survival suit was just right for him.

"Let's experiment first!" Lu Zhe's eyes were solemn. He needed to try whether the process of summoning the time and space gate could be omitted during the crossing process!

"Return!" The thought moved in his mind,

In an instant, time and space fluctuated, and Lu Zhe returned to his small rental house.


With a flicker, he returned to the forest.

At this point, Lu Zhe finally breathed a sigh of relief and had the confidence for the next exploration.

When entering a different world for the first time, caution is essential. He only has one life, and he is afraid of death.

Lu Zhe took out the machete from the space, carefully looked around, and started his first exploration.

Through observation, he found that this world was very different from the blue planet. Whether it was trees or grass, they all grew abnormally well. The size was significantly increased.

From time to time, birds chirped in the forest, and many unknown birds the size of airplanes were startled.

Seeing this, Lu Zhe kept shouting Wow.

He even saw a guy that looked like a pterosaur, with an estimated wingspan of more than 100 meters!

The moment he found it, he immediately hid under the big tree.

"Could this be an ancient world?" Lu Zhe felt bitter in his heart.

If this was an ancient world, the probability of humans being present was very small. At that time, he would have only a world and no means to mine materials. He was crying to death!

Because of the pterosaur, Lu Zhe had no choice but to stay under the tree to hide.

Leaning against the big tree trunk, because of the competition for sunlight, there were few weeds around. Lu Zhe didn't have to worry about being bitten by a snake.

Feeling a little hungry, Lu Zhe sat on the ground and took out two pieces of bread and a bottle of mineral water from the space.

"Let's fill our stomachs first!"

While chewing bread, Lu Zhe observed the surrounding environment.

Suddenly, Lu Zhe's face froze, and he looked at the plant under his crotch suspiciously.

It had large leaves and many small red fruits on the top. The whole plant was sat down by him, and the stem and the top just stretched out from his crotch.

This was nothing, but when he saw the cluster of small red fruits, he seemed to remember something.

"This... Isn't this ginseng!" Lu Zhe's head was blank!

He quickly stood up and straightened it, and looked at it carefully, and became more and more sure.

Ordinary ginseng is 60-80cm tall when mature, but the one in front of him is more than one meter tall!

But Lu Zhe still recognized it,

"It should be right, dig it out and have a look!"

Lu Zhe's eyes were shining, and he took out a small shovel for the wild from the space, and didn't care about protecting the roots, and dug it roughly with a shovel!

After two shovels, the top of the ginseng was exposed, and Lu Zhe was overjoyed! He was instantly full of energy and dug it out in a few strokes!

"It's really ginseng!"

Looking at the fat ginseng in his hand, Lu Zhe carefully cleaned the dirt on it. Because of his rough behavior, many roots of the ginseng were dug off, and a lot of nutrients were lost.

But Lu Zhe didn't feel bad at all. In high school biology class, their teacher specifically mentioned the plant ginseng in one class, and also taught them how to identify the age of ginseng.

At that time, out of interest, Lu Zhe rarely listened to a class seriously and remembered the identification method firmly.

According to his speculation, this ginseng is at least three hundred years old!

However, because it grows in a different world, Lu Zhe doesn't know if this ginseng is different from the ginseng he knows.

"I'm rich, I'm rich!"

Throw the shovel

On the side, Lu Zhe laughed happily.

If this ginseng is sold, it will definitely be in the unit of W!

For him, who has just graduated and has not found a job, it is undoubtedly a huge surprise!

After a while of happiness, Lu Zhe came back to his senses.

Wiping his saliva, he put the ginseng into the transit space with his backhand.

Under the impact of ginseng, he stopped eating bread and started looking around with a shovel.

"Wow! There are more here!"

Going around the giant tree, Lu Zhe found another ginseng on the ground!

Master Lu is a ruthless man who doesn't talk much. He just dug it out and threw it into the space!

"Look again!"

"There are more here!"

"Fuck! There are five here!"

"Hehe, there are more!"


In the surrounding area, ginseng was constantly dug out of the soil by Lu Zhe, and it was not put into the space, just piled aside.

He was like a hardworking little honey, sticking his butt out and waving the shovel hard!

On the other side,

"Why haven't you found any prey yet? We've been running for a whole day!"

"Yiyi, hunting is like this. Sometimes you're unlucky and won't get anything for several days!"

"Hmph, it must be Dasha's fault!"

"Ah? How can you blame me?"

Wang Dasha touched his head, looking innocent.

Beside him was a man and a woman. The man looked strong and the woman was a girl in her teens.

The three of them were holding a spear in their hands. The spearhead was sharp. Although it was not made of iron, it could still make people feel cold at first sight!

"Hmph, then why can't you catch any prey today!"

The girl pouted and said angrily, hitting the trees on both sides with a stone in her hand.

"Okay Yiyi, it's still early. Maybe there will be prey later!" Wang Hu glanced at the girl, helpless in his eyes.

How can you say there is prey? Although there are countless beasts in this forest, if there is prey, you have been throwing stones all the way, and the prey would have been scared away.

Liu Yiyi pouted and waved impatiently: "Okay, listen to Brother Huzi."


Wang Hu shook his head helplessly, forget it, who let her be the granddaughter of the village chief.

Just treat it as a day of fun!

At this moment, Wang Hu's ears suddenly moved and he stopped:

"There is movement!"

"Is there prey?" Liu Yiyi's face was happy and raised the spear in her hand.

Wang Hu frowned and shook his head: "It shouldn't be"

Then, he jumped more than ten meters high and came to a tree.

The two people below followed closely, bursting out with terrifying power and jumped up!

When they reached the tree, the view was wide, and the three looked in the direction of the sound.

Under a big tree not far away, a figure was sticking his butt out, and I don't know what he was doing.

"Let's go and take a look!" Liu Yiyi was a little curious and jumped back and forth between the giant trees.

"Yiyi!" Wang Hu's face tightened, and he and Dasha followed behind him.

With a few clattering sounds, the three of them came to the tree next to the figure and observed his movements from a high position.

I saw a young man in ‘luxurious’ clothes holding a shovel, digging the ground non-stop, and dug out a lot of grass roots used to feed pigs in the village.

"Huh? Dasha, you are the only one stupid among us, what is he doing?"

Wang Dasha: "..."

"How do I know, but it looks like he is digging grass roots for brewing Peiyuan wine."

"But those grass roots are so small, they can't be brewed Peiyuan wine, right? The village is all used to feed pigs, is this person also digging to feed pigs?" Dasha asked in confusion after taking a closer look at the ginseng piled on the side.

Let's talk about Lu Zhe,

At this time, he had just dug precious ginseng for a long time and was exhausted. He sat on the ground panting.

"Oh, I'm so tired!"

He opened the backpack that he had taken out to pack ginseng, took out the dough and drank a sip.

Looking at the ginseng piled up like a small mountain in front of him, he couldn't help but smile again.

So many ginsengs, how much are they worth!

As long as he sells one or two of them, it will be enough for him to enjoy!

Then he will have cars, houses, delicious food, beautiful girls...


Enjoying for three seconds, Lu Zhe spit out the words,

He slapped his handsome face: "Damn it, you dare to complain about being tired even when you are making so much money!"

(He slapped the reader's handsome face: "You dare not urge for such a good novel!")

Lu Ye is a ruthless man who doesn't talk much. The loud slap made Liu Yiyi and the other two on the tree dumbfounded,

"This... Dasha, he seems to be a little dumber than you..."

Wang Dasha: "..."

Liu Yiyi was really confused and couldn't control her voice for a while.

Under the tree, Lu Zhe heard the movement faintly and looked up.

As expected, he looked into the eyes of three peeping eyes...

What I fear most is that the atmosphere suddenly becomes quiet,

A strong wind blew, and the leaves around rustled.

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