The life is sometimes turbulent, but most of the time it tends to be peaceful.

Since the last invasion of the monsters, only a small number of monsters have come to harass them, but they have all been killed by the snipers stationed at the base.

Not only did they not cause any damage to them, but they also provided them with a lot of monster meat,

giving members who have no experience in fighting monsters a chance to practice.

Lu Zhe wants to keep this kind of good thing going.

In addition to the monsters, the plan to build various bases and breeding bases has been completed for the most part.

Now the population of Dalian in Qingzhou Domain has gathered around Bianchang Town to work for the base. Bianchang Town has become more and more prosperous, and even has the momentum to catch up with Qingzhou City.

The influx of a large number of people led to a shortage of living space. There was no choice but to expand Bianchang Town again, and the area increased three times.

In addition to residential buildings, many schools were built.

These schools include not only martial arts academies and academies for extraordinary people to practice, but also many schools for mortals.

In theory, in the world of Tianqiong, which is full of spiritual power, strength should be the main core, and practice is the only way to rise.

But in the last war when monsters attacked, Lu Zhe also clearly saw the role of hot weapons in low-end battlefields.

Everyone's cultivation talent is different. Some people have good cultivation talents and some have poor cultivation talents.

And people with poor cultivation talents could only do hard labor in the past and become ordinary workers, and their contribution to the stability of the city was not great.

After careful consideration, he felt that he should give full play to the advantages of manpower. Not to mention that everyone is a soldier and picks up weapons to fight, but also to play a greater role.

So he thought of making changes in life.

Bringing the knowledge system of Blue Star over and transforming the entire Qingzhou region into a modern region, if various machines suitable for the Sky World can be manufactured, then production capacity will be greatly improved and logistics will be guaranteed.

However, this road is still far away and there are many things to do.

Lu Zhe cannot directly bring the means of production of various products over. If he only knows the facts but not the reasons, it will become empirical science.

Just like the ancient Xia Kingdom, the scientific system is obviously far superior to other regions, but it lags behind in modern times. To a large extent, it is because the ancient times are empirical scientific systems, and no effective basic logic has been formed, and many things cannot be explained.

What Lu Zhe has to do is to establish a system that is more suitable for this world in the Sky World. Of course, a lot of knowledge from Blue Star needs to be moved in the process.

In this way, in addition to allowing himself to completely independently manufacture various machines and modern equipment, he also has a wish in his heart, that is, to be able to take a new path in the use of spiritual energy.

After all, the Sky World is better than Blue Star in spiritual energy concentration, and has various materials that Blue Star does not have.

He didn't know if there was a technological empire in the Sky World. After all, the area was vast, and the area he knew was only so large.

But this did not prevent him from taking this path.

Technology to cultivate immortality, mechanical Buddha?

That was not the case.

As for the time issue, Lu Zhe did not need to worry at all. His current life span was hundreds of years, and as his cultivation continued to break through, his life span would also continue to increase.

He could wait for it.

It was a severe cold day, and the snow was white.

Two unexpected figures appeared in Bianchang Town, Cynthia and Lin Feifei.

They were marked with light gates and brought to this world.

When she learned from Lu Zhe that he would take them to another world, the shock in her heart was no less than encountering a volcanic eruption and the destruction of the earth.

At first, Cynthia thought that Lu Zhe had mastered the passage to the inner world, but in the end she learned from him that it was another world.

After the two arrived in this world, they felt the surging spiritual energy around them and the spiritual objects everywhere, and finally understood where Lu Zhe's large quantities of medicinal materials came from.

Lu Zhe also introduced the two to the senior officials of Bianchang Town, allowing them to smoothly integrate into the Hutou Village family.

On the other hand, as the New Year is approaching, the news of the Mortal School has spread throughout the Qingzhou region.

Along with it, there are also basic arithmetic and some simple physical and chemical thinking problems.

Qingzhou City,

Outside the city, many people still come to the Qingzhou Lake to visit and sightsee at this time. A piece of cloth is spread on the shore, and they can sit there for an afternoon.

At this time, several people gathered on the shore, talking about the Mortal School.


"Have you heard about the recent establishment of a mortal school?"

One of the young men, who was handsome and scholarly, spoke first.

After hearing him mention this, the other people also started to talk about their own ideas.

"I guess it's like a college, training some pedantic scholars, which won't play a big role. I don't know why it is built in the entire Qingzhou area?"

"Yes, there is no need for so many scholars. Strength is the foundation. Even if you learn well, you are just a shogun and get a meager salary every month."

The man with a little sheep beard shook his head slightly.

It's not that he looks down on those people, but in this world, strength is supreme. Without strength, you can't control others at all.

Even if your plan is good, but without sufficient strength to support it, and it touches the interests of others, others will oppose you.

"I don't think so."

Seeing that they all regarded the newly established mortal school as the academy for cultivating scholars before,

A tall, ordinary-looking young man suddenly expressed a different opinion,

"Since Hutou Village ruled the entire Qingzhou region, every decision made has greatly promoted the development of Qingzhou region."

"Just like the crazy road construction in the entire Qingzhou region before, didn't many people say it was useless at that time?

But now it seems that it has greatly developed business and the overall appearance has been completely renewed!"

"I guess this mortal school also has its role."

Hearing what he said, the other people frowned and thought.

What he said made sense. They were one of the people who criticized the construction of roads before, but they were slapped in the face.

"Brother Xiangyang's words make sense. Let's let the arrow fly again and see what's different about this Mortal School!"

"That makes sense."


The publicity of the Mortal School has attracted the attention of many people. In addition to the people who are discussing it, there are also many people who have very poor cultivation talents or even no talents, but are unwilling to be ordinary.

After seeing the slogan of the Mortal School, they were overwhelmed.

"Yearn for the unique knowledge of the saints, explore the truth of all things in the world, and use the body of a mortal to stand shoulder to shoulder with the God of War, and benefit all living things in the world..."

"With such an intention, a real man should go!"

A young man with ragged clothes and a pale face looked at the words written on the paper in his hand, standing in the snow, ecstatic!

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