The news was so good that the emperor was still alive.

"Where's the news? Bring it here!"

Hearing that it was Chu Lin who sent back the news from Qingzhou, the Seventh Princess Cai Ji hurried forward and took the letter from the guard.

Chu Lin had been returning to Qingzhou half a month ago, praising the environment of Qingzhou and the policies made by the rulers there,

which really made her curious.

She opened the letter and read it, then put it away silently, frowning and thinking.

The letter was Chu Lin's suggestion to go directly to Qingzhou, but she had to be responsible for their safety with so many people under her.

Just as she was thinking about the feasibility, there was a sudden commotion outside, and the guards rushed in again.

"Your Highness, it's not good. Shi Jian's people have discovered us. Now there are soldiers from the Southern Kingdom all over Xiaotai Mountain!"


Hearing this news, Cai Ji was shocked and stood up immediately:

"Call all the soldiers immediately and prepare to fight!"

"No...wait a minute!"

Just as the guard turned to leave, the Seventh Prince suddenly stopped her and reacted:

"No, we can't fight here, prepare to leave through the small path!"

The enemy is strong and we are weak, and they are now short of food and weapons. The Southern Kingdom soldiers who are besieging them are well-armed and have a large number of people.

It is not a good idea to engage in battle at this time.

Every time, the deputy general Chu Qing rushed over,

They immediately led the soldiers to leave through a small path behind the mountain.

This road was a retreat they had left behind when they chose Xiaotai Mountain.

Take this road and cross a forest, and you will reach the other side of Xiaotai Mountain, which is the direction to Qingzhou!

Given the situation, Cai Ji could not care less. She just hoped that the news from Chu Lin was correct.

Outside Xiaotai Mountain, Shi Jian looked at the surrounded entrance with a proud look on his face.

"I finally caught this little bitch. Now let's see where you can escape!"

The sturdy man rode on a unicorn monster, with 50,000 elite soldiers behind him.

Shi Jian was one of the main forces of the Southern Kingdom's invasion of Dakun Kingdom. So far, he has led his soldiers to plunder property in the Central Plains of Dakun Kingdom and live a prosperous life.

Some time ago, he discovered a wealthy place and happily led his soldiers there. Unexpectedly, he ran into the Seventh Prince.

He was caught off guard and his soldiers were killed and injured!

After feeling sorry for him for several days, he finally realized what was happening and led his soldiers to chase after the Seventh Prince.

"General, we have blocked the exits around us. Shall we attack immediately?"

"Pass my order, scouts go up the mountain, and once you find the traces of those little girls, send a signal immediately!"

There are also scouts in the army, usually served by warriors with strong strength, and they usually practice footwork martial arts, can conceal their tracks and move quickly.

When they began to search the mountain, the Seventh Prince had already left Xiaotai Mountain with his soldiers and headed straight towards the direction of Qingzhou.

One day later, Shi Jian, who had searched the entire Xiaotai Mountain, did not find any traces of the Seventh Prince.

Instead, he found a small trail from the back, with traces of marching on the trail,

which made Shi Jian furious!

He grabbed the dog-headed military advisor beside him and asked with his eyes wide open:

"Didn't you say that there is only one entrance to Xiaotai Mountain?"

The wretched man he caught trembled and stammered:

"General... that road was opened up by them temporarily. It must not have existed before.

And to pass that road, you must cross several mountains. The speed must not be very fast. We can definitely catch up with them if we chase them now!"

"Are you sure?"

"I guarantee it with my life!" The dog-headed military advisor looked at Shi Jian's face and looked like he wanted to eat him. He had no choice but to pretend to be tough.

"Hmph, let you go first!"

The man had already run away. It was useless to vent his anger on this guide.

Throwing him aside, Shi Jian immediately led his soldiers to chase him.

But he didn't expect that in the absence of food and grass, the Seventh Prince could lead his men to escape for several days in a row.

The two sides chased each other, and the distance was sometimes close and sometimes far, and they could never catch up.

"Dongtian is just ahead. Who is in charge of this place?"

During the march, Shi Jian held a map and pointed at Dongtian.

The counselor beside him came over and said, "General, this place is now ruled by You Qing of the Northern Kingdom."

The news that You Qing was entrenched here had spread. The Northern Kingdom was involved in the Central Plains battlefield and was temporarily withdrawn.

There is no time to deal with him.

"You Qing from the Northern Kingdom? It is said that he has defected and is now entrenched in this place. It seems that he wants to settle down."

Shi Jian touched his chin, immediately found a scout, waved his hand and wrote a letter, and left his own breath on it.

"Take this letter now and go to Dongtian City to find You Qing as quickly as possible, and tell him that

Your Highness must be stopped in Dongtian, otherwise, wait for my army to flatten Dongtian City!"

The soldier immediately took the letter and rode the fastest monster in the army to reach Dongtian before His Highness's people.

On the other side, His Highness's people have gradually become tired after days of raids.

"Your Highness, Dongtian is ahead, and after Dongtian is Qingzhou!"

Looking at the map, Cai Ji breathed a sigh of relief,

It's almost there, they will be able to reach Qingzhou in a few days!

I just don't know if the rulers over there are willing to help them and offend the Southern Kingdom.


Dongtian City,

You Qing had already received the letter and called two of his generals to discuss the matter together.

"What do you think?"

He threw the letter on the table. There was not much written on it. The general meaning was that if he could not keep the Seventh Prince's people out,

Shi Jian would bring soldiers to trouble him.

The threat was not concealed at all, and it was obvious that they would be beaten if they did not obey.

"Damn it, Marquis, this Shi Jian is too much!"

"You are the Marquis of the Northern Kingdom after all, how dare he have such an attitude!"

Tai Bao slapped the table indignantly and cursed.

"That was in the past. Let's not talk about it now. The most urgent thing is to come up with a solution."

Now they are caught in a dilemma. Is Shi Jian making harsh words to scare them on purpose?

This possibility is not high.

You have to know that the South Kingdom originally came to invade the Dakun Kingdom. They can get some achievements by attacking Dongtian, and it's just a matter of convenience.

"My Lord, I think we should be cautious about this matter."

Mo Yuan sat aside and frowned.

Their current status is very awkward. The North Kingdom and the South Kingdom have a feud. Even if they defected to the North Kingdom, they are still northerners.

They are not in harmony with the soldiers of the South Kingdom.

And their country was the first to invade the Dakun Kingdom, and they also have a feud with the people of the Dakun Kingdom.

It seems unlikely that they will unite with the Seventh Prince to deal with Shi Jian.

Or even if they can contact one party to deal with the other party, they will be liquidated afterwards.

The matter was deadlocked for a while,

and at this moment, a soldier walked in, followed by a merchant leader of the Wanli Caravan.

"My Lord, this is a letter from Bianchang Town!"

Before You Qing and others asked about the identity of the visitor, the man had already spoken in advance,

and also handed over a letter with the official seal of Qingzhou Domain on it.

"Oh?" The three of them looked at each other and took the letter calmly.

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