The soldiers were so busy that they had to wait for the next battle.

With doubts, she led the army to an open space not far from the city.

After seeing the soldiers transporting food and grass, they left directly without stopping to get information.

The seventh prince was even more confused.

"What is the price the other party gave?"

"Your Highness, the price is very cheap, only a quarter of the price in the Central Plains!"

This price?

Her brows furrowed even deeper.

It's not that the price is too expensive, but that the price is too cheap, so cheap that she suspected that the other party had other intentions.

You know, the Central Plains was in chaos and food was expensive.

But according to the price of this batch of food given by You Qing, it was only the price before the chaos in the Central Plains.

If this batch of food was transported to the Central Plains for sale, the profit can be imagined! It's a huge profit!

But they didn't do such a business but sold it to them at a low price.

"Go check if there is any problem with the food. We will use our own food tonight. We will sample the food and feed it to the monsters."

To be on the safe side, the Seventh Prince did not use this batch of food rashly.

When they woke up the next day, they found that the monsters that ate the food last night had no problems at all.

They did not find any toxins in it,

which means that this batch of food is very likely to be safe.

This really made the Seventh Prince puzzled.

But if he couldn't figure it out, he would not think about it. Now the most important task is to reach Qingzhou as soon as possible.

After a night's rest, she left with her people at dawn the next day.

After arriving at Dongtian, their speed increased greatly,

because not only the environment here is stable, but the road is also much easier to travel than other places.

Thanks to Qingzhou's large-scale construction of cement roads and development of trade,

Dongtian also leveled the dirt road under the command of You Qing in order to catch this wave of wealth and facilitate the passage of caravans.

Lin'an Town,

Chu Lin drove a large bus and stopped at the reception desk, but her eyes looked anxiously in the direction of Dongtian.

It has been nearly half a month since she sent the message. Calculating the time, the Seventh Prince will soon arrive.

"I don't know if His Highness can arrive safely or if there will be pursuers behind him, alas..."

"Driver, let's go!"

Chu Lin came to her senses when she heard the customer's urging voice, and nodded quickly: "Alas, okay, we'll leave right away!"

"The female driver is always slow, not only does she drive slowly, but she also leaves slowly!" A customer couldn't help but complain.

That day, after running back to Bianchang Town on this trip, Chu Lin found the Bianchang Town City Lord's Mansion.

Hoping to see the city lord.

Now everyone in Qingzhou knows that the ruler is not Qingzhou City, but Bianchang Town.

Chu Lin came here to meet the city lord, seek his help, and provide a place for His Highness to settle down.

Lu Zhe had expected her arrival early and did not come out to meet her, but sent the village chief out to deal with it.

He only promised His Highness the Seventh Prince that he could stay in Qingzhou, and as for other matters, His Highness needed to come in person to discuss.

After getting the promise, Chu Lin immediately asked for leave and took a car to Lin'an Town.

After waiting for a day, the troops of His Highness finally arrived.

"Your Highness!"

Chu Lin took several team members and went ten miles out of the city to meet His Highness the Seventh.

"Xiao Lin!"

His Highness was finally relieved when he saw Chu Lin.

Chu Lin was safe and sound, so the news was basically true.

"Can I meet the mayor of Bianchang Town? Is he willing to provide us with a place to stay?"

The first thing after the meeting was the resettlement issue.

"Well, they allow us to be resettled in Qingzhou City, but if we want to discuss other things, you must go in person!"

The task that His Highness gave Chu Lin was not only to find a place for them to be resettled, but also to attract foreign aid.

Find out from their own side that the strength of Qingzhou Domain is not weak. If they can be pulled into their own camp, the chances of quelling the rebellion will be even greater.

"We'll discuss this later. Chu Linyi, where do you think we should choose a better resettlement point?"

She would naturally go to discuss the matter of attracting foreign aid in person, but the choice of residence needed to be asked to Chu Lin, who knew Qingzhou better.

"The Lord of Bianchang Town said that we can go directly into the city to rest!"

"Go directly into the city?"

After hearing this, the Seventh Prince looked at the generals around him. Another one allowed them to enter the city at will.

It was easy to say when they met You Qing, after all, the opponent's main force was in the city,

But according to the Lord of Bianchang Town, they could choose a city in Qingzhou to settle in at will?

This is not mercy, but trust in one's own strength!

Confidence that even if they enter the city, there is no need to worry about them making small moves.

Such a broad mind and such confidence made His Highness the Seventh Prince curious about this Qingzhou Region!

They followed Chu Lin to Lin'an Town. During the journey, they were obviously curious about the hard road surface under their feet.

Presumably this is the cement road mentioned in the letter?

Cai Ji also stepped on the cement road curiously, just like Chu Lin saw it for the first time.

But obviously, with her strength, even if she didn't use much strength, she still stepped out several cracks.

It just so happened that their location at this time was not far from the road monitoring station.

Tens of thousands of people gathered together, which naturally attracted the attention of road monitoring personnel.

Dozens of members of the Public Security Department responsible for the safety of the road inspection station were always paying attention to them, and the guns in their hands had been unsafe.

When seeing Cai Ji trample the road, a uniformed person immediately stepped forward.

Relying on the members of the Qingzhou District Public Security Bureau next to him, he was not afraid of the fierce female soldiers and walked straight towards Cai Ji.

Seeing this, several soldiers around Cai Ji hurriedly tried to stop him,

but were stopped by Cai Ji.

Wang Xiaohei walked in front of Cai Ji and was surprised at her beauty at first. He was stunned for a moment before he asked:

"Miss, although you are very beautiful, you still need to pay a fine for damaging the road!"

He took out a measuring ruler and measured the distance that Cai Ji trampled.

"You have damaged a total of three meters of road, and you need to pay 300,000 RMB!"

RMB is the currency issued by Qingzhou District and can only be used in Qingzhou District.

As a Blue Star native, Lu Zhe knew the role of currency very well. It was impossible for Qingzhou to always use Sky Coin.

After gradually stabilizing, he began to issue RMB and stipulated that only RMB could be used in Qingzhou.

Foreign caravans must use Sky Coin and exchange it for RMB according to the value before they can trade in Qingzhou.

Hearing his words, the soldiers around him were unhappy.

"What, what are you talking about? Do you know who our prince is!"

The personal soldier standing on the right of Cai Ji couldn't help but question Wang Xiaohei first.

Wang Xiaohei was startled by her fierce tone, but after looking at the people from the Public Security Department behind him, he plucked up his courage again:

"No matter who she is, even the mayor of Bianchang Town has to pay compensation!"

He said this not bragging. Once before, the village chief and Lu Zhe were inspecting outside and accidentally damaged a section of the road.

The road monitoring personnel didn't know the two at the time and asked them to pay a fine.

Both paid the money according to the rules.

That incident also spread throughout Qingzhou. Since then, almost no one dared to destroy things without paying the fine, unless he was more powerful than the mayor of Bianchang Town!

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