The world is full of hope.

A glimpse of the whole leopard, Lu Zhe couldn't help but feel a little awe for this world.

If the information he learned was true, this was just an insignificant town in the Sky World, then the civilization of Blue Star was just like a child in front of this world! Not even a child!

According to what he learned from a big Kun wild history book these two days, the human beings in this world have existed for a long time, even they themselves don't know how long!

Not to mention that there are countless other intelligent species!

The technological development of Blue Star civilization is very fast, and it has surpassed the original thousands of years of development in a few hundred years.

Since the West came out of the darkness of the court religion, it has been leading the development of science and technology all the way. What is the reason for this, no one knows.

In general, the growth rate is fast, but at least it is not enough for now.

After thinking so much, Lu Zhe put away the little discrimination against people from other worlds in his heart.

Before, when he saw that this other world was so backward, he still had a faint sense of superiority in his heart, and this time he was alert.

"Huzi, where did you go to play in Bianchang Town before?"

After walking on the street for a long time, and having been on the road before, Lu Zhe was a little tired and wanted to find a place to rest, so he looked at Wang Hu and asked.

"Here?" Wang Hu thought about it carefully, and he also saw that Lu Zhe wanted to find a place to rest, but the key was that he was not familiar with it.

Before, he came here to sell goods, buy some things and go back, so there was no chance to play around.

Besides, even if he had time, he didn't have any money.

After searching his head from beginning to end, Wang Hu tried to ask:

"I heard that the Huaxianglou in Changzhen is quite good. How about... Young Master, let's go there to have a look?"

He has definitely never been to this Huaxianglou, but when he was buying things before, he saw many wealthy young men discussing it, so he thought it should not be bad, right?

"Well, let's go to Huaxianglou!" Lu Zhe knew nothing about this place, so he agreed without thinking.

Finally, after several inquiries, the two of them came to a beautiful flower building with the obscene smile of the person who was asked for directions.

Outside the flower building, two rows of scantily clad women were soliciting customers on the street. When they saw Lu Zhe and the other two coming, a girl immediately pulled them in.

"My two lords, are you here to have a meal or have fun?"

"To have a meal." Looking at the bare-breasted woman, Lu Zhe always felt that this store was a bit improper.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. The private room is full now. We only have seats outside. What do you think?"

"Sure." Lu Zhe was new here, so he was not picky. Besides, he had the intention of asking for information. It was all shown on TV. It was the easiest place to ask for information when eating!

Then, they chose a seat by the window. After ordering some of the restaurant's specialties, Lu Zhe picked up the teacup and looked at the guests in the Huaxiang Building while drinking tea.

Just as Lu Zhe thought, the Huaxiang Building was also a place for eating. It was lunch time at this point, and there were many guests. They were all talking about the recent major events.

Among them, at a table next to Lu Zhe, also by the window, sat three young men. Judging from their clothes, they should be the natives of Bianchang Town.

At this time, one of the men with stubble drank a glass of wine and sighed:

"Brother Chao, the current situation is uncertain, are you really going to the capital after the New Year?"

This world also has festival customs, and what is very similar to Blue Star is that there is also the New Year, but it is half a month earlier than Blue Star.

"Alas..." Chao Chao sighed, with a tragic face,

"Brother Lan, it is precisely because the situation in Dakun is uncertain now that I have to go to the capital to serve the country!"

"It's difficult, it's difficult!" The man who had been silent shook his head. Obviously, he didn't think highly of his friend's idea.

"You are confused, Brother Chao, now the eldest prince and the second prince are fighting for power, who can you help if you go? It's not that I want to attack you, your cultivation..."

He shook his head with a bitter smile, and because of his affection, Lan Sheng didn't want to say too much.

Lu Zhe listened for a while and barely figured out some information, but it was not detailed enough. His eyes rolled around, and he suddenly picked up the wine glass and came over, sitting down beside them.

"My dear brothers, you are so good-natured. My last name is Lu. I heard you guys were talking so interestingly before, so I came to meet you!"

Then, before the three of them could speak, Lu Zhe grabbed the receptionist who happened to be passing by,

"My dear brothers, this is

The meal is on my head!"

"Hey, Brother Lu, no, how can I let you spend money on this first meeting!" Chao Chao's eyes lit up, and he shouted no, but his hands did not move at all.

The other two also shouted a few words symbolically.

Seeing them like this, Lu Zhe couldn't help laughing in his heart.

"It's okay, I'm new to this Dakun area, I don't understand many things, I still need to ask the three brothers for more advice!"

Waving his hand, Lu Zhe directly asked Hu Zi to pay the bill, looking very arrogant. Coupled with the silk on his body, Chao Chao's eyes lit up a little more.

"Since Brother Lu is so generous, we won't refuse. Brother Lu, if you don't understand anything, just ask, I will tell you everything I know! "He patted his chest and waved to Chao Chao.

"Haha, I just heard the three of you talking about the uncertain situation, and the eldest prince and the second prince. May I ask this..." Lu Zhe laughed and then asked curiously.

Hearing Lu Zhe ask this, Chao Chao's face tightened and he quickly lowered his voice,

"Brother Lu, please be careful with your words!"

Seeing him like this, Lu Zhe nodded to show his understanding, and then whispered:

"But what's the inconvenience?"

On the surface, there was nothing, but Lu Zhe almost couldn't help cursing in his heart. This pig just barked so loudly, and now he asked a question himself, and he was being careful here. Is he treating others as deaf?

"Alas, Brother Lu, you don't know when you first came to Dakun. The situation in Dakun is difficult now! "

Under Lu Zhe's contemptuous gaze, Chao Chao asked the waitress to add a pot of the most expensive wine in the store, drank it silently, and then said it.

It turned out that the uncertain situation they just mentioned was that the first heir of the Dakun Dynasty, the eldest prince, and the second prince who came later, had a fierce battle for the throne.

This kind of thing happened a lot in ancient Blue Star, for the throne, the heirs fought each other.

And on the Tianqiong Continent, it is also a common operation in many countries. It is not uncommon to cultivate the next generation by raising Gu.

But the difference is that King Dakun went out to look for a treasure a few years ago and was seriously injured by a strange beast. Along the way Escaped back to the capital of Dakun. He died before he even ran into the palace.

King Dakun died suddenly, and there was no successor at all. For a while, several princes and princesses who were qualified to compete for the throne formed factions and fought fiercely for the throne.

Three years later, the eldest prince and the second prince were left, and they were evenly matched. No one was willing to give in, and the conflict between the two was about to break out.

If the two sides went to war, the entire Dakun Dynasty would be in turmoil, and there would even be a risk of division!

So when Chao Chao said he wanted to go to the capital to serve the country, Lan Sheng said those discouraging words.

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