The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

At a stall at the entrance of the alley, a man in his fifties was sitting next to the stall, holding a mobile phone in his hand.

There were two narrow bamboo baskets on the stall, and people who passed by curiously stretched their heads over, and soon they were scared and took two steps back.

This is a stall selling snakes, and the boss is a snake catcher.

After getting off the car, Lu Zhe walked quickly to the boss and pointed at the bamboo basket:

"Boss, how much is this snake?"

"One thousand yuan a piece, no bargaining!" The boss looked up and looked at Lu Zhe, and said casually.

One thousand yuan a piece, it's not expensive. But it depends on what kind of snake it is.

Of course, Lu Zhe is not just here to buy snakes.

"Are there any poisonous snakes?"

"Yes, there is a golden krait!"

The snake seller was a tough guy who didn't talk much. He took out a small bamboo basket with a golden krait in it.

The golden krait is known as one of the ten most poisonous snakes in Xia.

Its toxicity is self-evident.

If an ordinary person is bitten, he will probably just wait for death.

However, Lu Zhe frowned, somewhat dissatisfied.

He needed a highly toxic krait to give the Huang family a good drink.

Although this golden krait is very deadly to ordinary people, it is hard to say how effective it is for a great warrior whose physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhe quietly came to the boss's ear and whispered:

"Boss, I won't be polite with you. I want the most toxic snake venom. If you can get it for me, money is not a problem!"

Generally, people who sell snakes in this profession are villagers living in deep mountains and old forests. They live with snakes all day and have some knowledge of how to extract snake venom. Some snake catchers even have the business of extracting venom for others.

After hearing Lu Zhe's words, the boss paused and glanced at the young man in front of him who looked like a college student with some surprise.

"Young man, what do you want this snake venom for? If you want to use it for fun, I advise you not to seek death."

Shaking his head, the boss advised.

In his eyes, Lu Zhe, who was wearing branded clothes and driving a luxury car, was just a rich kid looking for fun.

But can this snake venom be played with casually?

"Boss, don't worry. I'm not using it for fun, and I won't do anything illegal. I just bought it for other purposes. As long as you have it, you can name the price!"

As he said that, Lu Zhe opened the dog message and showed the balance in his wallet.

There were hundreds of thousands of RMB in the card. For convenience, Lu Zhe specially recharged some money into his wallet.

Once the six-digit balance was shown, it was very attractive.

The boss didn't ask any more questions and motioned Lu Zhe to follow him.

The two of them walked through two alleys and came to a cheap room.

The boss took out a 50 ml glass bottle from the room, which contained yellow liquid.

"This is the venom of the slender-scaled taipan! It was given to me by a foreign friend of mine. It has been at home for more than half a year. Since you want it, you can take 500,000!"


Hearing the price, Lu Zhe, who was originally looking at the venom, was shocked and almost thought his ears were broken.

"500,000? Are you sure you didn't say it wrong?" He looked at the old man in his 50s with a confused face.

Are you trying to cheat him?

"Hmph, the slender-scaled taipan is small in size, and the amount of venom is not much. There are less than 100 of them. Can this bottle be filled? Asking you for 500,000 is cheap!" The boss said with a look of disdain.

If he didn't just need some money recently, he wouldn't sell this thing at all.

Lu Zhe was a little suspicious, and he checked it online and found that the boss really didn't lie to him!

The slender-scaled taipan, also known as the inland taipan, is known as the most poisonous snake on land. It is very toxic. The venom released at one time can kill 200,000 mice!

After one bottle, I guarantee that you are a great warrior, and even a martial artist can be defeated by you!

After confirming that he was not cheated, Lu Zhe asked the boss for the card number and directly transferred 500,000 to him.

Seeing Lu Zhe pay so readily, the boss also smiled and sent Lu Zhe out.

Before leaving, he handed over a business card. Lu Zhe took a look at it.

"Li Shan, International Snake Catchers Union?"

He looked at Li Shan unexpectedly. He didn't expect him to be such a great man!

After getting the things, Lu Zhe went to buy a set of night vision equipment.

It was almost night when Lu Zhe drove back to the warehouse.

On the other side, when Lu Zhe just returned to the warehouse, Nan's family.


"Mr. Nan, the guy you asked us to find showed up. He bought some things outside today.

Back to the warehouse again!"

"So he had been in the warehouse before?" Nan Qinghua said in surprise.

"Yes, it's normal that he didn't go out after buying so many supplies. And there should be a basement inside. We have been waiting here for many days and haven't seen that person. He should have been hiding in the basement these days!"

On the other end of the phone, a man's voice kept talking, and Nan Qinghua slowly showed a smile on his face.

"Okay, keep watching him. If he comes into contact with other people, tell me immediately! "

After saying that, Nan Qinghua hung up the phone directly.

Since getting ginseng from Lu Zhe last time, for the sake of safety, the Zhong family took it to the laboratory for identification.

He was also beside during the identification. When the identification results came out, everyone was shocked.

Those ginsengs are not only completely wild, without any traces of chemical products, but also more than four hundred years old!

It is older than the age predicted by their Nan family!

If Mr. Zhong had not been in a hurry to use ginseng to heal his wounds, I am afraid that the experts would have handed it over in the name of surrender.

Since then, Nan Qinghua also vaguely guessed that the two jars of wine kicked by Lu Zhe were not simple, so he secretly sent someone to monitor Lu Zhe, trying to find out where these things came from.

I didn't expect that this kid had been staying in the warehouse for more than half a month since he bought some things that day!

If he hadn't appeared today, he would have wanted someone to sneak in directly.

"No matter where these treasures of yours come from, the best ones belong to my Nan family! "

Standing in front of the French window, Nan Qinghua squinted his eyes and clenched his right hand gently, as if he wanted to hold everything in front of him firmly in his hand.

At night, Lu Zhe specially returned to the Sky World and brought Wang Hu a super luxurious takeaway, which made him very happy.

I ate so much!

"Uh! It's so delicious! Where did you get it, sir? It's so delicious!"

After eating and drinking, Wang Hu sat directly on the ground against the wall, holding a bottle of Moutai in his hand, and a mouthful of enjoyment was accompanied by an expression of enjoyment.

"Hehe, don't let yourself die from eating too much!" Lu Zhe shook his head and said speechlessly.

"Hehe, no way!"

You will definitely not die from eating too much. Warriors can directly refine the food in their stomachs unless the energy is too great. But takeaway is obviously not one of them.

"Okay, you wait here first, I still have to prepare something and come back tomorrow. "

After eating and drinking, Lu Zhe gave Hu Zi an order and returned to the warehouse.

Since he couldn't defeat the Huang family head-on, he could only use dirty tricks. The poison was ready, and to be on the safe side, he also needed to prepare a set of equipment for Hu Zi to prevent accidents.

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