The next day, Lu Zhe got up early, but for some reason, he didn't leave the house until the sun was high in the sky. He found the village chief and asked about the situation in Hutou Village these days. "Sir, we have expanded our hunting range in the past two days and found a lot of spiritual fruits. Now there are more than 70 warriors!" After telling the details of Lu Zhe's absence in these days, the village chief couldn't help but mention the number of warriors. He should be the best village chief in history for being able to make the village reach more than 70 warriors! "By the way, I left some of those spiritual fruits for you and put them in the warehouse." Because of the increase in the number of people and resources, at Lu Zhe's request, the village built two large warehouses to store supplies. As for why two were used,

The reason is simple, don't put all your eggs in one basket!

Both warehouses were guarded by people, and the location was hidden. Each warehouse had a big bell he brought from Blue Star. If something happened, the whole village could hear it by ringing the bell.

"Well, it's thoughtful." Lu Zhe was satisfied.

The relationship between him and the village has already shown signs of changing from a partner to a leader.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhe decided to take some of the things he got from the Huang family and put them in the village warehouse.

There are some things he can't use, or can't use up, giving some to the village can also increase their strength.

When he came to the warehouse, Lu Zhe started the running mode on both sides and took out some of the things in the transfer space.

The most of them were spirit wines, with hundreds of jars!

There was Peiyuan wine brewed by Hutou Village, and there were also spirit wines with stronger effects than this.

Seeing Lu Zhe take out so many spirit wines, the village chief was almost dizzy with excitement. He stepped forward and opened the wine caps one by one and smelled them:

"Good wine! With spirit wine, there will be a lot more warriors in the village!"

"These spirit wines must be classified and used according to their strength."

Shaking his head, Lu Zhe denied the village chief's idea of ​​using these spirit wines to increase the number of warriors.

Warriors are only the first level of martial arts practice. In the past, they stayed in the mountains and the opponents around were too bad, so warriors were at best.

Now that there are no opponents around, they should look outside and plunder more resources.

At this time, increasing the number of warriors will not be of much use.

"How many late-stage warriors are there in the village?"

"Uh... there are four, one of whom just broke through yesterday." After thinking for a while, the village chief gave the answer.

"Four? Then allocate some resources to them during this period, so that they can quickly break through to the great warriors!"

The batch of training materials he took out made it easy for the four late-stage warriors to break through, and there would even be a lot left.

As long as the four of them break through, plus Hu Zi, they will be five great warriors. Such strength can also stand in Bianchang Town.

In addition, he gets guns. Then, it will be the beginning of his plundering and dumping in the other world!

After making arrangements here, Lu Zhe went to find Li Lingling.

This little girl practiced hard and has entered the early stage of warrior.

"Sir! Look, the spots on my face are gone! Mother said I look better!"

Because I came back late yesterday, and Lu Zhe got up at noon today, Li Lingling has not seen him since he came back.

"Really? Let me see!"

Lu Zhe bent down, held up Li Lingling's cute little face and looked at it carefully.

I don't know if it's because of practice, the yellow spots on both sides of her face have disappeared a lot, leaving only a few inconspicuous spots!

"Really disappeared!" Lu Zhe said in surprise.

No wonder practitioners are generally good-looking. During the practice, the body automatically discharges waste and garbage from the body, just like the effect of marrow washing, constantly improving the body.

"Then when all the spots on my face disappear, will I help the young master?"

After receiving Lu Zhe's affirmation, Li Lingling's little face, which was held in her arms, showed expectation, and her two big eyes looked straight at him.

Help me?

In addition to taking care of my life, what else can I help me with? Lu Zhe was confused and asked puzzled:

"What are you going to help me with?"

"Help the young master take a bath!"

"......Who told you?"

Blinking her big eyes, looking at Lu Zhe with a serious face, Li Lingling pursed her little mouth and said innocently:

"It was Sister Yiyi. She used this secret that could make the young master happy to exchange for the Dema chocolate that the young master gave me..."


Damn Yiyi, you dare to ruin the reputation of this young master. I will not do it next time.

I'll teach you a lesson!

In order to be a gentleman, Lu Zhe silently whipped Liu Yiyi a thousand times in his heart before letting Li Lingling go, and specially corrected her wrong thoughts.

Constantly instilling the concept of hard work in cultivation and becoming a powerful practitioner in the future.

Li Lingling responded with a humming sound, not quite understanding.

At night, Lingling curled up in Li Lan's arms and told her what happened today, and asked in confusion:

"Mom, did Sister Yiyi lie to me?"

After listening to her daughter's words, Li Lan silently pulled out her hand, wiped it on the bed sheet, and said weakly:

"You can't hold this secret..."

"What about mom?"


Two days later, with the supply of a large amount of resources, Lu Zhe successfully broke through to the middle stage of the warrior!

"Finally broke through!"

After breaking through to the middle stage of the warrior, it's time to return to Blue Star!

Hutou Village has both the skills and resources, and has entered a period of rapid development.

There are no rivals in this village.

Under Lu Zhe's strong request, the village started a crazy expansion mode!

In the next period of time, it will declare war on other surrounding villages one after another, either join or perish!

Try every means to embark on the road of colonial plunder.

In particular, after realizing that the tiger-shaped fist is not suitable for women to practice, Lu Zhe also handed over the snake-shaped fist to the village. In addition, there is the willow body-building method looted from the Huang family, so that the village has four exercises, two of which are advanced tempering methods!

However, in order to prevent the outside world from peeping, he set a rule that ordinary people can only practice elementary methods and get fewer resources. Only with the increase of recognition of the village can they get better training conditions!

After arranging all this, he stayed here and had nothing else to do except practice.

It's time to go back to Blue Star to get hot weapons!

Calculating the time, Lu Zhe has been here for more than 20 days. Although he has returned to Blue Star one after another in the middle, he always went to find something and came back again.

This time when he goes back, Lu Zhe plans to stay longer in Blue Star to build a solid base.

There is Hutou Village on the Sky World side, but he is still a small bastard on Blue Star. No matter who is powerful or influential, they can do whatever they want to him, and Lu Zhe has no way to deal with him!

Lu Zhe has not forgotten the humiliation that Nan Qinghua brought him last time!

Therefore, the first thing to do when he goes back this time is to build a base, at least to cover up his behavior of buying and dumping goods.

He told everyone about his departure, and the village chief and others expressed their understanding.

Although Liu Yiyi and the others were reluctant, they knew that Lu Zhe had important things to do, so they didn't try to keep him.

"Lu Zhe, I'll wait for you to come back!"

"It's okay, I can come over to sleep at night!"

"Just ignore me..."

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