The two families are in a state of chaos, and the two families are in a state of chaos.

Bianchang Town,

The Ouyang family and the Lan family are the big families in Bianchang Town. When the Huang family was still in existence, in order to prevent the two families from surpassing themselves, they often suppressed them on weekdays.

Now that the Huang family is gone, Bianchang Town has become the world of other families, among which these two families have the greatest interests.

In order to compete for the control of Bianchang Town, the two families have constant frictions,

but today they suddenly gathered together.

The purpose is to negotiate to jointly control Bianchang Town and find out the mysterious person who secretly assassinated the great warrior.

"The street in the east town can be managed by your Ouyang family, but the mine in the south will be taken by my Lan family!"

The head of the Lan family is a woman in her forties, mature and beautiful, and she is quite good at managing the family. It is not easy for a woman to control such a large family.

At this time, the two families have been discussing for three days to divide the interests of Bianchang Town, and it has been roughly determined.

"Okay, but your Lan family needs to make up a sum of money." The head of the Ouyang family is an old man. After thinking about the proposal of the head of the Lan family for a while, he decided to agree. The sooner it is determined, the sooner these streets can be taken over.

"Since the division of the territory has been resolved, let's discuss how to find the enemy."

When mentioning this, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the two people.

The reason why the two families can sit here and talk about dividing Bianchang Town is because all the great warriors of other families have died, and they can't unite to fight against the two families like before.

After the Huang family fell, the Ouyang family, the Lan family, and the small family united to form a three-way situation, and no one could do anything to the other.

But just over a month ago, the great warriors of each family were inexplicably assassinated and died one after another!

That period of time can be said to be their nightmare period. The great warriors of each family hid at home and dared not show their heads, for fear that they would be shot by mysterious weapons if they showed their heads.

There were also several families who wanted to unite to find the madman in the dark, but they all found nothing, and were given special attention and defeated one by one.

"How to deal with it?"

After a moment of silence, the head of the Ouyang family spoke helplessly.

This is a sharp blade hanging over their heads. If it cannot be cut off one day, the great warriors of the two families will not dare to show their heads one day.

Even if the other party has not made any moves for more than a month, no one dares to gamble. Once an accident occurs, the cost will be huge!

"Since the other party wants to slaughter the great warriors of each family, they must have a purpose. They must be plotting against Bianchang Town, but they dare not show up openly. It can be guessed that their strength is not enough."

The head of the Lan family said her analysis,

"So what?" The head of the Ouyang family was unmoved,

"In this case, they can kill the great warriors by relying on the mysterious weapons in their hands. This can be verified. They will leave quickly every time they succeed. In this way, their own strength should not be too strong.

We just need to find their location. At that time, the two families will unite, plus the city guards. Even if we pay a great warrior as a price, as long as we can get peace of mind, it is not a loss!"

The head of the Lan family is worthy of being a woman in power. She explained her analysis clearly, and even the head of the Ouyang family was a little moved.

But in the end, she rejected her.

"Why?" The head of the Lan family did not give up and wanted to continue to persuade,

But the head of the Ouyang family directly proposed to leave.

"Damn it!"

After the head of the Ouyang family left, the head of the Lan family threw the teacup in his hand to the ground fiercely,

"Cowardly guy!"

I wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of a great warrior of the Ouyang family, but I didn't expect that the other party would not take the bait.

It was really a waste of her thoughts!

After this discussion, within a day, the two families began to take over the defense forces of Bianchang Town, arranged their own personnel to join in, and jointly controlled them.

At the same time, they began to clean up the chaos in the town and stabilize the situation.

In a small courtyard in the south of the town, a man heard the news and immediately sent people to leave the town.

Hutou Village,

Today is the end of the training in the past month.

A thousand people were divided into several teams,

They were the rocket team responsible for launching rockets to clean the ground, the drone team responsible for controlling drones, and the main gun team responsible for frontal attack street fighting.

Equipped with guns, each person had a set of scale armor tailored for them. The armor plates were made of alloy. The material and weight were not as full and heavy as the whole body armor,

but it was enough for defense.

It’s not that Lu Zhe is unwilling to build full body armor for them, but the full body armor is quite heavy, and most of these thousand people don’t have it.

Ordinary people with cultivation can wear such scale armor because their own strength exceeds that of ordinary people.

Full body armor is too heavy and affects movement.

The results display is not as fancy as that of Xia Country. After finding that the villagers can use it, Lu Zhe nodded with satisfaction.

Especially the helicopter, which is a heavy armed helicopter of Xiong Country, which can carry twenty missiles and machine guns, and the firepower is terrifying!

The flight altitude reaches more than two thousand meters, far exceeding the attack range of the great warriors.

It is a surprise to learn how to use a helicopter within a month, but when he saw the driver, Lu Zhe couldn't help shaking his legs.

"Are you sure you can drive?" Lu Zhe looked at the gradually shrinking figure on the ground and asked with some fear.

"It's okay, I'm an old driver, I guarantee it!"

Lu Zhe never thought that the only person who learned to fly a helicopter was Liu Yiyi!

No wonder I haven't seen her much during this period of time.

She didn't even go for a daily motorcycle walk, and she focused on studying this flying big guy all day.

I didn't expect that she really learned it!

But why is it so scary to sit in a plane with a female driver?

Dizzy from being shaken left and right, Lu Zhe held the handle tightly and resisted the nausea caused by airsickness.

If I had known it was this barbarian girl, I would have killed him and never told him about the experience!

In the sky, the helicopter was swaying and flying fast.

A group of people followed behind, running and chasing,

When Liu Yiyi was in a good mood, she could launch two missiles, causing a huge explosion in the forest. In order not to cause a fire, the people following behind ran over to put out the fire.

"Haha, this helicopter is really a good thing, so exciting!" Liu Yiyi shook the lever frantically, her eyes and mouth opened wide, and saliva flowed out!

"Stop... vomit... stop driving, I'm going to die!" Lu Zhe was almost fainted, and hurriedly asked her to land.

"I know, I know, it's useless, it won't work after a while." Liu Yiyi muttered, very dissatisfied.

At this time, someone came from Bianchang Town to deliver the message. The route passed through an open space, and Liu Yiyi controlled the helicopter to land there. "Ugh..." After getting off the plane, Lu Zhe quickly ran to the big tree and vomited crazily while holding the tree. I really couldn't stand it... "Sister Yiyi!" The one who delivered the message was Xiao Liuzi, who was two years younger than Liu Yiyi. He had been waiting at the river mouth to deliver the message from Bianchang Town. He had not joined the training team and didn't know what a helicopter was. When he first saw it landing, he was so scared that he hid behind a big tree, shaking with a stick in his hand. He walked out carefully when he saw Liu Yiyi coming down from above. "Xiao Liuzi, it's you. Come and see my new car and let me experience it for you!" Seeing a new passenger, Liu Yiyi's eyes lit up and she pulled Xiao Liuzi to get on the plane. "No, no! I still need to pass on the message. Next time, next time!" Xiao Liuzi didn't know what a helicopter was, but when she saw Lu Zhe vomiting, she instinctively knew that it would not be a good thing to go up.

She was so scared that she quickly found an excuse to run away.

Helplessly, she had to look at Lu Zhe who had not recovered yet.


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