After getting a large piece of gold nuggets, Lu Zhe was in a good mood. He did not stay in the wild, and returned to the village with Liu Yiyi and the other two.

At the entrance of the village,

"Mr. Lu, have you found what you need?" Liu Yang stroked his white beard with curiosity.

He really wanted to know what Lu Zhe could find in such a small place.

Lu Zhe shrugged, knowing what Liu Yang was thinking, and pointed to the bamboo baskets on Dasha and Wang Hu's backs.

"Nothing, some stones, useless to you."

Hearing this, Liu Yang opened the bamboo basket and took a look. He frowned and thought for a moment, but he could not see anything.

Lu Zhe did not care. Anyway, these things were useless to them. If they wanted to collect them, they could just exchange them for supplies.

"Village chief, I may need to leave for a few days." After thinking for a while, Lu Zhe said directly.

The things have been obtained, and Lu Zhe wants to cash in as soon as possible. He needs more money to buy goods and also to get some modern weapons.

When asking Liu Yang about the world situation, he also roughly understood the cultivation system of this world.

In short, this world is a fantasy world! The cultivation civilization is prosperous!

There are many and complex various cultivation systems.

The most common one is to practice martial arts. The villagers of Hutou Village practice martial arts and temper their bodies.

Among them, Wang Hu is a late warrior and the strongest in the village.

Warrior is the first stage of the martial arts cultivation system. Ordinary people will become warriors.

Although it is only the first stage of martial arts, the strength is not comparable to ordinary people.

Lu Zhe has not forgotten that Wang Hu killed a tiger as big as a car with one punch, which is simply too outrageous!

He felt it was necessary to take the risk to go abroad to get some high-powered firearms.

If he didn't know how to fly, he would have wanted to get a few supersonic fighters to shoot at the aliens!

When Liu Yang heard Lu Zhe mention leaving, his face changed slightly. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Lu Zhe:

"Don't worry, village chief. I'm just going to buy some goods. I'll be back in a few days!"

After saying this, Liu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lu, there are wild beasts in Wanli Forest. Let Hu Zi and others accompany you to protect you. Although they are only warriors, they can also sacrifice their lives to protect you in times of danger!"

Protection is certain, but whether they will sacrifice their lives or not is unknown.

Lu Zhe curled his lips. He didn't believe that a little salt and sugar could make Wang Hu do this.

Rejected the kindness of the village chief: "No, there will be no danger for me!"

Having said this, Liu Yang no longer said anything. He had already guessed Lu Zhe's identity in his heart.

If an ordinary person who has not practiced wants to walk safely in Wanli Forest, there must be someone secretly protecting him.

However, this was just Liu Yang's guess, and Lu Zhe would not tell him the real reason.

He went out early in the morning and picked up gold mines for half a day. Lu Zhe had already had a quick lunch outside, and he planned to leave immediately.

"Hu Zi, go get the jar of tiger whip wine in the cellar!"

"Mr. Lu, the tiger whip wine is brewed in a special way and matched with several rare medicinal materials. The nourishing effect is extraordinary! Use with caution!" Liu Yang's old face showed a wretched smile.

Others also cast teasing glances.

Seeing her grandfather send such a thing, Liu Yiyi was rarely shy, and her little face was slightly red:

"Tsk, I just gave him one the day before yesterday..."

"Well, I don't need this kind of thing, but the brother who urged the update has always liked this kind of thing. Since it is the kindness of the village chief, I will accept it!"

Unable to bear the eyes of these vulgar people, Lu Zhe silently brought out the "I Have a Friend Series".

"Haha, Mr. Lu, don't worry. This wine is a secret recipe of our Hutou Village. It can not only nourish the body, but also can... strengthen it..."

"Old village chief, don't talk nonsense. I, Lu Zhe, never use this kind of thing!"

This guy is really old and confused!

Before Liu Yang's wretched smile faded, Wang Hu had already moved the wine over. This time it was a normal wine jar, and the wine jar was up to the calf. Lu Zhe was barely able to move it with some effort.

The villagers sent him to a place one mile away from the village.

"Village chief, let's stop here. I will be back in half a month at the latest. Next time I will bring more things, and the cloth promised to the village will also be brought over at that time!" Lu Zhe asked them to stop here and explained a few words.

"Okay! Then we will wait for Mr. Lu!" The village chief stroked his white beard and laughed.

"Mr. Lu, everything you want is here!"

Hu Zi put down two large bamboo baskets, and Da Sha and Liu Yiyi also brought over Tiger Whip Wine and Pei Yuan Wine respectively.

Peiyuan wine was also given by the village chief. The villagers carefully brewed it. It can not only improve physical fitness and strengthen the body, but also has a great effect on cultivation. It is worth a lot!

"Hey, Lu Zhe, remember to come back. I haven't given you my chocolate yet!"

Putting down the wine jar, Liu Yiyi stepped forward and patted Lu Zhe's chest.

The force was not small, and he coughed repeatedly.

"Cough, it's nothing!" The embarrassed girl took her hand away, and Lu Zhe complained in his heart.

This unruly girl doesn't know the severity of the situation.

"Rogue, don't touch my hand!"

Lu Zhe: "..."

Speaking of which, Liu Yiyi is actually very beautiful. She lives in a village dominated by hunting, but as the granddaughter of the village chief, she is well taken care of.

She has not experienced hardship, and her skin is a healthy wheat color. In addition to practicing martial arts, her body is flexible. Unlike other village women who are strong, she has a kind of slim and beautiful feeling, just like a wild little leopard!

"Let's go!" After a moment, Lu Zhe retracted his gaze and waved to several people.

Then he stretched out his right hand and pointed behind him, and time and space were instantly distorted. A milky white space-time door with strange red lines appeared.

A strange and strong sense of uneasiness emerged in the hearts of everyone except Lu Zhe.

They seemed to see something that should not appear in their lives!

In the dull eyes of the village chief and his party, Lu Zhe and the things he carried were swallowed up.

After everything disappeared and returned to normal, everyone reacted.

"Village chief... this...?" Dasha, who has always been carefree, was also a little scared and stuttered.

"I don't know..." The village chief was not much better than him. When the strange portal appeared just now, a kind of fear flowed freely in his body. Now his legs are still shaking!

"Listen! This is not something we should know! From today on, don't tell anyone about Mr. Lu!"

Blue Star, Dongzhou City,

In the rental house, the time and space gate appeared, Lu Zhe stepped out, and then the dog-head gold, ginseng, and two jars of wine he brought with him all appeared one by one.

Because they were not put into the transfer space, these things traveled with him into the rental house.

Smelling the familiar polluted air again, Lu Zhe felt relieved. He got the soft sister currency and a better life was in front of him. He couldn't help but yelled excitedly:

"Your Master Lu, I'm back!"

"Go ahead!" A response came from downstairs immediately.

It was the familiar man and woman, wrapped in a quilt. They were just talking about gentlemanly things, but Lu Zhe destroyed the atmosphere. The man in the quilt was going crazy!

"Forget it, husband, let's continue!" The woman had a good temper and persuaded.

"Wife, I can't seem to get up..."


Lu Zhe didn't know that he had hurt the neighbor downstairs twice.

Looking at the time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon, just in time for a nap.

Lu Zhe first took a shower and changed his clothes. Then he picked a piece of gold nuggets of the right size and high purity and put it in his bag.

I was planning to sell ginseng before, but now it seems unnecessary. I'll keep the hundreds of years old ginseng in the bedroom for my own health!

Lu Zhe didn't bring masks and hats to cover his identity.

If someone wants to investigate your identity, those things are useless. Just a collection account will be exposed.

Novels are all lies!

It's better to say that you picked up gold on the street...

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