The laboratory is on the third floor.

There is a four-story tree next to the teaching building, and part of the tree's branches extend toward the teaching building.

At this time, a row of black cats stood woodenly above the branches.

A row of four black cats stared at the direction of the laboratory.

When Lu Zhe looked over and looked at them, he suddenly felt a little disturbed.

These eyes?

Lu Zhe's heart jumped, and he subconsciously realized that something was wrong, but he didn't know where it came from.

Yes, the eyes of these cats revealed the wisdom of humanity.

Lu Zhe seemed to see a hint of sarcasm in their eyes!

They were mocking him!

He was shocked by his own thoughts.

Just as he was about to mobilize his spiritual power, he suddenly heard Chu Qingcheng shout:

"Enemy! Be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the environment around Lu Zhe suddenly changed!

The laboratory and teaching building disappeared in an instant. When he regained his sight again, he was already standing on a main street on campus.

"What is this?"

Lu Zhe was shocked.

The spiritual power in his body surged wildly to form a shield around him. He quickly checked and found that he was the only one around.

The team members and those who were secretly protecting him had disappeared.

What kind of method is this?

Lu Zhe was terrified and even had the idea of ​​running away to the Sky World!

No, the situation is unclear now. I don't know if there is anyone watching him secretly.

Besides, to deal with them, at most a second-level extraordinary person will come. Such a method is somewhat like the formation in the Immortal Cultivation System.

After calming down, Lu Zhe also found that,

Although he was standing on a main street on campus, there were no lights on in the library and student apartments in the distance, as if he was the only one left in the world around him.


A cold wind blew past. Lu Zhe, a great warrior, felt cold all over!

He immediately drew out the long sword on his back and swung it at the back.

The sword energy was crisscrossed, tearing the concrete on the road, and the light radiated illuminated the surroundings.

At the same time, it also illuminated a figure in front of the sword energy.

The strange thing was that the figure swung the same sword as the sword energy!

An identical sword energy collided with Lu Zhe's sword energy.

The two collided and disappeared instantly.

At this time, he finally saw the face of the black shadow clearly.

What is this! ?

Lu Zhe's pupils suddenly shrank!

The figure that walked out of the darkness actually had a face exactly like his!

Including the clothes he was wearing and the long sword in his hand, they were exactly the same!

As if they were carved out of the same mold!

This scene was simply bizarre!

"Who are you?"

Lu Zhe asked subconsciously,

The figure did not reply, but directly came to kill with a long sword.

Lu Zhe had no choice but to raise his sword to deal with it!

What made him feel at ease now was that the strength he used at this time was the middle stage of the first level,

and the figure copied on the opposite side was also the middle stage of the first level.

At this time, he also roughly guessed the role of this set of formations,

dividing everyone to different places, and then creating a replica with the same strength to fight.

However, Lu Zhe guessed that this set of formations must have its upper limit, otherwise this ability is simply too against the sky!

No matter who enters, they will face a replica with the same strength as themselves, and even their moves are somewhat similar, and there is no way to fight!

After more than a dozen moves, Lu Zhe's battle with the replica was deadlocked and entered a white-hot stage.

At the same time, after figuring out the strength of the replica, he quietly improved his own strength,

raising his spiritual power to the level of the late first stage.

When his strength was improved, he found that the strength of the replica on the opposite side remained unchanged, still in the middle of the first stage.

This made Lu Zhe slightly relieved

He directly burst out with the strength of the peak of the first stage, and cut it down with a sword in two or three strokes.

After the replica was killed, it turned into a black token.

Lu Zhe went forward to pick up the token and found that the token was made of mysterious metal with strange patterns engraved on it.

Not any font.

After taking a look and not finding anything special, Lu Zhe carefully put it in his pocket.

At this time, he noticed the battle fluctuations coming from some places in the distance. He immediately rushed over with his weapon.

He came to a battle point closest to him, carefully hiding behind the flower bed and looking,

and found that it was Hu Lingling, who was fighting with a replica.

But her battle was not easy, and the replica had contact with her.

With the strength of the near, it is impossible to take it down in a short time.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhe quietly lurked behind the replica, and then found the opportunity to kill with a sword!

Successfully cut the replica in half.

Of course, Lu Zhe only burst out the strength of the first-stage mid-term.

"Lu Zhe is you!"

Hu Lingling saw Lu Zhe, her face was shocked, and she hurried over.

"It's great that you are okay, let's go find others!"

Hu Lingling felt relieved, and then immediately took Lu Zhe's hand and wanted to go to other battle sites.

"What's going on here?" Lu Zhe held her down and did not leave immediately.

He needed to understand the current situation

Hu Lingling paused and explained to Lu Zhe.

"I didn't expect that group of guys would use a formation to deal with us!

And it's a valuable second-order mirror formation.

We are now trapped in the formation. This formation will copy a puppet with similar strength to ours.

Ordinary people can defeat the puppet, but there are other traps afterwards. We must find other people to break out of this formation together!"

Lu Zhe frowned after listening to the explanation, and asked in confusion:

"Didn't the people outside find anything unusual?"

"It's hard to find. The formation has a hidden function. Unless there is a supernatural person approaching, it's hard for ordinary people to find it!"

Hu Lingling's face sank.

She didn't expect that this simple mission would encounter such a situation.

The formation is very precious, and it is not common even in Xia Country. Although the target of their protection for this mission is a member of the Psychic Research Institute, he is not a particularly core member, just an ordinary researcher.

Under normal circumstances, they will not send a particularly strong team to assassinate, and there are strong people from their Xia Country on the periphery to intercept, and will not let supernatural people above the second order in.

Now we have no choice but to find other people.

Lu Zhe did not speak.

This formation not only trapped them, but also blocked all ways to connect with the outside world.

There was no signal on the mobile phone, and even the satellite phone could not be dialed.

Before the situation was settled, Lu Zhe did not want to use his last trump card to escape to the Sky World.

The two picked up their weapons and headed towards the nearest battle point.

When they arrived at the location, the battle was over.

A security officer with wounds all over his body was lying on the ground, with a black token next to him.

Lu Ze stepped forward and found that the security officer had lost his life.


Lu Zhe shook his head.

For ordinary people, fighting with their own copies is almost a fist-to-flesh fight.

The guns in their hands can also be copied, but after the fight, it is a close-range melee.

In a desperate state, the result was a mutual destruction.

"Let's go first!"

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