The two of them were so close that they had to meet.

A pretty little girl walked up to Lu Zhe and saluted.

Lu Zhe followed the direction he pointed and saw six young men and women sitting together.

One of the women in a white dress smiled and nodded at her.

"Who is your young lady?"

Lu Zhe smiled and pretended to be puzzled.

Wang Hu beside him teased,

My young master is handsome. It's normal for a woman to chat with him.

He had already seen it when he was lingering in the flowers just now. Those flowers like to bloom towards the young master.

"Young master, my young lady is from Qingzhou City, the eldest lady of the Yu family!"

The little girl spoke with a hint of pride on her face.

Lu Zhe thought about it and remembered that this family had a lot of influence in Qingzhou City. There were several martial arts masters in the family.


Lu Zhe stretched out his hand and agreed.

This was a good opportunity to expand his network and meet some handsome men and beautiful women in Qingzhou City.

The two walked up to them. Lu Zhe sat cross-legged in the seat they had vacated, while Wang Hu stood aside.

There were also several other servants standing beside him.

"Where are you from, young master?"

As soon as Lu Zhe sat down, Yu Xiaoqian, who invited him, couldn't help asking.

He had seen Lu Zhe with extraordinary demeanor, wandering around the lake with Wang Hu, and the clothes he was wearing were very interesting, not the material of ordinary people.

Judging from the blood and qi in his body, he was also a great warrior. At this age, he could be called a genius boy to cultivate to the great warrior stage.

This was also the reason why he invited Lu Zhe to come over and the others did not object. .

"My name is Lu Zhe, from Bianchang Town, and I am honored to sit here with you all."

Lu Zhe glanced at the other five people, raised the glass of wine poured for him by the others in front of him, and drank it in one gulp.

"Brother Lu Zhe is generous, I am from the Wu family in Qingzhou City, Wu Mingtian!"

A man with a burly appearance. He seemed to like the image of Yang drinking with big mouthfuls, and couldn't help laughing.

By the way, I introduced Lu Zhe to the identities of the others. Without exception, they are all young ladies and young masters from major families in the city.

At least they have a martial arts master in their families.

One of the young men with fair skin and neutral appearance is from the city lord's mansion and is a collateral relative of the city lord.

Everyone is also centered around him.

At this time, Wu Xu smiled and said kindly:

"Although brother Lu Zhe is from a town, he is young and has extraordinary cultivation. He will surely achieve great success in the future and will be of the same kind as us!"

"Let's drink a cup here today!"

The seven people sat together and talked about everything, and from time to time they talked about their own business. From time to time, they talked about the war that was happening in Dakun at this time and the direction of the future situation.

Everyone can say something of their own opinion. The six people came from the city's aristocratic families. They received a good education since childhood and had extraordinary visions.

As for Lu Zhe, it was even more so. The things he had seen in the new era of information explosion were not comparable to them.

At that time, he could make others suddenly realize the various historical celebrities and dynasties that he had learned in history books. He could easily say some classic quotes to make others suddenly realize.

"Brother Lu Zhe is really knowledgeable. We are ashamed of ourselves!"

After listening to what Lu Zhe said, Wu Xu's eyes flashed with brilliance, and when he looked at Lu Zhe, his appreciation was obvious.

"No, no, it's just the teaching of the elders at home, I can't say I'm well-educated."

Lu Zhe shook his head modestly and returned a glass of wine.

When Wu Xu heard Lu Zhe talking about his family, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help asking:

"I don't know, where is brother Lu Zhe's family from?"

Lu Zhe said earlier that he was from the remote town of Bianchang Town, and they just heard it.

Even if he was from there, he was just staying there temporarily. Such a person with extraordinary temperament and profound knowledge is definitely not a small place that can come out.

The other people also cast curious eyes and wanted to hear. So, where did this person with broad knowledge come from?

As the sons and daughters of the noble families in Qingzhou City, they also communicated with the outside world when the situation was not chaotic, and they had never heard of such a hero around the southwest.

"I'm ashamed to say that you may not have heard of my blue place."

Lu Zhe drank another glass of wine, shook his head, and said slowly:

"I come from the mysterious East, the Eastern Tang Dynasty!"

Eastern Tang Dynasty?


Everyone had doubts in their eyes about this place, and they kept thinking whether they had heard of this place before.

But they only knew where this place was.

But everyone remembered this place of the Tang Dynasty in the East, and thought that they must send someone to find out what kind of place it was when they returned.

"Mr. Lu Zhe, do you want to buy some specialties in Qingzhou City this time?"

While others were still thinking about where the Dongtu Datang place was, Yu Xiaoqian was already looking at Lu Zhe with flashing eyes.

Seeing her slightly red face and flashing eyes, she obviously had a cold for Lu Zhe.

So she wanted to ask about her purpose.

Hearing Yu Xiaoqian asking about this, Lu Zhe's heart moved,

These people are all young ladies and young men from aristocratic families in the city, and the big families behind them have their own connections. The channels for purchasing things are not comparable to his.

It just so happened that he needed a large number of demon pills to adapt to his own ideas.

It would be too troublesome to buy them by himself. Not only did he need to find channels, but it would also take too much manpower to buy them separately.

If he could buy them directly from these people, wouldn't it be much more convenient?

Thinking of this, Lu Zhe couldn't help but speak:

"To be honest, I came to Xinzhou City this time to buy a third-level demon pill."

"Third-level demon pill? It is indeed a precious thing."

Yu Xiaoqian nodded, her face suddenly understood.

Third-level demon pills correspond to martial arts masters, and even for young men and women like them, they are precious.

"Mr. Lu Zhe bought a third-level demon pill. Could it be that he wants to refine pills?"

To be able to buy a third-level demon pill, he must have strong financial resources.

In their cognition, buying a third-level demon pill must be used to refine medicine.

Wu Xu's strength is slightly higher than Lu Zhe's in the middle stage of the great warrior.

At this time, he heard that Lu Zhe bought a third-level demon pill, thinking that he wanted to use it to refine pills to improve his strength, and couldn't help asking.

"If Brother Lu Zhe refines a pill that can improve strength, can you sell one to me and I will buy it at a high price!"

Even though he knew his words were offensive, Wu Xu couldn't help but bring it up when he thought of his long-standing lack of strength.

When the other people heard this, a hint of willingness flashed in their eyes.

They usually have a lot of resources at their disposal, but this kind of pill refined from the third-level demon pill is also very rare. If you want to get one, you need to spend a lot of money.

And it is basically in short supply, and you have to wait for the right time to get it.

Lu Zhe just answered Wu Xu's question a little late, but he didn't expect to be misunderstood by others.

He couldn't help but laugh and cry in his heart,

He didn't come here to refine any pills, refining reagents can directly improve his strength to the third level!

If they knew that he was on par with martial arts masters, he would only empty his family's funds to buy it, no, he should directly ask people to rob it!

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