Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 502: Lake Malawi

  Chapter 502 Lake Malawi

   is a **** night, a night of artillery fire, a restless night, a night that makes the Portuguese unhappy...

  This night

  The tragic scene like **** remained deep in the minds of the Portuguese. The huge gap from extreme joy to extreme fear has become a nightmare for many people for the rest of their lives, completely destroying the few remaining confidence in resistance.

  After the attack

The shore artillery on the castle of San Sebastian’s fortress roared and counterattacked. From time to time, it struck the dark night sky and exploded huge fireballs on the coast. Every heavy artillery shot reflected the night sky, and the earthquake trembled like a tremor. The thunder blowing in the ears.

  But it seems to have no effect. At a glance, the dark coast hides boundless terror...

  No one knows when the next round of artillery fire suddenly broke out? Where will the shells fall? Which hapless ghost will you find?

  Faced with the group of guns that hit and ran away, the furious counter-attacking coastal cannon seemed to hit the air. Not only could it not cause a large number of casualties to the enemy, but it was more like a farewell firework shell, which made people feel aggrieved and full of powerlessness.

This is a night of deep fear in the hearts of the Portuguese, accompanied by the Portuguese who witnessed all these tragedies for life, until the death of the last person who experienced it in the middle of the 20th century, he lied on the hospital bed and said with a slight movement in his mouth; "Praise God, I can finally get rid of the nightmare of day and night and fall into eternal sleep. May the Lord bless heaven to never see Queenslanders again. This is my only wish, Amen..."

  On the island of Mozambique

  The sporadic counter-attack artillery fire continued into the early morning, and the last cargo ship, which was burning violently by the dock, sank into the cold water. The violent collapse caused large swaths of sparks and burning debris to rise in the night sky, just like bright fireworks.

  When everything was shrouded in darkness, the shore artillery on the fortress of San Sebastian also stopped completely, seeming to mourn the dead in the tragedy.

  The entire island of Mozambique is less than 1.5 square kilometers. The wharf is next to the city of straw and the chaotic bungalows, and the distance is only more than 80 meters.

  When the tragedy happened

A large number of people crowded at the pier to sing and dance to celebrate. A dozen bonfires were lit on the pier to light up half of the night sky. Under the rain of bullets fired by the entire artillery regiment in three minutes, the dead and injured were killed and injured. In a short period of time, more than 1,400 shots were high. Explosive bombs poured in a narrow area, coupled with the ensuing raging fire, swallowed too many lives and materials.

  The first rays of sunlight hit the island of Mozambique in the early morning

The miserable sight here makes the scalp numb, half of the island is completely black, the city of straw is completely destroyed, only warm embers that have not passed the ankles are left, and the sea breeze blows up a large area of ​​black mist. That is the ashes after burning drifting in the wind.

The ground on the ground floor has been burnt with high temperature. The people who once celebrated, the piles of materials and houses were all burned. The sturdy San Sebastian Castle was scorched by the flames, and there were only some lone souls outside the castle. The savage Portuguese wandered around, calling out the names of their relatives blankly in their eyes...

  Half is sea water, and half is flame.

  The San Sebastian Castle not far away was also bombarded by artillery shells. Apart from leaving a few clear white spots on the solid stone wall, no other damage was caused.

  The Portuguese who fled into Stone Town escaped by chance. They stood on the wall and looked outside, their hearts shrouded in huge fear.

  The corpse is not visible from the dock and the city of straw, only dark gray thick ashes cover everything, and as the sea breeze sets off pieces of black mist hovering and flying.

He extended his gaze to the sea. The clear water was flooded with oil, countless debris and bubbling white corpses everywhere. There was an unpleasant smell of cooked meat, and the freighter was burnt to black steel wreckage. Suddenly appear on the sea, as if the end of the world scene.

  Six cargo ships full of supplies burned at the pier and boiled the sea. Those who jumped into the sea in a panic were either drowned or cooked...

  It's miserable, it's miserable! .

Governor Bernardo Fernandez and General Silva saw this apocalyptic scene. After being sluggish for a few 10 seconds, they could smell an unpleasant smell of urine, and then the two turned wildly in unison. When I vomit, the sky is dark when I vomit.

  Accordingly, more than 200 kilometers on the northern sea

A huge fleet of ships flying the flag of the Red Mountain Dragon came in mightily, centered on a huge heavy cruiser "Xuanwu". The sailors stood in their respective battle positions vigorously, looking at the surroundings. The huge fleet is filled with pride.

Located at the forefront of the fleet are the light cruisers "Nanisuke" and "Takachiho". In the center is a huge fleet of 17 freighters and immigration ships. The heavy cruiser "Xuanwu" with a displacement of 9980 tons sits in the middle and trails behind. Then there are four "Seagull II modified" ocean-going frigates with a displacement of more than 2,260 tons, and the last one is the coal carrier "Postman". The entire mixed fleet consists of 25 ships of various types, before and after the formation. It is more than 10 kilometers long.

  The spacious and bright commanding tower of the heavy cruiser "Xuanwu"

Li Fushou, wearing a white marshal uniform, sat comfortably on a high chair. This is the commanding position of the captain or the formation commander. Now... it can only be enjoyed by Lord Earl, and the others stand beside them honestly. Waiting.

The commander of the formation is the commander of the Coast Guard and Major General Geng Baogui, the commander of the heavy cruiser "Xuanwu". He is the only major admiral in the Navy. Both of them were promoted to the rank of major general after the "Blasting Nagasaki Incident."

  There are only three major generals in the entire Queensland military system. The last one is Major General Conrad Adenauer, Chief of the Army’s General Staff. They are both generals who have just been promoted in 1886 and represent the highest level of the military.

Li Fushou’s left hand is the Coast Guard Commander Major General Geng Baogui, and the right hand is Major General Conrad Adenauer, Chief of the Army’s General Staff. The beautiful scenery of the city seems to be in a good mood.

  "Lord Earl, look at the African coastline on the right. The row of tall coconut groves along the coast has white beaches and magnificent scenery. It belongs to the northern province of Mozambique.

  This is a paradise for wildlife, there are lions, elephants, rhinos, African hyenas, African vultures, blue monkeys, duikers, flamingos, pelicans, otters and crocodiles, as well as 160 species of birds.

It is especially commendable that the sea here is extremely clear, and there are abundant coral fish in the sea, including scorpionfish, angelfish, parrot fish, scorpionfish, butterfly fish, etc., wandering on the coral reef for food, and taking a boat tour in leisure time. It's really beautiful.

You can also often see a variety of rare marine life, such as whale sharks, manta rays, humpback whales, sea turtles, bottlenose dolphins, leatherback turtles and dugongs. The sea outside the Kilimba Islands is strongly impacted by the Mozambique warm current. The ocean current flows very fast, like a strong wind blowing, forming an endless undersea desert, it is really spectacular..."

  At this moment, Geng Zhen has turned into a dedicated tour guide, eloquently explaining the African coastal scenery and human geography to Li Fushou. It seems that he has not done his homework in private, and he really has come up with twelve points of strength.

  "Well, Mozambique is indeed a good place. The temperature here is good, the Zambezi River has many tributaries, there is a lot of precipitation, and there is a lot of land suitable for farming and pasturing. I think it can be used as a key area for overseas Chinese immigrants. This can be recorded."

  Li Fushou nodded with satisfaction, and casually ordered.

The secretariat staff standing behind the chair hurriedly wrote down on a small notebook, which will serve as an important guide for future secretariat planning, coordinating the unified actions of various departments of immigration, colonization, finance, taxation, justice, policing, and security, according to Queensland's unique The colonization process promotes the development of the area, step by step development and construction.

  Major General Conrad Adenauer, chief of staff standing by, saw this, with a look of contempt at the precious, golden-yellow Prussian beard of the old man, he looked arrogant as he looked down on you.

He is wearing a straight army general uniform, an Australian-style large brimmed hat on his head, and a general commanding knife decorated with a golden braid in one hand. The difference between brigadier generals.

  Brigadier General is just a gold star, while the Major General is a gold sequoia dragon badge, which looks more powerful and domineering and unique.

"Master Yuanding, all the vast territories you have seen are territories opened up by the African Expeditionary Army. This is the heart and soul of all our soldiers and soldiers, but we have a life, and we dare not give up even though we die. "

The book bag was hung literally, and Major General Conrad Adenauer, Chief of Staff, had a flattering smile on his face. This old man was already 56 years old, but he was even dumbfounded when he pulled down. He shook his head and shouted "not better."

  He stood next to him, stretched out two fists and gently beat Li Fushou’s arm on the chair, and said softly but very firmly; “Africa is a big stage, how can we lose the figure of our Queensland soldiers?

  Follow your instructions, raise your country’s power beyond thousands of miles of waves, open up territories, and create a peaceful paradise of dreams for immigrants.

  All of our army soldiers stand by day and night, and we are happy when we hear of the war.

The African Expeditionary Force has now taken all of Mozambique. Its forces have reached Lake Malawi to the north, fully occupied the area, and reached the British South Africa area to the south. The actual control area exceeds 1.1 million square kilometers. This is an achievement that has attracted worldwide attention. .

  The soldiers of the African Expeditionary Army fought bravely here, and gave the precious lives of more than 100 warriors. They were still chanting before they died; "For the Lord Earl, go forward..."

  It is true that loyalty to the leader is the highest virtue that our army officers abide by. The Army General Staff has invested a lot of effort in education..."

  This time the old king selling melons, self-selling and boasting are extremely numb, Geng Baobao listened to his eyelids twitching constantly, really wishing to block his ears with two hands, and then sew this old shameless mouth, really test the lower limit!

"Well, I can see and remember the efforts of the Army General Staff." Li Fushou couldn't listen anymore. He smiled and interrupted Major General Conrad Adenauer, Chief of the General Staff, and stretched out his right hand lightly. He patted his fist lightly.

   means; well, don't beat it.

"General Conrad, as far as I know, the Portuguese are still entrenched on the island of Mozambique, forming a strong group of tens of thousands of people, relying on strong fortresses to resist, so it cannot be said to have occupied Mozambique by any means. The whole territory, right?" Geng Baogui was quite disagreeable to Lao Buxu, taking advantage of the gap to ridicule.

   "Sickness of scabies, what are your feet and teeth." Major General Conrad Adenauer's fluent Chinese is not a good one, so Tai Chi hit it smoothly.

  As for how to solve the disease of scabies, that is another matter.

  If Major General Geng Baobao continues to ask, Major General Conrad Adenauer can use military secrets to excuse him and touch the opponent with a nail that is neither soft nor hard.

  The two sides fought openly and secretly, nothing more than a sense of existence in front of Lord Earl.

  Geng Zhibao obviously didn't get the upper hand, and said as soon as he changed the conversation; "I heard that the army has already controlled the coast of Lake Malawi. Is this kind of statement a bit rigorous?"

   "Why, does General Geng think that I lied to the military in front of Master Yuanding?"

"General Conrad is worried. The two shores of Lake Malawi are located on the western side of the Northern Province, and its range is more than 260 kilometers deep into Tanzania, which is occupied by Germany in East Africa. I am worried that the African Expeditionary Force will have friction with the Germans. Will sit back and watch the expeditionary force go deep into the interior of Tanzania, otherwise it will inevitably cause international disputes, what do you think?"

Major General Conrad Adenauer is really old, and his reaction is not as sharp as Major General Geng Guigui. Just now he only brags about it but left a big bug. When Major General Geng Guigui caught him and fought back fiercely, the old face blushed. Speechless.

  Lake Malawi, also known as Lake Niassa, is located at the southernmost tip of the Great Rift Valley in Africa. In the inland area on the west side of the Northern Province, it is the third largest lake in Africa and covers an extremely large area.

   584 kilometers long from north to south, 24 to 80 kilometers wide, with an area of ​​about 30,000 square kilometers, the lake is 472 meters above sea level, and the lake near the northern end is 704 meters deep, ranking it the fourth deepest lake in the world.

  Except for the south, Lake Malawi has mountainous barriers on three sides and beautiful scenery.

  Fourteen water-filled rivers around the lake area have poured in, providing plenty of water.

Among them, the Ruhuhu River has the largest water volume. It flows southward through the Shire River and is connected to the Zambezi River. It forms a seasonal channel that can pass more than 300 tons of ships for 8 months throughout the year, which provides benefits for the development of inland water transportation. condition.

Most of the waters of the lake area are located in the Malawi region, only a small part of the eastern and northern parts belong to Tanzania and Mozambique. There are lake ports such as Karonga, Nkatabe, Nkotakota, and Chipoka along the lake. The lake area is verdant and tall. The mountain peaks stand on both sides of the long and narrow lake, forming two tall barriers, and the scenery is extremely magnificent.

  The entire lake area is located in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, with green mountains and green waters, clouds and mists, like a fairyland floating in the air.

  Deep into the lake area, looking up at the cliffs and dangerous peaks, waterfalls rushing, really magnificent wonders on earth.

  In addition, the lake area has a warm climate, sufficient water resources, fertile land, and lush flowers and plants. It has always been a fertile farming land. It can provide millions of immigrants to cultivate fertile land. It is an excellent place for immigrants.

  Lake Malawi is beautiful and beautiful.

  In some places, surrounded by high cliffs, turbulent waves hit the shore, and in some places, grasslands are gurgling, especially the northern lake area, which is known as the most magnificent lakes and mountains in Central and South Africa.

   "Ha ha ha... the performance is the main thing. The expeditionary force has indeed performed well in Africa. The problem in the Malawi region depends on the actual control rights, which needs to be resolved in the next step." Li Fushou laughed twice and rounded off.

"Yes, there has never been a clear boundary in this place in Africa. The indigenous tribes are grazing cattle and sheep. Whose is it is a confused account. I think it is necessary to discuss this with the Germans. Before that, let us first Occupying all the vicinity of Malawi, creating an established fact.” Major General Conrad Adenauer went down the **** and finally came back to his words.

Major General Geng Guigui gave a cold snort of dissatisfied nose, and was about to continue to provoke Li Fushou with a calm expression; satisfy."

  These words set the tone for the action in Africa. Major General Geng Baogui can only carry on his head if he is not good enough, so he can only say with a polite hand; "Congratulations, Lord Earl, for taking further steps in Africa's strategy, humble and honorable."

  "Hehehe...In the future, the Mozambique region will be another important colonization area for Chinese immigrants. We also welcome white people from all over the world to come here to start business and create a good situation of prosperity and unity."

This is for Major General Conrad Adenauer. German business immigrants are an important part of the Queensland people. The population is slightly lower than the descendants of British immigrants, who are mainly Scottish. However, the growth momentum is quite rapid. A few years later, it surpassed the British white ethnic group (only in Queensland).

  German immigrants are diligent and reliable. They have many skilled craftsmen. They are one of the high-quality immigrant groups. If they can develop Africa in harmony with Chinese immigrants, it is of course a happy thing to see.

  "On behalf of the German compatriots who are living in poverty, I would like to thank Master Yuan Ding for this profound friendship." Major General Konrad Adenauer solemnly gave a military salute.

These German military officers, who have flourished in Australia, have not forgotten their compatriots. They pooled together money to launch the "German Foundation", mainly to help domestic land-lost farmers and poor workers emigrate overseas. The main destination is Queensland. And the earl's overseas territories.

  And use all kinds of relationships to provide loans for German immigrants to integrate into social life. This is the reason why the population growth rate of the white German ethnic group is higher than that of other white ethnic groups.

  Master Earl is also the largest funder of the "German Fund", investing tens of thousands of pounds each year to support the immigration plan.

   "Hehe... the old general said that Queensland has never been a Chinese-dominated society. I hope to see harmonious ethnic harmony and prosperity, without mutual discrimination and hatred, and to build a beautiful home together."

  Li Fushou’s idiom came out immediately. He was quite tolerant and generous to this old guy who played an extremely important milestone in the construction of the Queensland army.

Recalling that when the Red River Valley pasture was vigorously developed, the German Empire’s retired Lieutenant Colonel Konrad Adenauer was an indispensable and important figure. He led a group of German officers to form a barrier lake earth-rock dam by blasting the cliffs on both sides of the bank to build the Red River Reservoir. Make an indelible contribution.

  In the development of the nascent Queensland military force, a German-style military system was fully introduced, which emphasized discipline, honor, and forged loyalty. These officers from Germany contributed a lot and established the foundation of the Queensland Army.

  The development of the Queensland Navy is fully imitating the British system, which is a system that is different from the German Army system, so I won’t repeat it here.

  (End of this chapter)

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