Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 505: Africa policy

  Chapter 505 African Policy

   "Um... well, eat whatever you like."

  Li Fushou was kind, and he was really hungry after a long lap in the morning. He picked up the seafood porridge and took a big sip, then used chopsticks to pick up a fried dough stick and soak it in the porridge. Then he ate a mouthful of sweetness.

  Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and quickly picked up the chopsticks and ate.

  Everyone who has participated in the working breakfast of Lord Earl knows that only the first few moments can eat something.

  Wait until the Lord Earl has drunk two bowls of porridge, and started to eat side dishes, we will talk about things. When it comes to issues, everyone should concentrate on dealing with them. Who still wants to drink porridge?

  Sure enough, Li Fushou ate a few steamed buns, dumplings, two fried dough sticks, and drank two bowls of seafood porridge. Satisfied, he straightened up and took the warm towel and wiped his mouth and hands.

   Then took a sip of the fragrant tea served by the maid, and put it on the table.

  This action is like a signal. Mo Rufeng just put the steamed bun in his mouth and took a bite, and hurriedly stuffed it all into his mouth and swallowed it, almost choking and rolling his eyes.

Li Shuanzhu was much more astute. He had heard rumors that Lord Earl was working for breakfast. So we ate some hard stuff like buns and dumplings in the front, and sipped porridge in the back, and saw Lord Earl picking up the tea cup. He drank the last mouthful of porridge quickly, took the hot towel served by the maid behind him and wiped his mouth, sitting upright with his waist upright, waiting for the hearing.

  On this occasion, the Lord Earl can’t speak casually without asking you.

  "When I came, I passed through the town of Xi'an and stopped in Mogadiva on the way. Now I come to the Kirimba Islands, which gave me an intuitive impression of Africa."

  Li Fushou’s slender fingers tapped the tabletop lightly, his eyes went over the top of everyone’s heads and looked out the window, immersed in his own thoughts and continued to speak;

  "What do you say about this place?

  I can only talk about the good and the bad. That ghost place in Somalia is thousands of miles away, full of yellow sand, and the hot weather is unbelievable. It is not suitable for immigrants to reclaim and live.

  The oasis environment in the coastal area is acceptable, because it is close to the sea and the weather will be cool sooner or later. The water resources near Xi'an Town and Mogadishu are abundant, and the dock conditions are good, which are worthy of further development.

  Calculate like this

Investing some more funds in these two places to build dock warehouses and yards, to develop a limited-scale plantation and fishing industry, plus some contiguous oasis nearby. The long-term plan for a population of 500,000 will be the sky. Will deteriorate the local environment.

Xi’an Town has done a good job and can additionally develop ship repair and building industry. The Red Sea area has rich fishery resources. The development of offshore fishing industry has much better conditions than Mogadishu. It can be used as a key point. The capital of the region is also located in Xi’an Town. .

  In this case, it will be of great benefit to us infiltrating Eritrea in the future, and it is also convenient to manage and support at any time when the distance is close.

  The region is mainly geographically important, guarding the Mande Strait, which is of extremely important strategic significance.

In the long term

Australia’s threat will only come from the sea, and the maritime threat will only come from Europe. Perhaps the United States will be added in the future. This requires us to reject the enemy and the country for thousands of miles, highlighting the town of Xi’an and the fortress of Hanish Island. The role of the main throat.

As long as dozens of large-caliber shore artillery are placed there, even European naval powers dare not rush into it at will. Of course, this is a long-term plan for the future, and it must not be implemented now, otherwise, let alone the French and Germans. Even the British are going to jump. "

  Speaking of this, Li Fushou couldn't help laughing himself, and everyone at the dinner also laughed.

  Li Fushou picked up his chopsticks and ate a few mouthfuls of cold ears, nodded and said; "This ears is well mixed, crunchy and chewy. You can try it."

   "Hey, I will try it too." Tian Shan nodded appreciatively after taking a bite; "This is a pig that was killed last night. It was freshly marinated. It tastes really good."

"So when we talk about these foods, we have to count the Chinese people who can eat them. The braised large intestines are fragrant and delicious, and the taste is mellow. The belly slices are another flavor. Duck feet and chicken feet have their own flavors. Let a Chinese come here. If you eat with your eyes blindfolded, you can't make a mistake."

Li Fushou picked up a chicken paw and gnawed it with relish, and said as he ate; It's not too good." He saw the maid holding out the wine jar, which contained a 50-year-old flower sculpture, waved his hand and said; "Uh...don't pour the old wine, pour a glass of dry red."

  Working breakfast is like this, Lord Earl said wherever he thought of.

  Li Fushou gnawed two chicken paws and wiped his hands. He suddenly asked as if he remembered; "Where did I just say it?"

   "Master, you said pour a cup of dry red."

  "Are you guys also having a drink?" Li Fushou asked casually, and everyone quickly replied;

   "Uh... thank you sir, we won't drink it anymore."

   "Yes, Lord Earl, I am not used to drinking in the morning."

   "Thank you to the principal for your kindness, students are not used to drinking."

   "No, where did I just say? Oh... Mande Strait Fortress." Li Fushou smiled when he remembered, took a sip of his tea and asked; "How far has the fortress been built?"

  This is the responsibility of the General Staff of the Army. Major General Conard Adenauer straightened up and replied in a deep voice;

  "Report to Lord Earl;

The   Great Hanish Island fortress project has been underway for a year and a half. More than 1,100 workers have been invested in three project sites to excavate a total of more than 1,400 meters of caverns.

  Currently, construction is still ongoing. About 1/3 of the blueprint has been completed. It is expected that there will be three years before the initial completion, with the ability to deter the entire armored battle fleet.

  Because the fortress construction is a secret project, most of the mountains are excavated by blasting. The working surface is narrow and the basalt is very hard, so the construction progress is not fast. "

   "Why is there only a construction team of more than a thousand people?"

   "Report to Lord Earl that the area on Greater Hanish Island is limited, and there are only a few hills that can be constructed. Workers who invest too much will be discovered by the ships passing by, exposing the attempt to build the fortress in advance, so we have been working in secret."

   "Well, it's right to be cautious, but the construction progress must be accelerated, and we will have one more hole card the day before it is completed."

"After returning from the humble position, immediately deploy this matter. Currently, Greater Hanish Island normally uses more than 900 strong black slave laborers. The losses are replenished every month. Now the main line of the cave is generally formed, and branch lines and ammunition depots, settlements, and settlements can be excavated at the same time. The reservoir should be able to invest more manpower in digging."

   "Well, very good, we must pay attention to confidentiality."

"Understand, our principle is that there is no entry, and only this is the most secure." Major General Conard Adenauer has a black belly, and he did not move at all when he said this, showing the cruel side of the method. .

Li Fushou responded, picked up a silver spoon, scooped a spoon of crystal clear salmon roe, spread it on the white steamed bun slices, picked it up, put it in his mouth, took a bite and chewed it up, soft and fragrant fish roe The chewy pasta tastes so good, he nodded as he ate it.

   "Uh... Lord Earl, the number of black natives in Somalia is now becoming scarce. Both the construction of fortresses and the construction of Xi'an Town are facing shortages of manpower. Can the fleet bring more labor when it returns?"

   "You don't need to report these things, you can do it yourself."


  After eating a piece of steamed bun with salmon roe, Li Fushou was very satisfied with the taste. It is estimated that this way of eating will soon become popular in Queensland and become popular.

  Africa has a small population today. Most of the Somali region is black nomadic tribes. The past two years have been miserable and the population has dropped to less than 100,000.

The population of the entire Mozambique region is about one million. Except for more than 30,000 white Portuguese, all are local black indigenous people. Nowadays, large-scale black laborers are recruited to build roads, towns, piers and houses, plus panic fleeing. Population, it is estimated that there will be a sharp decline curve.

  Well, this is not in the discussion of the problem.

When Li Fushou thought about what to say, he knocked on the table and said, “Xi’an town is the rear support point of the Mande Strait fortress. The geographical conditions are acceptable. It should be the top priority of the construction of Somalia. In the future, the nearby oasis will be added. The long-term plan for 300,000 people in cities and towns is no problem, and the secretariat should focus on providing policy incentives and financial assistance."

   "Understand, the Secretariat will make a detailed support plan." Tian Shan replied in a loud voice.

  "As for the Mozambique region, I see that the water plants are abundant, the rainfall is plentiful, and what's more rare is the pleasant climate, which is very suitable for large-scale migration and colonization."

  Speaking of which

  Li Fushou's tone became excited, his eyes staring at Mo Rufeng, Mo Rufeng and Li Shuanzhu sitting next to him involuntarily raised their waists, waiting for the leader's instructions.

  "This vast and beautiful land is the best gift that God has given us. It must be supported as a key area for expanding living space and firmly controlled by immigrants.

  For this, all departments must work together to strengthen planning and management.

  First of all, the town planning. I demand that roads are easily accessible, and it is better to have water transportation conditions. In the future, we will reserve a plan for opening the railway and do all these tasks in the first place.

Secondly, on the basis of detailed surveys, red lines for farmland, red lines for pastures and wilderness areas are planned. Try not to allow human development and colonization to affect the balance between local people and nature, and affect the reproduction of wild animals. In this regard, science must be conducted. Demonstration, come up with a detailed development plan.

  The third step is immigration;

  Currently, the region does not have the conditions for large-scale immigration. From now on, the number of one person per month will be controlled at about 5,000 people, and it will be about 30,000 people to immigrate until the end of the year. This is a suitable number.

  By next year, the growth will be doubled on this basis. I hope that the area can accept more than 200,000 immigrants by the end of the year and be properly resettled.

  Farming is suitable for farming, animal husbandry is suitable for animal husbandry, work is suitable for work, and fishing is suitable for fishing.

There is also the army immediately reorganized the recruits for training, and will start to enter the Malawi area next month. This area is a fertile farmland, and there are large tracts of pasture suitable for cattle and sheep grazing. This place does not lack water or fish. To help the fishermen get through the difficult period in the early stage of reclamation, I must take all of them.

  If there is a conflict with the Germans, try to exercise restraint and resolve it through diplomatic channels.

  This time, Wu Mozhou came to Africa to serve as the general manager. He will take charge of all African affairs, including Somalia, Guinea and Eritrea in the future. Related affairs will be decided in one word. "

  Li Fushou took the lead to stand up and applaud after he finished speaking. The others all stood up and applauded warmly. Congratulations to Wu Mozhou for concurrently serving as the Chief of Africa. He is one of the three generals in the political circle under Lord Earl, and his ability is quite outstanding.

  This time, he was dispatched to Africa to serve as the chief executive, which shows the importance attached to the Mozambique region.

  In the Queensland administrative sequence, there is a position called political counselor, which belongs to the administrative assistant of Lord Earl, and the rank is very high.

There are a total of 5 political representatives, one is the speaker, Changjun Xin, one is Pan Shoudao, the general manager of the southern region, one is Fan Zhongzhai, the secretary general, one is Fan Asheng, the prime minister of Lan Fangguo, and the rest is the former mayor of Honghe Valley. Wu Mozhou.

Among them, the four of them are outstanding talents. The less capable Premier of Lan Fangguo, Fan Asheng, is an exception. He is a loyal dog under the command of Lord Earl. Due to the sensitivity of the position, he barely joined the ranks of political affairs.

  A discerning person can tell right away that this is the highest policy decision-making circle with the Chinese as the core.

  Wu Mozhou is now 50 years old, so he called Li Fushou appropriately.

  He has some eyes on the magnificent scene created by Wu Xuewen, the chief executive of Shangri-La, and he wants to make a pioneering career in Africa for the rest of his life, which will be remembered by future generations, instead of mediocre life, so he took the initiative to take on this important task.

  "Queensland’s African policy is to eat one piece, sandwich one piece, look at one piece, and put one piece in the bowl." Li Fushou looked around the crowd and explained in a more serious tone;

  "A piece of it is the Somalia area. This area is highly concerned because of the importance of its geographical location. We have already obtained it, focusing on the construction of the town of Xi'an, taking Mogadishu into consideration.

  Other desert and Gobi areas are generally of no development value. For the time being, the construction of railways, roads and other infrastructures, the establishment of new towns, and large-scale immigration are not considered.

  This piece in the bowl is Guinea, focusing on the construction of the town of Conakry, um... this name is too confusing, the Secretariat will post an article on this, and it will be called New Lanzhou in the future.

  Lanzhou is an important city in western China, and Guinea is also the westernmost overseas territory of Queensland. The two have similarities in the same way.

  Guinea is also Queensland’s only site on the Atlantic coast. It will be developed as a trade transit port for exports to the eastern United States in the future. The development of other parts of the region will not be considered for the time being. It will be discussed in the future. The core is the development of New Lanzhou Town.

  Look at a piece of the Kingdom of Madagascar facing across the Mozambique Strait. There is no time to deal with him now, and I will talk about it later.

One piece is the Mozambique region. This is a good place. I don’t hope that there will be African indigenous people sharing with us in the future. This place should belong to the colonization of Chinese and white people. The future development of a beautiful living space should be a bite by bite. After eating it, eat it dry.

  The Mozambique region has the capacity of tens of millions of immigrants, and the long-term plan for decades later can even reach 20 million. We must firmly control the region and start everything from now. Do you understand? "

  Li Fushou's gaze scanned the crowd with majesty, everyone nodded silently, and replied in unison; "Understood."

The leader's words will not be very thorough. All present here are the big members of the party, the elite of the people, the outstanding talents who stand out from the crowd. If you don't understand the true meaning, then don't do it, go home and hug your child. Bar!

  (End of this chapter)

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