Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 510: Zambezi South Bank Project

  Chapter 510 Project on the South Bank of the Zambezi River

  Sit down for a while

Suddenly there was a loud noise on the street outside, which caused the tea shoppers in the teahouse to crane their necks and look out. The clever teahouse buddy quickly came back from outside to inquire about the news, and mysteriously announced a letting Shocking news.

   caught two spies who conspired illegally, and the people at the scene got both stolen goods. I heard they were French.

   Sheng Yeyun was shocked when he heard it. Although his face was forced to be calm, a lot of tea had been poured out with the tea bowl in his hand, showing that his heart was not at peace.

  He has a ghost in his heart, and his identity cannot stand scrutiny.

It is important to know that every Chinese immigrant carries an immigration paper. Although there is no photo, they have a detailed registration of their surname and first name, birthplace, gender, age, height, posture, what kind of craft they are good at, and which port they are embarking from. A series of contents such as when to arrive in Mozambique, what to do for resettlement, etc., and have a foundation in the immigration department.

  This is the identity evidence of the immigrants. You can use the immigration paper to register the land under your own name. Each person has a separate number. It must not be messy.

Sheng Yeyun is tall and has a refined temperament. Although he has lost a lot of weight in the past half a month, he still can't conceal his outstanding inner temperament, so he usually buckles a straw hat on his head to cover it up. two.

The biggest problem is that he does not have an immigration paper. It is easy to steal one, but it is difficult to meet his physical characteristics. Firstly, there are very few immigrants in their 30s and 40s, and secondly, those with a height of seven feet and eight inches. few.

  The key is...

  Most of these immigrants come from the Huguang area. Sheng Yeyun can speak fluent Jianghuai Mandarin, but he can’t speak Huguang dialect! This makes it extremely difficult for Sheng Yeyun to impersonate.

  In case of leakage, if you are arrested as an enemy spy, you will first be beaten up, and then you will end up thinking about it.

When Sheng Yeyun was feeling uneasy, he saw several soldiers and militiamen escorting two Frenchmen walking along the street. The two Frenchmen were streaked up all over their bodies. They were beaten and bruised, looking very miserable.

  The surrounding crowd pointed and pointed. Some even angrily picked up a small stone and smashed it over. There were also rotten vegetables and rotten eggs, and the "crackling" greeted them.

  The escorted soldiers did not stop them, they followed behind calmly, deliberately watching them suffer humiliation.

  When passing the teahouse entrance, Sheng Yeyun lowered his head with a guilty conscience. He felt that Hekou Town was not safe and had to find other ways, so he hurriedly met for tea money, put on a straw hat and walked out with his head bowed.

Li Shuanzhu came on horseback with a few guards. When he passed the town, he saw the crowd gathered in front of him. Two big-tied people were escorted all the way to the gendarmerie. The surrounding crowd threw small stones and rotten vegetables and leaves in their mouths. Swearing endlessly.

He strangled the horse's head, and inadvertently saw a tall man wearing a straw hat on the side of the road with his head lowered and hurrying away against the wall. He felt a bit strange in his heart. When he was about to ask, the guards beside him The member asked for instructions; "Master Tuanzuo, the crowd in front of us has blocked the way forward, should we change our way?"

   "Well, let's make a detour, you go to personally inform it quietly, don't mess up these two Frenchmen, it's almost enough."

"Yes, sir."

After interrupting like this, the tall man wearing a straw hat had disappeared. Lieutenant Colonel Li Shuanzhu had originally asked for a moment. Since he couldn't see anyone, he just gave it up. He gently knocked his legs on his stomach and brought his men. Detour towards the direction of the regiment.

  Master Earl will inspect Enzo Town tomorrow. The relevant peripheral security work will be undertaken by the Hekou Town Garrison. Li Shuanzhu will contact the guards to clarify the scope of both parties. Safety work can be sloppy.

  The next few days

  Li Fushou has been staying in Enzo Town, discussing the problem of flooding in the rainy season in the lower reaches of the Zambizi Delta with British and German experts from Red River Valley University, trying to find a feasible solution.

For thousands of years, whenever the rainy season comes, the middle and upper reaches of the Zambezi River Basin have concentrated precipitation. The peaks formed are like galloping horses pouring down, often overflowing the river course, bringing the downstream delta area to more than 30,000 square kilometers of fertility. The land became a vast ocean.

  Most of the newly-built towns are located on high ground, so there is no risk of flooding.

  But the problem is that roads built in low-lying places will definitely be washed away by floods, fertile fields will be flooded, bridges will be washed away, and they will return to their original state overnight.

  This problem is not serious now, but after two years with the influx of large numbers of immigrants, watching tens of thousands of square kilometers of fertile land can not be developed, this is a great waste.

  The Zambezi alluvial plain has fertile land and crisscross streams, which is very suitable for rice cultivation. The key is to spend a lot of money to build water conservancy facilities. Where does this money come from?

If hydropower dams are built in the upper and middle reaches to intercept floods and generate electricity, the scale is extremely large. Calculated based on the huge flow of the Zambezi River, any type of dam will cost more than millions of pounds. With the current level of technology and Africa The status quo does not have practical feasibility.

  This motion was first rejected, at least within the foreseeable 50 years, the plan will be shelved.

  The Zambezi River has a long history of flooding during the rainy season. It gathers many tributaries along the way from the plateau region and traverses most of Central and Southern Africa from west to east.

The Zambezi River has a total length of 2,660 kilometers and a drainage area of ​​1.35 million square kilometers. It is the fourth largest river in Africa and the largest river in southern Africa.

  It originated in the mountains at an altitude of 1,300 meters on the northwestern border of Zambia. The main stream flows through Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique, and the tributary flows through the Malawi main stream into the Indian Ocean Strait of Mozambique.

  Upstream from the source of the river to Victoria Falls, it is 1,287 kilometers long and flows through the plateau area along the way, winding down along the deep canyon, and the water is relatively small.

  The river rushes down from Victoria Falls, deducting the most magnificent picture, which is an iconic scenery in Africa.

From Victoria Falls to the Cabrabassa area in Mozambique is the middle reaches, with a length of 869 kilometers. There are several large tributaries converging in this section. The water suddenly increases and rushes through the valleys. It contains abundant hydropower resources. Further development in the future.

Below Cabrabassa is the lower reaches, which is 579 kilometers long. The so-called control of floods in the lower reaches of the Zambezi mainly refers to this section, especially the 300-kilometer section near the mouth of the sea. It is an area with frequent floods and frequent floods in the rainy season. Overflowing situation.

  The annual average flow rate of the Zambezi Estuary is 7080m cubic meters per second, second only to the Congo River and second in Africa.

Compared with the average annual runoff of the Yangtze River of 9,600 cubic meters per second, the Zambezi River is slightly less, but the Zambezi River is characterized by concentrated precipitation. Most of the rainfall is concentrated in the rainy months, with continuous peaks in the rainy season. One by one, it is very difficult to manage.

  In the seminar

  Professor Neuhaus-Müller, a German hydrology expert, proposed a two-step plan, which aroused the great interest of Li Fushou.

  This scheme is very characteristic. Simply put, half is used and half is built, and half is built and half is delayed.

  How to explain half and half?

Considering that Seoul City, Hezhong Town, Hekou Town, and Hexi Town are all located on the south bank of the Zambezi River, the arable area here reaches 18,000 square kilometers, accounting for 60% of the alluvial plain in the lower reaches of the Zambezi River. The terrain is gentle and the land is fertile. It is suitable for reclaiming large tracts of fertile land.

   Therefore, German hydrology expert Professor Neuhaus-Müller suggested building a dam along the southern bank of the Zambezi River basin to drive all the floodwaters to the spill area on the northern bank.

  According to the current level of field farming, this 18,000 square kilometers is enough to accommodate more than 300,000 immigrants, plus the surrounding areas that are not affected by floods, and the final resettlers can add a zero to this number.

  The so-called half-and-half house is to use the south bank to build complete irrigation facilities for farmland, immigration and colonization, and urban construction are all concentrated in the south bank area, and the north bank area is completely abandoned and used as a flood discharge area in the rainy season.

   Half of the construction and half of the construction means that the vast water conservancy project is divided into two steps. The main limiting factor is the limited labor force, and it is impossible to spread the construction across the board.

The    flooded river section is about 317 kilometers long from the downstream to the estuary. It requires the construction of earth-rock dams, all of which are located on the south bank of the Zambezi River.

  Even according to the construction plan of taking soil on site, the 317-kilometer earth-rock embankment is a huge project, which requires countless labor.

  Therefore, it is planned to take the lead in constructing the earth-rock embankment on the south bank of the approximately 135-kilometer section near the upstream. The planned construction period is 5 years, and the remaining part will be started at the right time. It took 12 years to finally complete the earth-rock dam on the south bank and completely solve the flooding problem of the Zambezi River basin.

  The reason why it takes such a long time is because the south bank dam project needs to repair the stone **** protection to prevent the floods that surge in the rainy season from pouring down and eroding the embankment.

  According to the actual situation of the fierce peaks of the Zambezi River one after another in the rainy season, if it were not for the construction of stone **** protection, it is estimated that the earthen embankment project would be completed in a rainy season.

  So this is a hard-core requirement, and it is absolutely impossible to save construction steps. If you want to build a century-old assured project, the requirements for stone **** protection are quite high, and cement joints must be used.

  This requires the construction of a cement plant in Mozambique, dedicated to the construction of embankments and towns, and is necessary for the development of supporting projects.

this age

  This kind of river bank project does not have any mechanical equipment. It is completely dependent on shoulder-to-shoulder to carry out human sea projects and build them bit by bit.

It is estimated that there are nearly one million black indigenous populations in Mozambique. Except for the female population, men between the ages of 14 and 40 have no more than 300,000 strong labor force, minus the existing labor force for gold mining, road repair, and town repair, minus The sporadic tribes that are difficult to take into account in the remote areas of the plateaus and mountains, minus the population who cannot be invested in river labor for various reasons, will never be able to use more than 70 to 80,000 people in the end.

  This population is invested in huge river projects, and it really can’t make much of it.

  Always leave some people to participate in agriculture and animal husbandry production. What do so many people eat and drink?

  According to the custom of African indigenous tribes, most of the agricultural and animal husbandry production is undertaken by women, and men are responsible for hunting and fighting. Now there is only one task left, and that is hard work.

  (End of this chapter)

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