Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 514: The big picture

  Chapter 514 The overall situation is more important

Seeing his wife leave, Colonel Koch's eyes flashed with a strange light, which was keenly caught by Major General Conrad Adenauer, as if casually saying; "Colonel, with such a beautiful and intelligent wife, you should feel Luckily it is."

   "Yes, Lord General, I have always respected my wife very much."

   "So I have a beautiful little Portuguese lover. I heard that you are very fond of her, and this little woman is very restless, jumping up and down and even instigating the relationship between the senior officers of the expeditionary army?"

  "Your Excellency General, you..."

   Colonel Koch looked back at the gray-haired Major General with some surprise. The thought that flashed through his mind was: The Chief of Staff is investigating me?

What thoughts turned in his mind, Major General Conrad Ardenne looked at the lines on his palm and snorted severely. He threw a few cashews in his hand back to the plate and said in a low voice; "You idiot, don't you? Did the Mozambique sun dazzle your head? That beautiful little Portuguese lover fascinated the north and the south. Just play around and take it seriously. Is there an impermeable wall in this world?"

   "You mean... Lord Earl knew?" Although Colonel Koch was confused by the beauty, he was not a stupid person after all.

"I know, do you think Lord Earl's political situation is a decoration? What's more, the military police also has the responsibility of monitoring and reporting. Your situation may have been sorted into documents and placed on the desk of Lord Earl." Major General Ladd Arsenal is quite annoyed that iron is not made of steel. After all, there are only a few people in the upper German army, and they have a close relationship with each other.

When Captain Koch came to Australia with him, he was only a young German retired military officer in his 30s. Now he is in his forties and serves as the deputy commander of the colonel. He hopes to be promoted to the rank of brigadier general and become a young and middle-aged German. The leader of the American military officers, continues the glory of the German professional military officers in the Queensland army. .

Whether it is Major General Conrad Adenauer, Chief of the General Staff, or Brigadier General Schwartz Kopf, the commander of the Tiger Cavalry Division, they are all fifty-four or five years old. Not much.

Once dismissed from the front-line military position, it is necessary for Colonel Koch and Brigadier General Fritz to step up and become the spokespersons of the new generation of German military officers, taking care and helping the new generation of German military officers to grow up smoothly and completing the assignments. Historical mission.

Everyone can see that the future of Queensland’s power is limitless. The German immigrant groups are the third largest immigrants after the Chinese and British immigrant groups. They must have their own interests in mind, and they need their own spokespersons in the military and upper political circles. , To prop up the sky for ethnic development.

At the level of Major General Conrad Adenauer, his own interests have been closely tied to the Queensland Lord Earl. The power and wealth are all top-notch. The pursuit is no longer the glitz and glitz, but the virtue. What do immigrants do?

These stupid things Colonel Koch did may ruin his future.

"Master General, have to reach out and give me a hand!" Colonel Koch recollected, with a panic on his face, and said in a hurry; "I'm really crazy, originally It's just a play on a whim. I didn't expect this Portuguese goblin to be so nasty, and get stuck in it unknowingly..."

   "Huh, did this woman named Sophia let you use your power to release her father Juan Carlos and dozens of Portuguese captives in the town of Enzo?"


  Under the gaze of the general, a cold sweat broke out on Colonel Koch’s forehead. He knew that he had done this too recklessly, and he might be taken care of.

"Did you arrange them to Solafa Town, and even make the "Barazo" named Juan Carlos the mayor? They gathered more than 2,000 Portuguese in Solanfa Town, and secretly equipped some Weapons, what do you want to do?"

   "Sir General..." Colonel Koch looked at him pale, not believing that the generals knew such secret things.

   "Stupid, stupid..."

  Major General Konrad Adenauer really felt heartbroken. He knew that Colonel Koch’s plot was nothing but the Portuguese woman’s persuasion to try to hold on to his own self-respect and develop a force that belonged to him in the town of Solafa.

After all, the African colony is high and the emperor is far away. As the deputy commander of the African Expeditionary Force, Colonel Koch does not do too much. There is no doubt about the control of the infantry regiment.

  The problem is that the basic-level officers of the second regiment company and platoon level are basically from the young eagle school.

  Now the two regiments are spread out along the nearly 600-kilometer highway in units of companies and platoons. They are carrying out the task of building a central highway. In Africa, where information transmission is extremely inconvenient, they are almost fighting on their own.

Brigadier General Mo Rufeng, commander of the Expeditionary Force, made Colonel Koch abolish his martial arts by himself. In an emergency, he could not even recruit two companies of soldiers...

  "The document about your situation was transferred from the expeditionary army gendarmerie, presumably at the instruction of Brigadier General Mo Rufeng. His hand is really ruthless... let us clean up the door by ourselves."

  Major General Conrad Adenauer stood up silently and sighed up to the sky.

  Originally, he still had some fluke in his heart, thinking that there would be many inaccurate things in the fighting in the army, but from the frightened look of Colonel Koch, all of this was true.

"Your Excellency... They framed me. I admit that I did raise a little Portuguese lover, Sophia, and let his father be the mayor of Solafa, but this was just to appease the Portuguese. After all, they are in our occupied area. There are still tens of thousands of Portuguese. As for equipping the Portuguese with weapons secretly, it is a slander. On this large African plain, there are lions and tigers and ferocious African hyenas outside the densely populated towns. These Portuguese originally possessed them. Some shotguns protect myself and my family. I just didn’t collect them in accordance with the regulations..."

"Well, no need to say more, there will naturally be a fair investigation of your situation." Conrad Ardenne felt so tired at this moment, and waved his hand tiredly and said; "I am in the name of the chief of staff. This is an official order to inform you that all your military duties are now suspended, pending investigation. During this period, you are not allowed to leave the house here. This is an official order. The relevant official documents will be communicated to the African Expeditionary Army."

   " can't do this." Colonel Koch yelled desperately.

   "On the contrary, I can..." Major General Conrad Adenauer looked into the distance with a deep pain in his eyes.

  He knows how deep the Lord Earl’s control over the army is. If an officer dared to show signs of rebellion, he does not need to be acted upon by others. I am afraid that the soldiers around him will raise their guns to kill him.

  This is really not for fun, but the status quo of the Queensland army.

The Queensland army opened its borders and expanded its territory, winning streaks, and the direct consequence was... the officers and soldiers in the army enthusiastically worshiped Lord Earl, and participated in the Skull and Bones Club among young and middle-aged officers. This is an association of the young and iron-blooded faction and respects its leaders. God is the only purpose.

  Don’t know the Red Fort? Don’t the General Staff know? Don’t you know about the Gendarmerie of the Political Affairs Office?

Lord Earl is the kind of hero with a strong desire to control. Not only in the army, but also in Queensland society and overseas territories, the control extends to every township. The militia organization has the "Xinghua Association" and the civil organization has the "Hongmen". Politically, there is the "Zhi Gong Party" and the "Skull and Bones" in the military, not to mention the secretive and powerful departments of the political affairs department and the town political affairs department, which are simply impervious to the air.

   Colonel Koch, this is floating!

  Look at Brigadier General Fritz’s Shangri-La Division. The first division, which had more than 13,800 people in its heyday, now only has two or three big cats and kittens.

In exchange, the combat effectiveness of the entire Queensland Army Infantry Division was even higher, and after repeated blood draws, the Shangri-La Division's combat effectiveness plummeted to a dangerous level, silently ranking behind the Kalimantan First Division and the Kalimantan Second Division. , Also ranked behind the African Expeditionary Force...

  In front of such a hero, don't play any tricks, it is tantamount to dancing horizontally on the edge of a cliff, and one carelessness is a dead end.

The   German Army Corps is the vines that cling to the big trees. The big trees grow tall and dense, and the vines will naturally be moisturized and live brightly.

  Major General Konrad Adenauer is so old and good, of course he understands the truth. For the sake of the overall situation, he has abandoned Colonel Koch in his heart.

   "Let's do it, don't do any unnecessary actions, otherwise God will not be able to save you. If you have time to confess to Mrs. Ming Yan, she is your last support."

He woke up lightly. Major General Conrad Adenauer shook his head and walked away. When he walked to the door, he instructed the young officers to say; "The house arrest of Colonel Koch is the decision of the General Staff. You must resolutely implement it. If you make any mistakes, I will ask you only."

   "Yes, Your Excellency General."

  The young officer saluted and replied with a serious look. This is the officers and soldiers transferred from the expeditionary division. Colonel Koch’s soldiers have already been transferred to other places, and they will not stay here because of twists and turns.

  Major General Conrad Adenauer looked back at Colonel Koch who was sitting under the pavilion dumbly. He felt a pain in his heart, gritted his teeth and turned and left.

  There are only four or five senior German officers, and any one of them will be an unbearable loss.

  But for the sake of the overall situation, the strong man had to break his wrist. The owner of the Red Fort did not rub the sand in the eyes, and there was no reason to indulge.

  The price is painful, and it’s still floating after thinking about it!

  I hope that Colonel Koch can listen to his own opinions, and through Madame Mingyan’s channel, request the Lord Earl to be lighter, or ask the Countess to come forward and give Colonel Koch another chance.

  (End of this chapter)

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