Austria 1840

Chapter 50: reassurance pill, extra large reassurance pill

After this journey of life in the Apennine mountains, everyone slowly recovered their cardiopulmonary vitality, the lumbar disc herniation was effectively relieved, the cervical spondylosis healed easily and spontaneously, and the frozen shoulder suddenly improved.

It's just that the knees are a little worn, haha, who makes it so exciting to go up and down the mountain.

Especially old Carl and Princess Mary, for these two "old people", the scenery and communication along the way, the combination of comfort and beauty, is unprecedentedly comfortable.

The good times on the mountain road are always short-lived, and a week goes by quickly.

They finally came to Florence, the famous city of the Renaissance and, well, the place where the famous Archduke Karl was born and raised.

"Uncle, how long have you lived in Florence?"

As soon as little Carl put his **** on the chair, he asked curiously.

"For more than ten years, I was born here and spent my childhood and adolescence here."

"As the emperor's son, shouldn't you live in Vienna with the emperor?"

"Haha, at that time Uncle Karl was the emperor's nephew. It was the uncle Joseph II who was the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Later, the uncle died and the grandfather inherited the uncle's throne, and everyone really returned to Vienna."

Since Princess Mary broke up with the family, she is in better spirits, and of course she talks a lot.

Little Carl also took protective measures for the two giant pandas. Under his suggestion, the two elderly people also drank more milk without increasing the price.

Little Karl expects them to live three to five years longer, at least until this wave of European revolutions subsides.

Back to little Carl, he understood the meaning after listening to Aunt Mary's explanation.

Archduke Karl's father, Emperor Leopold II, actually succeeded his brother Joseph II on the throne.

From the very beginning, he knew that the throne belonged to his brother, and when he became an adult, he took his wife and children to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

In Europe, there is almost no such show as King Li Shimin of Qin murdering his brother or King Zhu Di of Yan killing his nephew, so everyone comes in order.

Therefore, Archduke Karl was born in Florence and grew up in Florence. His father did not plan to return to Vienna to become emperor. Of course, he was just an ordinary duke.

He spent his childhood and adolescence in Florence, and then went to Vienna to study at the military school. Then, according to the requirements of the family and the empire, he went to the army to practice, follow the steps, fight monsters and upgrade.

If everyone hadn't encountered the super monster of France and leveled up too fast, the Archduke Karl couldn't have been able to level up so fast, and he became the marshal of the Empire at the age of 25.

In a sense, it was the French Republic and Napoleon who made the Archduke Karl the God of War, but the price was quite high. The Holy Roman Empire was gone, and the Austrian Empire was actually defeated.

The price is the Holy Roman Empire and the Austrian Empire, not mine. This is the worm's way of thinking.

Old Karl is not, he would rather not have these famous names, than Shinra disappear, or Austria's face crackling.

Back to Florence, take a short rest, and then we will make regular arrangements. Let's take a look at the former residences, footprints, works and so on of the Renaissance celebrities.

Since someone is a tour guide, and he doesn't circle like ducks in later generations, little Carl is also willing to watch it, but he is not interested.

When he saw Dante, what he thought of was Gong Linna's "Uneasy", "Little Apple", "Daigulak", "Bei Er Shuang".

When he saw Da Vinci, he thought of a famous floor that had fooled everyone for more than ten years, and Lin Zhixuan's "Tears of the Mona Lisa".

When he saw Michelangelo, he thought of David who was naked, uncivilized, exhibitionist, and Lu Changqing's young son who was squatting in the corner.

The little guy has the same hobbies as that "David", but he does everything by himself, so the little guy will tear open his diapers every now and then and have fun all over the room, as if he has succeeded in doing bad things.

Also, the entire city of Florence looked lifeless.

Did the paint peel off? Little Carl thought with some wickedness.

Think about it too, now little Carl is surrounded by celebrities, he is a little numb to celebrities, let alone dead celebrities.

In addition, this city is indeed not as good as London, Paris, Vienna, etc., as well as St. Petersburg and Berlin, or even Venice and Milan today.

These latter cities, their vigor and vitality, are not comparable to Florence's dying appearance.

Since these things were not interesting, he asked old Carl to arrange for him to lead him to see the industry in Florence.

Old Carl didn't worry that he was a little kid, so he also came over to have a look.

"The wool spinning industry is dying, doesn't it mean that the wool industry in Florence is prosperous?"

Little Carl looked at the dilapidated woolen mill, not one or two, not ten or eight, but every one. he muttered.

"It's been a long time. When I was a child, although the wool textile industry has shrunk, it can still be seen. Now it's basically over."

"What other industry is there?"

Old Carl asked.

"Grand Duke, the wine here is quite prosperous, how about I show you? But out of town."

It's not like the kid wants to see woolen spinning first, I don't even know when you are going to see woolen spinning in Florence? Are you hairy, or have you ever been hit by a spindle?

The guy who led the team replied that he was old Carl's experience in Florence.

Economic advisor, he didn't know that little Carl's information was faulty, missing, and even a little confusing.

Old Carl nodded in agreement and went out of the city to see the wine industry area.

They first looked at the vineyards, which were really prosperous, stretching all the way, endless.

Then there are the wineries, which basically have the layout of the front garden and the back cellar, or the middle cellar of the surrounding gardens.

This compares the decline of the old town. Although there is no sculpture or poetry recitation, there is enthusiasm and prosperity. Even the smiling faces of the vineyard workers are brighter than those of the citizens of the city.

"How do they get their glass bottles?"

"What glass bottle? They're all wine in big clay jars now."

Hearing this news, little Carl wanted to set up a glass factory to serve the booming wine industry here.

Now they are too rough, they even use large clay pots, how did they get the taste?

If the taste doesn't come up, how can the price come up?

If the price can't come up, how can the profit come up?

If profits don't come, how can you spend all your time and be drunk, how can you bully men and bully women, and harm the world?

It’s like a story that there are many gold diggers in San Francisco, but selling water to gold diggers is also a business.

Little Carl decided to start this glass business, while improving their taste and price, while increasing his own profits, and also, while making money for himself, he also helped the big empire.

"In addition to the glass used for wine, it can also be used to make a lot of utensils. It can also be the doors and windows of houses, and even the doors and windows of cruise ships. Glass can be used."

The old war god's divergent thinking has worked out. Although this "should be the case" in the eyes of little Carl, but it can be seen that he also thinks that he has something to do, so he can do this work with him.

From the beginning to the end, looking down the Arno River, I found that although the wine industry is relatively prosperous, it is still in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and has not formed a particularly eye-catching brand.

Not to mention Daqin Dachu's top brand, not even Song Luyan's level.

"How many wineries are there? Which ones are bigger?"

"No one has counted the specifics. Maybe it's because new openings and closings are quite frequent. But three or five hundred companies can't escape. Which one is bigger, I really didn't pay attention. I'm not interested in this wine. But they're not big."

"Well, if that's the case, Uncle, we can also build a winery together."

Since there is no big brand formed, you can buy an old manufacturer that has years of history, but the operation is not very good.

Anyway, there is money, of course, after April, and now little Carl's money is in the London stock market.

Now, you can find someone to start the preparatory work first, and pull the old Carl to partner, then use the old Carl's people.

Little Carl knew very well that in the cultural atmosphere of Europe, he couldn't write the hegemony essay. Why, because the emperor could not get his turn, even if Franz quit, there would still be Maximilian. Woolen cloth.

Well, if you don't give the opportunity to write essays on hegemony, you have to farm essays, and there will be a wave of obscene development.

"Then you have to plant grapes, it's a lot of work."

The old military **** used to specialize in fighting, and the business involved little, maybe not even a business material. Anyway, it can be seen that when he encounters a specific problem, he is afraid of difficulties. Of course, he may have been cheated in this area?

"Uncle, we bought a ready-made wine cellar with a vineyard, and then expanded the number of wine cellars, and then purchased other surrounding grapes."

Little Carl quickly rubbed it in the creaking nest, getting a reassurance pill and stuffing it into the old warlord's mouth.

"Grand Duke, it's no problem to buy a vineyard and a wine cellar. Every year, or even every week of the month, I can't do it. It's best to buy at this time, not only to see the wine cellar, but also to see the growth of the grapes."

The consultant said responsibly.

"Then since there are people who can't work, isn't it very difficult to work in this industry?"

The old military **** took a reassurance pill, and basically it had no effect.

"Uncle, there are still failures in the war. Why haven't we seen the men of the Habsburg family escape?"

Little Carl opened his bow from left to right, imitating Jigong, rubbing left, right, up and down on his body.

Then I learned from Jet Li's Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng, put both hands together in front of the chest, sink and stretch out the five fingers to the front of the abdomen, and then arch the fingers to form a bird's nest between the hands.

Then, make an elegant movement left and right, up and down, back and forth. Remember, if the arc cannot be a straight line at this time, it should be slow and not hastily.

After rubbing it like this, it is a reassurance for a large part-time special effect. Well, hurry up and put it in the mouth of the old military god.

"It's the same reason. You shouldn't be afraid to go because you see someone failing. Don't say that it's just someone else who failed. Even if you fail, you have to get up and **** your mother."

Obviously, this reassurance pill with large size and special effects has Uncle, then let's do a wave. Anyway, with you here, I'm not worried about anyone messing around. Market competition, we're not afraid anymore. We are the little connoisseurs of this bowl of rice. "

"Didn't you say that you were an expert when you were working on printing presses? How could you be an expert at this? How much can you do?"

"No more, no less, 360 lines, Xing Xing is the champion."

The lip-smacking little Carl saw that the old uncle's confidence in himself was declining, so he quickly put it away and said a few serious words.


Although I am not a professional, I can find professional people to do it. You think, doing business requires both money, people, and land. "

"Well, don't lead me too far, just tell me the truth."

"We have money and land, so do you think there is someone who has the ability, but lacks money and land? There must be, believe it or not, can't we just find such a person?"

"Yes, I believe it, how did you find it?"

"Let's look for it here. We will find out about every winery that can't be opened, and fish out the talented people in these factories.

"After finding out, ask him to analyze the reasons for the closure of his own winery, and then analyze the reasons for the closure of other peers, and then analyze the reasons for the failure of other peers.

"If he has the ability or not, he can see the seven

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