Authentic Magic Gate

Chapter 691: :overture

Ye Ting wanted to ask the question of the loneliness demon finger, but since Li Feng did not mention it, he had no choice but to give up. [Fengyun Fiction Reading Network] Master Li Feng gave Ye Ting a bunch of things, which are definitely not low in value, but most of Ye Ting can only be used for collection, and it must be reflected when it is suitable.

However, as the master of Yulong City, such materials are also necessary, and the accumulation of less and more, and similar things reach a certain level, will reflect its specific value.

Besides, the peculiar materials are helpful for Ye Ting to be familiar with more laws, but this effect is already very precious.

Ye Ting also understood why the owner of Jinao Island acquiesced in this kind of thing. As long as he didn't hurt his feelings, a battle between the same door was the easiest way to understand each other.

If you communicate with all the peak owners, you will end up with special resources.

A Li Feng master ca n’t see much, but more than 100 peak masters have their own unique resources, which are gathered in one place, which is too much for their own practice.

On Yu Wenfeng's side, the challenge immediately ushered in Gao C. Not for Ye Ting, but for the monks of Yulong City, because the monks from Jinao Island found that although the disciples of Yulong City may be slightly inferior on the basis, but in terms of tactics, there are also individuals In terms of quality, it is already worthy of the name of monk.

From the eight hundred continents, there are many different laws and methods of C control, and fighting against the monks of the Dragon City has many advantages.

However, this challenge cannot set up a gambling game, and was rejected by the Jinao Island master in one sentence. The Jinao Island monk thought of another way. As long as the disciples of the Dragon City accept the challenge, all the equipment and materials lost on the ring are made by The challenger gives compensation.

Ye Ting accepted a challenge from the summit master in three days, and the ring could not be revoked. The master of Jinao Island saw that the disciples were not gambling, and so acquiesced to this challenge.

Within this next two days, thousands of battles broke out, the ring space was vast, and infantile monks fought. Basically, one tenth of the site is not used. There are many equipments for the Dragon Clan monks, but the core equipment is all Dragon Claws, which makes the Jinao Island monks amazing. The design of the Dragon Claw is quite ingenious. It can be said that it was created specifically for long-term fighting.

In the next three months, Ye Ting received thirty challenges, each of which used the same method to beat the enemy helplessly. The Xiaotiantian Thunder Prohibition Method is impossible to say without flaws, because the temporary Thunder Prohibition Pills are used to release the lightning method. The existence time is much shorter than the normal Lei Fa. As long as Ye Ting has a few mistakes in C control, this tactic is considered to be self-defeating.

Everyone was waiting for when Ye Ting made a mistake, but the dozens of huge butterflies behind Ye Ting's head showed no signs of damage, and they all came alive.

So Ye Ting has a weird nickname-Lei Die Mo Jun.

Ye Ting can't laugh at this nickname, his most powerful tactic is Qinglian Jiangexing. Now Xiaozhutian Lei's forbidden law is well-known, and it is too late to change it.

Ye Ting simply transformed Lei Jia. No longer withdrawing his body, he directly shaped into huge butterflies, and usually let these butterflies fly around. He satisfies the title of Lei Die Demon King, and those who do not know his roots are expected to be slashed by him.

The owner of Jinao Island is also verifying the problem of the promotion of the ban on the law of the small mines. After calculation, the island owner will also stop. Without the ability of Ye Ting to control C, the number of C controls of the Xiaotiantian Thunder Prohibition Warfare Method can only reach the level of Yeting when there are only dozens of Zhutian Thunder Prohibition Pills.

The owner of Jin'ao Island asked himself how much he could achieve Ye Ting. But what significance does this tactic have for him?

More than a year later, all the peak owners who challenged Ye Ting failed, and this event in Jin'ao Island ended. Ye Ting communicated with the more than 100 peak owners. The Xiaozhutian Thunder Prohibition Act is now on the higher level, and the fire is perfect.

His Lei Die has also changed several times, with a difference in size, and the color is also enriched.

On this day, Jinao Island announced that after half a month, the island mainly summoned all the peak owners. There are important announcements.

Usually this kind of notice without prior notice is a sign of war.

Yu Wenfeng's vein has expanded a lot of power over the past year. First, he forcibly broke through a group of monks from 800 continents to arrive here, and the other was the transfer of disciples inside Jin'ao Island.

Before the battle with Buddhism, there were actually dozens of lords who died in battle. These monks became lonely spirits and ghosts that no one was responsible for. Although Qifeng was not recovered, according to the rules, these qifengs will not be allowed after thousands of years. They entered, and within this millennium, they had to find the object of trust.

Ye Ting has newly joined Jinao Island. It was relatively easy to absorb similar monks. Now Ye Ting shows his personal strength and his disciples are also excellent. A large number of monks have joined Yuwenfeng.

Yu Wenfeng only got a lot of low-level monks, and the embarrassing scene of infant and virtual realm was lifted.

The number of low-level monks is relatively large, and the practice area around Yuwen Peak is finally filled to about one-fifth, which is evident in the wealth of Jin'ao Island. Such a good practice place, Ye Ting gathered more than 100,000 people to fill up the five points. one.

Ye Ting calculated that Jinao Island now has 360 odd peaks. Except for the different levels of the main peak, the other places of practice are not much different, and they can accommodate millions of monks on average.

This is the door to the door, the best place to practice, can accommodate hundreds of millions of monks.

These hundreds of millions of monks are Jinao Island's greatest wealth. Biyou Palace is the core of Jin'ao Island. The periphery of Jin'ao Island is just the area it controls above Kyushu. There are also affiliated schools and its own external doors.

However, there are still a lot of secret areas in the hands of the masters of many strange peaks. Together, these are Jin'ao Island.

Ye Ting still asked the disciples of Biyou Palace. If they knew that they would not have to fight unless there was a large-scale battle, they would judge how many monks they dispatched according to the difficulty of the mission.

However, Ye Ting still had to prepare, because he was not at ease. If a disciple of Yulong City participated in the battle of Kyushu for the first time, there might be an accident. Fortunately, the Yulong chariot has undergone dozens of transformations in the past year, although Used as a war weapon, it can already bear the cost of its consumption as a weapon of war.

The Five Prison Lotus Stand is even simpler, and it is not a problem to support the distance to shrink within three hundred miles.

But he must sit with Yang Mei, otherwise there will still be problems in the operation of the formation. Ye Ting returned to his D house and asked Longshu, who had been busy for the past six months, "How have things been cultivated?"

"Do you want to take it out?" Dragon Tree asked in surprise.

"Cultivated, of course, you have to bring it to the battlefield." Ye Ting said: "Did you make a demon soldier, is it for the purpose of retirement?"

Yang Mei reluctantly took a small wooden box out and handed it to Ye Tingdao: "I ended up making a group of demon soldiers for you. You can find my sister in the future. By the way, she hasn't woke up yet?"

"No, presumably because of my advancement, I suppressed her."

"Well, if she wakes up, let her come to see me." Long Shu finished talking and went busy again. Ye Ting opened the wooden box in his hand, which was full of densely colored cocoons.

Under the cocoon, the leaves of fairy rice are spread, and soon these magic butterflies will burst out of pupae.

Ye Ting puts things into the mysterious realm and gives it to Rune Life to take care of it. The demonized Devil Butterfly, equipped with his modified Thunderbox, will have a better effect, and he can add an extra layer of magical domain to himself.

It is very difficult to kill Devil Butterfly, but Devil Butterfly's weakness is that Shou Yuan is only a hundred years old. This is the result of Ye Ting feeding with fairy rice, otherwise the demonized Devil Butterfly Shou Yuan is about six to eight years.

Ye Ting can only cultivate magic butterflies in his secret realm for a long time. Anyway, it is also used to assist Xiao Zhutian Lei's forbidden combat method. Normally raise more, store up cocoons, and it will not be useless when needed.

Thunder Butterfly Monarch? Just do this yourself.

Ye Ting prepared for a few days here, and the magic butterfly broke out of the cocoon and was taken by Ye Ting to replace Lei Jia. The entire Yu Wenfeng is ready to go, but the rest of Qifeng is not so nervous. The battle with the Buddhist gate has been for a long time. Except for the largest conflict, there have been few Void Monks who have fallen.

In the day, 183 peak masters went to Biyou Palace together, and after walking up the cloud ladder, Ye Ting saw Biyou Palace different from when they last came.

The splendid and splendid palace rolled up and down. After entering the front gate, it passed through the empty hall. In the courtyard on the first floor, each peak sat down and waited for the king of Ao Island.

Above this courtyard, there is a green shade created by floating, hundreds of large trees roots must be stuck in the air, motionless. The front door of the palace was fully open, and there were boys scattering.

Ye Ting arrived late, almost the last batch arrived, and waited for everyone to arrive, then Jinao Island Lord appeared in the front hall.

This is a doppelganger. Ye Ting saw the island owner in the ancient costume with a high crown, and his majesty ~ ~ Rarely equipped with a long sword at the waist.

"My disciples, this time I called everyone to come, it was because I had discussed with two other teachers properly and attacked the Xiaojinchuan secret realm. At the time, the Xiaojinchuan secret realm belonged to Kunlun and was taken by the Daleiyin Temple. It was arranged in the northeast of Qingcheng as barrier."

The main owner of Jin'ao Island paused and said: "This attack on the Xiaojinchuan secret realm, in the end the secret realm belongs to us, and the rest of the wealth is divided equally by the other two Daomen. I have a map of the Xiaojinchuan secret realm here, you can take a look."

Jinao Island Lord said to release a mind, swept through the courtyard, all the peak masters have a three-dimensional map in the sea of ​​knowledge, vast and immense.

After all the lords have written down the map, the Jinao Island lord said again: "This time I will go out personally, all the lords will hold the Buddha and Luohan together. The place on the map that belongs to our war zone should not be overlooked by any arhat. . The rest will be handled by the infant disciples. "(To be continued.)

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