From Rapha’s perspective, Mika was an incomprehensible creature.
Mika, a third Tenmoku1, creation of the Angel Project, was more intelligent than Rapha and far surpassed archaic humans in physical abilities.
Researchers were overjoyed with it, however only at the beginning.
Before long, researchers also recognised Mika as failure.
Although​ Rapha was introduced to Mika as her younger sister, she didn’t feel like getting along at all.
Mika never smiled, didn’t alter her facial expression. Rapha couldn’t even paltry understand the way of her thoughts.
Therefore, she instantly became alienated. However, since Rapha had Lucy, that was fine.
A few weeks later, she was scared to hear: Mika strangled a researcher. Perhaps, she will be able to do that to her as well.
Rapha considered her estrangement as fortune. Believed that good – Lucy hadn’t hitherto met Mika.
Existence of the Angel Project itself was concealed, thus Mika haven’t been judged officially.
It was prohibited for humankind​ to fabricate humans.
Nevertheless, there were people in the world who desired to come across such a taboos. People, who gathered and secretly advanced Angel Project.
Mika was isolated, yet, mysteriously, no one offered to dispose of her. The reason was simple: if that was possible to somehow manage her behaviour, Mika would be a perfect example of success.
In other words, researchers believed, even if it a failure at present, she could be corrected step by step.

“I’m able to educate Mika.”

Lucy, who finished development of the LM series, Type Ⅱ, said so.

“Onee-chama, this is a great peril. She strangled one, Mika equal to fierce animal.”

Rapha immediately objected.

“It’s different. Probably no one taught her, right? Level of Mika’s abilities so high, that I mistakenly believed she knew everything, however now I know – she must be educated.”
“Even so, to perform such a thing as strangle one’s neck.”
“Rapha wasn’t so amazing at first. You was so riotous​.”

Lucy said with a giggle.

“I, I wasn’t riotous​!”
“Shouted, kicked, screamed, not wishing to do this and that, haven’t you?”
“I don’t remember.”

Rapha turned the other way, clearly tsun2.

“Well, since I believe I can do it, I’ll suggest it to the director.”
“Onee-chama is overconfident.”

Rapha let out a small sigh.
Shortly thereafter, director received Lucy’s proposal.
Lucy met Mika and decided to take care of her.
It appeared that Lucy took a liking of Mika, and wasn’t interested in Rapha.
During the next year, Rapha also met Mika on several occasions. Mika appeared to become slightly better, however, as usual, she didn’t tend to get on good terms.
And then, one day, Mika disappeared.

“Rapha, quickly prepare a pod for artificial hibernation!”

Lucy asked in a panic​.


At so sudden statement, Rapha tilted her head a little.

“Listen calmly. No questions. From now on, we will be in suspended animation. Okay?”
“Yes, alright.”
“When I wake up, I must forget everything altogether​, so, please, made me blank.”
“I decided to start over, from nought. When I’lI wake up, I believe there will be nothing in this world. Well, it depends on Mika.”
“Nothing will be there, in what way?”
“No questions. It’s a fate of humankind, the conclusion, so it can’t be helped. Consequently, I have to forget, to start over and create the world. Will you help me?”
“I’ll help you with anything.”

Rapha nodded, without understanding it properly.
Lucy, from the beginning until end, was speaking impatiently, however Rapha was concerned of only one thing.
Lucy was continuously smiling. Although only a little, but smiling.
Therefore, Rapha asked herself after world’s collapse.
Is Onee-chama actually related to it?

From Mika’s perspective, the world was grey.
She didn’t feel anything.
According to words of researchers, she did all sorts of things.
They were delighted. Albeit, she couldn’t understand why was they so pleased. It was grey, either way.
She didn’t feel anything towards Rapha, who was introduced as Mika’s older sister. It remained grey.
One day, researcher has been strangled. There was no deep meaning. She merely wished to know, what was the thing called death.
Eventually​, after that death, she was separate​d by other researchers, she couldn’t comprehend anything, everything remained grey.
From that day, Mika was isolated.
The arrived grey mornings, were swallowing by grey nights. That was a flow of her dim time.
And then, at one of the days, an intense Light come across.
The Light said.

“I’m Mika’s Onee-chan, Lucifer, call me Lucy.”

She was dazzled by so enormously radiant eyes​.
From that day, the Light, named as Lucy, took care of Mika.
Lucy taught Mika of what was good and what bad.
Informed of enjoyable things. Of fashion. Taught her the fun of creation.
Mika, gradually, began to behave like a human being.
After approximately a one year, Mika decided to return Lucy a favour.

“Onee-chan… give you… the world. Actually, Mika’s… however​, Mika don’t have… interest.”

Lydia with others gathered in an underground parking.
Lydia, Yuuyami and Rapha, three of them.
There were parked several cars and jet-black motorcycle.

“Well then, thank you for everything, Rapha.”

Said Lydia, staying before the motorbike.

“I’m truly appreciate your help.”

When Lydia saw Yuuyami bow politely, she also done that.

“It’s alright, nothing special. If anything happens, please contact me immediately.”

Rapha rose her left arm.
A silver wearable was glittering on the wrist.

“Er, will I be able to directly talk with you within radius of two hundred kilometers?”

Lydia, turned her gaze at her own left wrist. A wearable, that matched Rapha’s, was wrapped around it.
Incidentally, Yuuyami was also equipped with the same thing.

“Yes, correct. If you come beyond two hundred kilometers, please leave it to repeater.”
“I didn’t get a repeater, though.”
“Produce it yourself, please.”

Rapha said so, clearly tsun.

“Roger that.”
“Well then, take care, Onee-chama.”
“Uh-huh. I’ll come to play again.”

Lydia put her hand on the handlebar of motorcycle and lifted kickstand.
After that​, she turned motorbike in the right direction.
When Lydia mounted on it.

“Ah, please wait. Onee-chama, are you going to search for Mika?”
“Uh-huh. I’ll search during the world exploration. I’d like to ask if she truly destroyed the world. In addition, if I affected to that.”
“You don’t even know if she’s alive, right?”
“I believe she probably alive. Although whereabouts is unknown.”
“Why do you think so?”

Lydia slightly tilted her head.

“Even though you heard…”
“I don’t know. I simply feel it.”
“Indeed, that is. Onee-chama’s nature – to decide something even if the basis are meagre.”
“Is that so?”
“That’s right.” It was Yuuyami who answered.
“Well, it’s okay, isn’t it?”

Lydia giggled.

“Basis are important. Right, Yuuyami?”
“I judge it is so.”

Rapha send a look at Yuuyami and nodded slightly.

“When did you two become such a close friends?”
“We aren’t particularly close. Furthermore, we weren’t on a bad terms from the beginning.”
“That’s correct. I hope we can become friends someday.”
“You will.”

Rapha shrugged her shoulders.
If that was Rapha from before, she wouldn’t even had an idea of making friends with AD. Therefore, Lydia was somewhat glad.

“Well, let’s go, Yuuyami?”

Yuuyami got on the tandem seat and put both of her hands around Lydia’s waist.
Lydia bring the motorbike online,

“See you again, Rapha.”

glanced at Rapha once, after that turned her gaze to exit.

“Yes, that’s right. See you again.”

As soon as Rapha finished her phrase, Lydia twisted the throttle.
Motorcycle leisurely began moving forward.
Aah, Lydia experienced this for the first time in a while.
Feeling of running a motorcycle with Yuuyami behind.
When the motorbike came out to surface, Ohan was standing nearby.
Lydia raised her hand, Yuuyami greeted Ohan with mere glance.
Ohan slowly raised his right hand.
Lydia was exceedingly​ pleased with that. Former Ohan certainly would’ve shown no reaction.
Everyone changing. Growing up.
And Lydia, and Yuuyami either.
Now, the two were in love with each other. Relationships between them has progressed from before, ever so slightly.
With that said, on the surface it looked the same as before.
However, hearts of the two, were certainly in deep connection now.

“Heーy, now I’ll attempt to challenge the top-speed record!”
“Cool. Let’s blow it away.”
“Blow it away!?”
“Was it peculiar?”
“Mmーmm.” Lydia slightly shook her head. “I think it was good. Yuuyami usually so polite, I believe it’s good to sometimes phrase it casually.”
“Is that so. Well, I’ll be less formal, occasionally.”
“Uh-huh. Then let’s go!”

Lydia opened a full throttle.
Blowing wind, as well as the scenery, were comfortable.
Naturally, there was also a presence of Yuuyami, who pressed on her back.

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