alled by Lydia, Yuuyami went to the garage.
It has been a week since they returned from Rapha’s home.
Outside of the garage, a toil AD were working at construction the Maker Factory.
According to estimation of Yuuyami, the current progress was at thirty-five percents.

“It’s done!”

Lydia, who was standing next to motorbike in the garage, declared so delightfully.

“Is that so? And how is it now?”

Yuuyami shifted her gaze to motorcycle.

“Yuuyami-san today so beautiful as always.”

Declared motorcycle.

“Thank you very much. Are you a male?”
“Oi-oi, I’m a bike, though? Is there can be males and females?”
“No, it’s based on personality.”

Yuuyami and Lydia decided to modify the motorbike before departing to further explorations.
Yuuyami was in charge of ergonomic part, while Lydia was in charge of the software. Accordingly, Yuuyami wasn’t aware of personality of the artificial intelligence installed in motorcycle.
However, since it was equipped with quantum brain, it should be quite smart.
In addition, there was installed a voice input and output feature, short-range sensor, compass, communication facility and autopilot.

“Not a male.”
“Haa. So that a rough tone of female?”
“It doesn’t matter which one. I’m a bike. Bike. Right, Lydiko.”

Yuuyami tilted her head.

“That’s me. For some reason I’m being called this way.”

Lydia slightly shrugged her shoulders.

“Lydiko is a Lydi ko.1 More than that, Yuuyami-san, get on me for a bit.”

Yuuyami straddle the motorcycle.

“Aah, Yuuyami’s buttocks​ on my seat​… pardon me.”
“Hey you, buttocks​ of Yuuyami are mine, you know?”

Lydia puffed her cheeks.

“No, I guess my buttocks​ are mine.”
“Wait, wait. I think Yuuyami’s buttocks​ should no longer be a shared property of all artificial intelligence, aye?”

“…Lydia” Yuuyami says with a wry smile. “What kind of setup​? In this child.”

“For loving Yuuyami. I believe, I overdid it. I’ll correct.”
“Wait, wait. You displeased with​ your creation so you’ll correct it, that’s a violation of my human… violation of my transport rights?”
“You are not an intelligent life-form actually.”
“Oi-oi, you’re unduly distant. My name is Noah. You can call me without honorific.”2
“Well then, Noah, you are not an intelligent life-form.”
“Ooh, since I’m a bike. But, Yuuyami-san, even a motorcycle has a rights, ya?”
“Are they has?”

Yuuyami looked at Lydia with her head tilted.

“I believe there are, since they said it.”
“Is that so? If that’s the case.”
“Uh-huh. Well then, let’s depart on exploration as a trial run, like they are now.”
“I shall get my backpack”

Yuuyami got off Noah’s seat.

“Aah, a wonderful grandeur of Yuuyami-san has disappeared… so lonely.”
“She’ll get on again quite soon.”
“Aah, it would be supreme if she could undress​ at that time before getting on.”
“S, sorry. I really overdid it. I’m regretting it.”

Lydia put her hands together, and lowered her head slightly.

“My only wish that Noah wouldn’t get destroyed by Rapha.”

Yuuyami shrugged her shoulders.
At the next time they go to Rapha’s house, they ought to ride Noah. So there was a quite possibility that Rapha would talk to Noah.
And then, if such a thing happens, it was easily to imagine Rapha’s flushed and angry​ face.

“W, well, we don’t have any plans to go to Rapha soon?”
“Could you learn of moderation until the time we go?”
“Oi-oi, I’m the most decorous bike in the world. How can I be better?”

Good grief! Noah said in such a tone.
Yuuyami exchanged glances with Lydia and smiled bitterly.

Lydia was running Noah in the south-west​ direction.
Inasmuch as autopilot was turned on, Lydia leisurely put her her hands off the handle​s.
However, since she had a proper knee grip, she wouldn’t fall of the motorbike. Also, speed was fixed at sixty kilometers per hour.

“Hey, Noah, is there something you can see?”

Lydia asked seeming to be bored.

“Oi-oi, my sensor is a short-range sensor, you know? My utmost radius seeing is ten km. Besides, it’s not even accurate enough to detect a single weed.”
“Well, that’s right.”

Although it was possible to install a sensor of higher performance, in that case exterior of Noah must be changed.
Lydia liked smart Noah how they were now. Consequently, she compromised with such a half-baked sensor.

“Incidentally​, Lydia.” Said Yuuyami from tandem seat. “Why did you chose a south-west? Since we went north and south, I thought following would be west or east.”

“Not really. For no reason a south-west. Neither west nor east, nor south. It’s like pushing a diagonal, as, as build something amiss… um, sorry, actually it was meaningless. I just felt like doing it.”
“Is that so.”
“Lydiko’s sixth sense, huh?”

Hahaha, Noah laughed.
For about ten minutes after that, Noah moved without a hitch.

“Can you drop speed a bit?”

Lydia asked suddenly.
Immediately thereafter​, Noah decelerated. To ​forty kilometers per hour.

“Like this, enough?”
“Uh-huh. Thank you.”

Immediately after saying, Lydia raised her right leg and lowered it to the left side. Lydia was now performing a side riding.


Without comprehending her intentions, Yuuyami tilted her head.

“Are you alright, won’t you fall?”

Shortly after that, she raised her left leg and lowered it to the right side. Now Lydia was sitting backwards.
That is to say, now she was facing Yuuyami, who was in tandem seat.


Lydia embrace​d Yuuyami.

“Whoa, what is it, so suddenly?”

Yuuyami also hugged Lydia.


Lydia gave Yuuyami a kiss.
A light kiss that merely touched lips.
Yuuyami no longer was shutting down from a kiss. It already has been verified.

“Oi. Are you kidding?” Says Noah. “Don’t be so lovey-dovey on my back. Not like I’m jealous​. Damn, I’m jealous.”

“Noah, do you want me to kiss you as well?”

Lydia asked in a good mood.

“Not Lydiko, I want Yuuyami-san to do it.”
“No, I refuse.”
“Aah, Yuuyami-san is cool. You stole my heart.”
“Nothing cool, Noah has no lips.”
“Oi-oi! It doesn’t matter where – the seat, frame any part of exterior, aye?”

Lydia smiled at the reluctant answer​ of Yuuyami.

“Love of Yuuyami is heavy, you know? I wonder if Noah will be able to hold it?”
“Eh?” Yuuyami snapped her eyes open. “Heavy?”
“Attempt to break the other party.”
“No, it’s different, Lydia. That was different, that time it was only because my arms wouldn’t listen to my commands.”

Yuuyami seemed to be terribly flustered.
Once Yuuyami tried to brake Lydia. At the time when her quantum brain overflowed, inasmuch as it couldn’t handle emotions of love and contradictory of impulses.

“It was a joke.” Lydia smiled again.
“Hahaー! This is my long-cherished ambition: to be destroyed by Yuuyami-san! Ah, please be gentle. And then, diligently repair me? Aye?”
“Will you going to do that, Yuuyami?”

“Repair? I should do it?” Yuuyami made a pause to slightly tease them. “Well, it depends on Noah’s behaviour.”

“Oi-oi, I’m a forever and ever an Obedient-san. How can I have even behaviour?”
“Do your best at learning.”

Lydia said very happily.

“Learning, huh.”

Noah imitated a sigh.
And then,

“Whoa, sensor responded. Is that a forest?”

Lydia hurriedly corrected her posture.

“My visual sensor also caught that in front of us. I can’t be sure of the details until we approach it a little bit closer, however it must be a『Kunagi Woodland』considering the location.”
“Does there residing some witch?”
“No, I guess there is not.”
“I see. Then what kind of woodland is it?”
“I shall give you an abstract supposition in regard to ​Kunagi Woodland. Its another name was the Lost Forest. Due to large amount a magnetite under the ground, the compasses were slightly out of order.”
“But even so, the Lost Forest? Why?”
“Simple. If one would leave esplanade​ without a compass or map, because of an endlessly similar scenery, they’ll completely lose their minds. In other words, they would lost. I shall be alright, however it would be for best if Lydia avoid entering it alone.”
“I won’t go alone, you know. I’m together with Yuuyami.”
“Yes, we shall do it together.”
“Yosh, well then, Noah, get us to the Woodland at full throttle!”

Lydia put her hand on the handle and got a firm grip with her knees.
Yuuyami cling to Lydia tightly as well.


Simultaneously​ with reply, Noah accelerated.
After running for a little while, Lydia could confirm woodland before her eyes.
It was a very astonishing sight.
The wild land, flowers, and then, the sky. That was all Lydia had seen before.
However now, suddenly, the trees, that rose as a wall, emerged in front of her.
It looked as if the horizon was snapped apart.


Lydia whispered.
The Kunagi Woodland has originated abruptly. It weren’t a gradually becoming forest. Lydia judged that was very fascinating.
At the sea, there was a sandy beach first. And when one would tread into the saltwater​, they would get deeper and deeper.
Yet, the Woodland was different. As if they suddenly hit upon the deepest part. Like it began with deepest part.
Woodland was exceptional. There weren’t two alternatives.
Noah slowed down and, after approached Woodland, stopped.
Lydia looked up at the trees with: “Waah.”

“If you want to explore the inner part, look for esplanade​.”

Yuuyami gave her suggestion,

“Let’s go through right here.”

however Lydia offered a different idea.

“Oi, pardon me. If I run here, I’ll break, aye?”
“Noah is an off-road motorbike so you’ll be alright.”
“No no, there are large amount of obstacles, autopilot won’t do, aye? I wonder if we wouldn’t collide with in something if Lydiko will drive? Look, if we bump that’ll be it. Aye?”
“Am I such a silly driver?”
“Lydia. Your driving isn’t a problem. Visibility is quite poor, I guess it would be very likely to get in an accident. If you want to drive Noah, we shall look for an esplanade​.”
“Then, let’s leave Noah here and walk?”
“In that case, it’s alright to enter here. Shall we.”

Yuuyami quickly got off Noah.

“Eh, wait a mi, Yuuyami-san!? What should I do here alone!?”
“Ponder about the truth of universe”

Lydia also got off the Noah.
And, immediately after that, clasped Yuuyami’s hand.
The two looked at each other, exchanged smiles, and leisurely tread into the woodland.

“Oi Lydiko, at least put me offline. It’s boring.”

Although they heard Noah’s voice from the behind.
Lydia rose a hand that she was linked together with​ Yuuyami, and shook it

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