Lydia, Rapha and Yuuyami peeled Apricot’s artificial skin and replaced some parts.
After that, they applied a new artificial skin and changed a colour of the hair to blue.
Since Rapha declared: “It’s uncomfortable that SA Series resembles Onee-chama”, hair colour was changed to the degree when she could relax.
Incidentally, Apricot haven’t hitherto been dressed.

“It wasn’t in such a bad condition as it looked.”

Said Rapha.
The cause of Apricot’s outage was an unplugging of the Power Cell.
Apricot moved a little, inasmuch as some energy there was still remaining.

“That’s right. But why did they throw her away if she wasn’t broken?”
“They must’ve lose interest in it. Disgusting. Satisfying their desires by using one SA Series after another.”

Rapha said that seemed to be uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart.

“Why does Rapha has so much loathing towards the matters related to sex?”

Lydia couldn’t understand it well.
Humans, whether new breed or former, were instinctively included into DNA the desire of leaving offspring. Accordingly, in many cases, humankind​ liked sexual activity.
Naturally​, that weren’t related to every human. There are exceptions for everything.

“A, after all… that’s.”

Rapha’s cheeks reddened, and she cast her eyes downward​.

“After all?”

Lydia tilted her head.
Rapha looked at the floor without saying anything further.
Although she waited for a while, Rapha remained silent.
Lydia lightly shrugged her shoulders.

“By the way.” Yuuyami changed the subject. “There are traces that Apricot had a backup of her storage before initialization. What are your opinion regard it?”
“Is there any reasons other than copying it to the new AD?”

Rapha lifted her face.

“If that’s truth, Rapha-san’s conjecture​ may be correct.”

The owner of the Apricot got tired of her and reproduced a new model of SA series. However, it would be troublesome to start from nought, so she guessed they copied the data from Apricot’s storage.

“Well, that’s fine. Let’s reboot her?”

Lydia moved her hands in excitement. She was eager​ for typing a restart command as soon as possible.

“That’s right. Please.”

After Yuuyami’s answer, Lydia typed in the command.
Having done that, Apricot instantly shoot her eyes open and rose her body. After that, restlessly looked at her surroundings.

“A success.”

Lydia left the computer and approached Apricot.


Apricot stood up and quickly embraced​ Lydia closely.
Apricot’s bosom, which is larger than the one of Yuuyami, hit Lydia’s visage.

“What kind of play would you enjoy today-? Apricot-, as long as you’d install the archive, you can do a-nything, you know-!”

Apricot said so with a smile.

“What does she doing! This Shabby Salope!”1

Rapha striked Apricot again and again.

“Don’t be jealous, tiny Ojou-sama. Apricot is okay with a large number of people-, you know-!”

Apricot tightly hugged Rapha with her left hand as well.


Rapha’s face turned bright red and stiffened.
Yuuyami extricated Lydia out from Apricot, thus rescued Lydia.
Then, as yet holding Lydia, took a five steps away from Apricot.

“Yuuyami… It’s a bit hurts, you know?”
“Pardon me, just.”

Yuuyami released Lydia.

“Ohan! Ohan!”

Screamed Rapha.
At the following moment, Ohan, who was walking around in advantage to memorise structure inside of the library, appeared near Rapha at ultra-high speed.
All the while treading through the floor while knocking over some tables and chairs.
Seeing that, Yuuyami murmured: “My library…”

“Warning. If you won’t set Ojou-sama free within five seconds, you will be eliminated as an inimical nature.”

After Ohan said so, Apricot released Rapha at once and raised her hands up.
Apparently, self-defence subroutine of Apricot seemed to be functioning properly.
Rapha sprinted behind Ohan and clung to his large leg.

“I see.” Yuuyami uttered in low voice. “After all, Rapha-san likes Ohan. Don’t you think so?”
“Eh? But I don’t think so?”

To Yuuyami’s words Lydia widely opened her eyes. She couldn’t understand what sort of interpretation she had nor how she reached such a conclusion.

“You don’t think so?”

This time was Yuuyami’s turn to open her eyes widely.

“But please, look. How she hugging him.”
“That’s, she nothing but demanding for Ohan’s patronage, since he stronger than herself, you know?”

Rapha was frightened of Apricotー or rather embarrassed?
Lydia didn’t understand Rapha’s feelings properly.
However, there wasn’t favour for Ohan in her hug. That much for sure.

“Such a kind of viewpoint could be considered as well.”
“It’s the only viewpoint, you know?”
“Hmm.” Yuuyami slightly tilted her head. “However, I guess Rapha likes Ohan…”
“Although I don’t know for what reason you believing it’s like that, I can wager? Rapha doesn’t like Ohan.”
“Well then, the one who’s wrong going to repair floor of the library.”
“All right.”

Lydia turned her palm up.
Yuuyami lightly hit her hand. That was a signal for the gamble being established.

“Now, what about Apricot?”

Yuuyami turned her gaze at Apricot, Lydia also looked at Apricot.
A stark naked Apricot was solidified with both of her hands raised.

“First of all, would you like to dress up for dinner?”
“That’s right. That would be good-.”

Lydia gave Apricot a damaged skinny denim and a black and white striped tee shirt​.
Given that Rapha insistent her to wear so modest clothes as possible, were produced such a kind of coordinated outfit.
When Lydia asked for the reason of why she wanted her to wear a plain clothes, Rapha said angrily: “Because if it would be a flashy clothes, she would look like a salope.”
Although Lydia didn’t understand the meaning of “salope”, she nodded for the time being.
In passing​, now Apricot was sitting on the sofa withー out Lydia, Yuuyami and Rapha but a little away of the three.
Ohan was standing beside Apricot and watched her not to act arbitrarily.
Lydia and Rapha sat adjoined each other​ at the table and were eating potato salad.
Both of them ate a little, so that was the only dish in dinner menu.
Yuuyami was observing Lydia eating, as usual.

“Hey Rapha, are you going to stay here today?”
“If you, Onee-chama, wishing me to, I can stay.”

Rapha answered, looking unconcerned.

“Which one would be okay?”
“If you want me to stay to that extent, I can do that for about a day?”
“I haven’t said that much?”
“It can’t helped. I’ll allow myself to stay for today.”
“Uh-huh, understood. I have to reproduce pyjamas​ later.”
“Black one would be good! And then, I would like a pompons and frills attached to it!”

Rapha said happily.
Lydia thought that she was most likely was going to stay here from the beginning.

“It’s strange.” Stated Yuuyami. “I don’t think the conversation between the two of you was intertwined, however, for some reason, the conclusion was settled.”
“Itsh aww mette…”

Rapha tried to speak with the potato salad in her mouth but stopped halfway.
Most likely since it wasn’t elegant.
Rapha properly swallowed content of her mouth before continuing.

“It’s all a matter of nuance.”
“Nuance…” Yuuyami looked up the database. “The subtle shades of colour otherwise the subtle implication of words… and unspoken intentions, is it?”
“There’s an easier wording for it.”
“Please tell me.”
“Rapha wanted to stay from the beginning, she just put on airs.”
“Ah-, I see. Understood.”

Yuuyami deeply nodded.

“I, I wasn’t particularly said I wanted to stay…”

Rapha turned away.

“Well, it doesn’t matter which one. Incidentally, for tomorrow, can I go on exploration with Ohan to Woodland, would it be alright?”
“No, it would not.”

Rapha answered distinctly without a delay.

“Ohan is my property. I don’t want you to take it.”
“I’ll return him by the dusk?”
“But I don’t like it.”
“I’ll leave Yuuyami as substitute.”

Yuuyami shoot her eyes open and partly opened her mouth.
Lydia understood that Yuuyami was sincerely astonished​.

“Please wait a minute, Lydia. Why are you leaving me behind? What have I done? You wasn’t pleased when I told you to close the book at that time? Or else, when I asked you to fold your clothes? Perhaps…”
“Stop it.”

When Lydia turned her palms toward Yuuyami, Yuuyami ceased speaking.

“It’s not like that.”

Said Lydia and set afloat a wide grin.
After that, she turned her left palm up and tapped it with right hand.
If it was Yuuyami, she should understand the meaning.
That wasーif you get to know Rapha, you’ll realize that Rapha doesn’t like Ohan, so Lydia gain a victory​ in the wager.
And when Lydia would return from the expedition, undoubtedly floor will be repaired.

Yuuyami analysed and comprehend Lydia’s gesture on the spot​.
That wasーI guess you can understand a result of wager if you spend a day with Rapha? And, probably, I’ll lose, so I believe it would be very frustrating to be right here, right? Accordingly, validate it, Yuuyami. I would be thinking of the way to repair the floor during Woodland exploration -the meaning.

“Understood. Tomorrow we will deepen our friendship with Rapha-san.”
“Eh? What was that? I don’t want to deepen friendship with Yuuyami.”
“Do you hate me?”
“That’s not it. But, I’m just saying you are an abominable partner who snatched away from me Onee-chama.”
“That’s, I guess generally that means you hate me.”
“It was a joke.” Rapha draw back her shoulders.

However, Rapha wasn’t laughing, thus, by Yuuyami’s guess, that was a half truth.

“Well then, can I go with Ohan?”

Lydia looked at Rapha with moist eyes.

“What’s the matter? Conversation not tying together.”
“Is it no good?”

Lydia showed a slightly qualm expression.
Cute. Truly cute. Yuuyami instantly had an urge to embrace Lydia closely.

“Ah… eh…” Rapha was at a loss of words.
“Is it no good?”
“After all, Ohan is my…”
“Do you, hate me? Are you malicious?”
“I, I don’t hate you! I love Onee-chama!”
“I consider Rapha as a cherished little sister…”
“I’m also cherishing Onee-chama!”
“Then, is that would be okay?”
“…Please return by the dusk.”

Rapha capitulated.
Nevertheless, Yuuyami thought that Rapha rather sticky person.
If it was Yuuyami, she would crash head-on, at the second “Is it no good?” instead of giving in.
As if from the sky, where she was herself, to the ground, where was Lydia.
That was substantiated when the bath has been prepared.

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